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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 25

The Great Sage Agathiyar, After Gracefully Giving Various Details to the ‘Tamil Sangam’ about the ‘First 3 Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds’ out of the Six Lower Dimensional Worlds [Shashtha  Chakshu Talas], then Gracefully Further Started to Explain about the Rest of 3 Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds, which All also Vitally Exist Manifested in the Unfathomably Huge Egg Shaped Parametric Ethereal Space [Maha Akasha] of the Egg Shaped Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], to Vitally Play Out their Given ‘Distinctive Roles’ in the Ongoing ‘Established Evolution’, Just Like the First 3 Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds also Play their Own Distinctive Roles in it, which All also Got Vitally Manifested by the ‘Willed Desire Energies’ [Bhava Shakthi], which in the very Beginning Vitally Originated from the ‘Contemplating Mind’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great Unknowable Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].

[4] Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World [Chaturtham Chakshu Tala] – The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that this ‘Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World’ got Vitally Formulated due to Interpenetration of the 3 Lowest Dimensional Levels of the ‘Talatala’ also known as the ‘Garbhastimat {[‘Garbha’ [Birthing] ‘asti’ [Good] ‘Mat’ [of Intelligence]} and Gabhastala’ {[‘Garbhas’ [Birthing] ‘Tala’ [Level]}, and the First 4 Lower Dimensional Levels of the Next Adjacently Lower Dimensional World of ‘Mahatala’ which is also Just known among Seers and Sages as ‘Tala’ [The Level], and thus in Totality this Fourth Dimensional Eye World [Chaturtham Chakshu Tala] also have its Own Seven Differentiated [Sub Levels] [3 Levels of Talatala + 4 [Sub Levels] of  Mahatala = 7 [Sub Levels] of Intellectual Activities], which in their Totality, Vitally Compose this Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that this Particular Lower Dimensional Eye World [Chakshu Loka], is Vitally Entered by All Those Seekers of ‘Occult Knowledge and Wisdom [Agamic Jnana-Vijnana], who have been Already Chosen after Duly Passing their Rigorous Tests, which are Vitally Conducted by the Great Masters of Perfections [Siddhas]. The Great Sage further added, that Certain Visitors may be Temporarily Allowed by the Great Masters of Perfections [Siddhas] for Only Specific Reasons, otherwise Most are told to bypass its Parametric Boundaries [Chakshu or Ankh Rupi Golardh Paridhi].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that the First 3 Levels of this Lower Dimensional Eye World [Chakshu Tala] are the ‘Resident Domains’ of the Great Masters of Perfection [Siddhas], who in its these ‘3 Separate Levels’ Gracefully Teach, to the Enrolled Aspiring Students, All those ‘Secrets of Occult Knowledge and Wisdom’ [Agama Bheda Jnana-Vijnana] which can be Vitally Applied in Various Ways to be Utilized in All ‘Subjective and Objective’ Dense Creations and their Related Applications, which are known in the Universe, as the ‘Material World Sciences’ [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana]. The Great Sage also Gracefully Revealed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Important Sanskrit Word ‘Janana’ [Knowledge] Only Relates to the Acquired ‘Theoretical Knowledge’ of Any Subject, while the Important Tamil Word ‘Nanam’ [Wisdom], also called as the ‘Vigyanam Bodha’  Vitally Relates to the ‘Practical Wisdom’ of that Subject, thus meaning that All the ‘Knowledge’ Vitally Attained by Anyone, is Only to be Known as the ‘Wisdom’ among All the Seers and Sages, which could be ‘Vitally Checked Out’ and Get ‘Proven to be True’ [Satyartha] from All its Angles [360 Degrees], and thus All Types of Attained Knowledge related to the ‘Material World Sciences’ [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana] should be First ‘Vitally Experimented and Tested Thoroughly’ Practically going Rigorously through All Types of Subjective and Objective Tests [‘Arupa’ Evam ‘Rupa’ Pariksha], and also Checked From All ‘Vital Aspects’ of Materiality, which Vitally Exists both as ‘Arupa’ [Invisible] and ‘Rupa’ [Visible] in the Manifested Universe [Brahmanda], before it should be ‘Labeled’ by Anyone as the ‘Wisdom’ [Nanam].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Entire Manifested Universe [Brahmanda] including All of its 28 Dimensional Worlds, Vitally Exist under the Influence of Three Basic Universal Qualities, Vitally known among all Seers and Sages as the ‘Trigunas’, or 1. ‘Primarily Positive’, 2. ‘Postive-Negative Mixture’, 3. ‘Primarily Negative; [Sathva, Rajas, and Tamas], which Originally Got Manifested at the ‘Very Start’ in the Universe [Brahmanda], due to the ‘Three Way Vital Conscious Differentiations’ of the ‘Willed Desire Mind’, which Vitally Belongs to the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe, to Independently Exist  in the Universe [Brahmanda] as the Great Lord ‘Maheshvara’ [1st Differentiated Aspect, & Universal Controller ‘EL, AL,’ of All Spiral Motion Fiery Electric Wisdom’s], the Great Lord ‘Ishvara’ [2nd Differentiated Aspect, & Universal Controller ‘Adonai’, ‘Venkatesh’, of All Cyclic Motion Fiery Magnetic Wisdom’s], and the Great Lord Brahma [3rd Differentiated Aspect, & Universal Controller ‘Tatapurusha’, of All Circular Motion Fiery Material Wisdom’s, Which is an Important Precursor, For Objectively Establishing the Universal Cyclic Motion, of Supreme Lord Isha’s [Vishnu, Adonai], thus Giving the Reoccurring Births & Deaths of All Manifestations, For them to Dutifully Exist in the Manifested ‘MATRIX’ [PARIPANCHA], of ‘Invisible Space Web’ [Adrishya Akashik Jaal], throughout ‘ALL EVOLUTIONARY PARTS’ [CHETNA VRIDDHI ANGAS], of this INFINITE UNIVERSE].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that All these 3 Differentiated Vital Conscious Aspects [Maheshvara, Ishvara, and Brahma] of the Same ‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ are Vitally Known among all the Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages as the ‘Supreme Controller Lords‘ of these ‘Three Basic Universal Qualities’ [Trigunas], whose ‘3 Way Manifested Qualities’ are Vitally Utilized in the Entire Universe [Brahmanda] For All Practical Purposes, through the Onslaught of ‘Spiral, Cyclic and Circular’ Motions Continuously, in the Ongoing Established Evolutionary Plan and Purpose of the Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that as these 3 Universal Qualities [Triguna] also Vitally Effect All the ‘Spiritual Sciences’ [Adhyatamic Jnana-Vijnana] as well as the ‘Material Sciences’ [Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], so All the Material Sciences, which the ‘Great Masters of Perfections’ [Siddhas] Gracefully teach their Students in this Lower Dimensional Eye World [Chakshu Tala], are Taught according to their Predominance’s, which are Related to These ‘Three Way Manifested Universal Qualities’ [Trigunas].

The Great Sage Agathiyar further added, that all the Enrolled Students, who have been Previously ‘Vitally Qualified’ by their Perfect Masters [Siddhas], to be Partakers of Such ‘Occult Secrets’ [Agama Bheda], which are Related to the Great Occult Knowledge and Wisdom of All ‘Material World Sciences’ in the Universe [Brahmanda], are Gracefully Taught by their ‘Perfect Masters’ [Siddhas] in One of these Three Levels of this Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World [Chaturtham Chakshu Tala], in which Each of these 3 Levels Only Hold ‘Those Material Science Classes’, which are Primarily Related to Just One of the Three ‘Gunas’ [Qualities].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, thus Gracefully Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that by Numerically Considering in the Descending Order, in the Very First Dimensional Level of This Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World [Chaturtham Chakshu Tala], all the Classes are Vitally Held for All those ‘Material World Sciences’ [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], whose ‘Occult Knowledge and Wisdom’ [Agamic Vidya Jnana – Vijnana] is Primarily Related to the ‘Tamo or Tamas Guna’ [Negative Quality], which is Considered as the ‘Totally Negative Wisdom’. And in the Second Dimensional Level of This ‘Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World’, all the Classes are Held for All those ‘Material World Sciences’, whose ‘Occult Knowledge and Wisdom’ is Primarily Related to the ‘Rajo or Rajas Guna’ {[NOBILITY or THE RULER ASPECTS, Having the INTERTWINED MIXTURE of Both POSITIVE & NEGATIVE QUALITIES, Which Embedded Nature Qualities [Chetna Prakriti] of an Human Form, Cyclically Follows the ‘DARK’ [KRISHNA] & ‘LIGHT’ [SHUKLA] ‘PHASES’ [PAKSHA] of ‘MOON’ [SHASHI, SOMA, LEVANAH, QUMAR], Upon this ‘Physical World’ [Bhu Loka, Assiah], of Planet Earth, and the Supreme Lord ‘ISHA’S’ [VISHNU, ADONAI, VENKATESH], Great AVATAR LORD ‘SHRI KRISHNA’, Being HIMSELF the NOBLE KING OF DWARIKA’, Having Both QUALITIES MIXTURE, thus COVERING ALL DARK & LIGHT PHASES OF ‘MOON’ [SHASHI, SOMA, LEVANAH, QUMAR], then to Properly Emphasize this ‘FUNDAMENTAL FACT’ [MOOLA TATHYA], in a CODIFIED MANNER, thus CLAIMED in CHAPTER ‘10’ VERSE ‘21’ of BHAGWAD GEETA, to be the ‘SHASHI’ [MOON], among All IMPORTANT ‘28 CELESTIAL SOLAR STARS GROUP UNIVERSES’, Popularly Known Among ALL HUMANITY, as the ‘LUNAR MANSIONS’ [NAKSHATRAS], Whose INVISIBLE REFLECTED VITAL ENERGIES, Indirectly Participate through DAILY CYCLES [DIVAS CHAKRAS], in the Ongoing EVOLUTION of Manifested ‘LIFE MATRIX’ [JEEVAN PARIPANCHA], Upon this PLANET EARTH of Our SOLAR UNIVERSE]}, which are Considered as the ‘Neutral Wisdom’ by Seers and Sages, having the ‘Mixed Wisdom of Both Negative and Positive Qualities’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that in this Second Dimensional Level of this ‘Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World’, where All ‘Material Science Classes’ Related to the ‘Rajo or Rajas Guna’ [Mixture of both Negative-Positive Qualities] are Gracefully Held By the Great Masters of Perfection [Siddhas], Most of the Enrolled Students [Vidyarthi], who are Vitally Eager to learn this kind of ‘Occult Wisdom’ [Agamic Jnana-Vijnana], come from the ‘Reptilian Races of Nobel Hierarchy’ [Rajas Guna Naaga Jaathi] and other Vital Conscious Existences, which are Mostly Composed of ‘Various Demonic Hierarchies’ [Vibhinn Asura Jaathis] including Yakshas, Daityas, Danvas Etc, whose Only Interest is to Later on Join those Very Ranks, which are Related to Various Types of Governances [Rajas Karyas].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that in the Third Dimensional Level of This ‘Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World’, all the Classes are Held for Only those ‘Material World Sciences’ [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], whose ‘Occult Knowledge and Wisdom’ is Primarily Related to the ‘Sato or Sathva Guna’ [Quality of Truth], which are Considered Only as the ‘Positive Wisdom’ by all Seers and Sages, Vitally having Only those ‘Positive Qualities’, which are Beneficial to ‘All Vital Conscious Existences’, No Matter which Cast, Creed, or Type they May Vitally Belong to in their Hierarchical Status.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that in this Third Dimensional Level of this ‘Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World’, where All ‘Material Science Classes’ [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana] Related to the ‘Sato or Sathva Guna’ [Truthful Positive Qualities] are Gracefully Held By the Great Masters of Perfection [Siddhas], Most of the Enrolled Students, who are Vitally Eager to learn this kind of ‘Occult Wisdom’, come from those ‘Reptilian Races of Nobel Hierarchy’ [Rajas Guna Naaga Jaathi], whose Only Interest is to Somehow Provide Help to ‘All Residents’ [Nagas, Sarpas, Yakshas, Daityas, Danvas, Etc.] of the Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas, Talas], who May Vitally Need Various Solutions of ‘Positive Energies’ [Sathvik Urja], to Get Out of their otherwise Unsolvable Problems.

The Great Sage Agathiyar also Disclosed, that Just to name a Few of these Students, who Vitally Enroll themselves to ‘Rigorously Learn’ the Material World Sciences related to the ‘Sathva Guna’ [Truthful Positive Qualities], they include Most of the ’Vidyadhara’s’ {[‘The Holders’ [Dharas] of ‘Knowledge & Wisdom’s’ [Vidya]} of the ‘Patala Loka’ {[‘Found or Foundation’ [Pa] ‘Level’ [Tala], ‘World’ [Loka]} / [The 7th or Lowest Dimensional World], who are the Famed Children of ‘Nagaraja Sheshanaga’ [The Great Serpent King with Pious Qualities, Faithfully engaged in the service of ‘Ishvara-Hari Vishnu’], and also the ‘Vasu’s’, who are the Famed Children of ‘Nagaraja Vasuki’ [The Great Serpent King with Great Powers, Faithfully engaged in the Service of ‘Maheshvara’], as well as Certain Other Students From the ‘Yaksha Clans’ [Members of the Lower World’s Angelic Hierarchy], including those other few also, who Vitally Come from the Dimensional World of ‘Sutala’ {[‘Good’ [Su] ‘Level’ [Tala]}, which are Especially Sent by their Pious King ‘Bali’ Himself, to Vitally Learn and Master these Material World Sciences [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], which are related to the ‘Sathva Guna’ [Truthful Positive Qualities].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Finally Concluded to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that in this Third Dimensional Level of this ‘Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World’, where All ‘Material Science Classes’ Related to the ‘Sato or Sathva Guna’ [Truthful Positive Qualities] are Gracefully Held By the Great Masters of Perfection [Siddhas], All its Great Masters of Perfections [Siddhas] and their Respective Disciples, Initiates, and Students are Greatly Sought Out with Esteem Respect, by All Residents of the Other Lower Dimensional Worlds, as it requires ‘Great Perseverance of Utmost levels’, and ‘Rigorous Efforts’ to Learn Such ‘Occult Knowledge and Truthful Wisdom’ [Satyarth Agamic Jnana-Vijnana] of ‘Great Value’, in the Difficult Enchantments and All Other Types of ‘Trying Conditions’, which Vitally Exist in all these Lower Dimensional Worlds of ‘Materialistic Nature’ , and this GREAT WISDOM of ‘’ALL ADJACENT EYE   SHAPED DIMENSIONAL WORLDS’’ [SAMASTHA NIKATAM CHAKSHU, or THE ANKH LOKA EVAM TALAS], in Which the HIGHER DIMENSIONAL EYE WORLD, Always COLLECTIVELY ACT with the POSITIVE ENERGY [GHANATAMIC or YANG URJA], to the NEXT ADJACENT LOWER DIMENSIONAL EYE WORLD, Whose ALL LEVELS, Collectively Considered as a PART of the LOWER DIMENSIONAL EYE WORLD, thus COLLECTIVELY ACT as the Intended RECEIVERS, with the NEGATIVE POLARITY ENERGY [RINATAMIC or YIN URJA], Also Got Gracefully FINALLY REVEALED in a ‘CODIFIED WAY’ [GHUYAM VIDDHI], Upon this Physical World [Bhu Loka, Assiah], of PLANET EARTH, Among the 4th HUMAN  SUB & BRANCH RACE Members of ANCIENT MAINLAND CHINA Upon the EASTERN MOUNTAIN AREAS of ‘JAMBUDVEEPA’ [GREAT CONTINENT OF EURASIA], as the IMPORTANT Venerated Symbol of TWO INTERTWINED EYE SHAPES, Called ‘YIN’ [DARK ENERGY – RINATAMIC URJA] & ‘YANG’ [LIGHT ENERGY – GHANATAMIC URJA], By the GREAT SIDDHAR ‘BHOGANATHAR’ of ‘ANDHA KHANDAM’ [ATLANTIS], Gracefully Reincarnated Among them as the MOST WISE YELLOW EMPEROR, and the Evolutionary Interpenetration of TWO LEVEL OPPOSITE ENERGIES, Also Got SYMBOLICALLY DEPICTED, as the TWO OPPOSITE COLOR POINTS of DARK COLOR in the ‘LIGHT OR POSITIVE EYE’ [YANG ANKH], and the LIGHT COLOR POINT in the ‘DARK OR NEGATIVE EYE’ [YIN ANKH] DIMENSIONAL WORLD.

To Be Continued…

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