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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 36

The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully Continued Further to Disclose The ‘Final Facts’ [Antim Tathyas] having Vital Information’s which are Related to this Last 28th Dimensional World of Universe, known among the Seers and Sages as ‘The Great Hell’ [Maha Narka], and its Vital Relationship to the ‘Ongoing Evolution’ which is Currently Taking Place upon this Objectively Manifested ‘Planet Earth’ [Prithvi Greha].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh], being the ‘Second Differentiated Vital Conscious Aspect, For DESIRE MIND RELATED, THREE QUALITY INTELLECTUAL ACTIVITIES’, of the ‘One and Only’ Unknowable Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Entire Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], who Vitally Governs All Manifested ‘Cycles’ of Ongoing Evolution in the Universe [Brahmanda], including the Current Evolutionary ‘Manvantra’ [Time Period of Many Yugas], which is Gradually Taking Place upon this Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha] of this Solar Universe [Aditiya Mandala], during His Later Great Avatar ‘Shri Krishna’, Himself Clearly Mentioned Being the ‘Great Lord of Punishments’, in His Wide Statement to His Disciple Friend ‘Arjuna’ in the Chapter 10, Verse 38 of Bhagwad Geeta, and thus also Decide All Punishments, which are Related to the 3 Main Vices of ‘Lust, Anger, and Greed’, which lead the ‘Condemned Conscious Existences’ for ‘Corrective Measures’ after Proclaimed Punishments, to the Various Hell Levels [Narkam Talas] of the 28th Dimensional World, Which Mostly HAPPENS after the ‘’DESTRUCTION OF SOUL’’ [NASHNAM ATAMANAH], as CLEARLY EXPLAINED by ‘’LORD OF ALL CYCLES’’ [KAALA ADHIPATHI], Great Avatar SHRI KRISHNA, in ‘CHAPTER 16’ [SHODASHA ADHYAYA], VERSE 21’ of ‘BHAGWAD GEETA.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that the Great Avatar of Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh] Himself ‘Forewarned’ the Evolving Humanity of this ‘Planet Earth’ through the Wisdom of His Great Avatar ‘Shri Krishna’, who Clearly Emphasized upon this Great Fact of ‘Punishment’ in the Chapter 10, Verse [Shloka] 38, of ‘Bhagwad Geeta’, which Clearly States in Sanskrit Language:

‘Dando Damayatam Asmi Nitir Asmi Jigishatam

Maunam Chaivasmi Guhiyanam Gyanam Gyananavatam  Aham’

[Bhagwad Geeta, Chapter 10, Verse 38].

Meaning: – ‘’Among All Types of Suppression and Lawlessness Creators, I Am Punishment, and of those who Desire to be Victorious, I Am their Moral Way. Of All Secret Sentiments, I Am the Silence, and Among the Wise, I Am their Wisdom,’’ [Bhagwad Geeta – Chapter 10, Verse 38].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sagam’, that Out of the ‘Three Doors’ [Tridvaras], which Lead to 28th Dimensional World of ‘Great Hell’ [Maha Naraka], The ‘First’ Door [Prathma Dvara] Which Relates to the Vice of ‘Lust’, Gets Connected to the First Group having ‘Nine’ Passageways, in which each of these 9 Passageway Ends up in One of the Nine Hellish Levels [Narkam Tala] of this 28th Dimensional World of ‘Great Hell’ [Maha Narka], where the ‘Condemned Conscious Existences’ having ‘Incurable Lust’ are Sent For ‘Correction Measures’, which are Established as per the ‘Evolutionary Plan and Purpose’ of the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Universe, and Governed by the ‘Lord of Punishment’ which is None Other than the Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh], the ‘Second Differentiated Vital Conscious Aspect, For DESIRE MIND RELATED, THREE QUALITY INTELLECTUAL ACTIVITIES’, of the ‘One and Only’ Unknowable Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that as Far as the Ongoing Evolution of this ‘Planet Earth’ [Prithvi Greha] of our ‘Solar Universe’ [Aditiya Mandala] is Concerned, the 27 Hell Levels are Primarily Meant for Most of the Gradually Evolving Humanity, who under the Onslaught of these 3 Worldly passions related to ‘Lust, Anger, and Greed’ Knowingly Commit Various Crimes, while the Last 28th Hell Level being the ‘Most Restricted Hellish Level’, is Especially Meant for Both the Arupa [Invisible] and Rupa [Visible] LEADERS [RAJAS GUNAH NETA] Vitally Existing upon this Planet Earth, who Knowingly Misuse their Vested Powers to Go Against the Established Rules and Regulations of their ‘One and Only Great Father Lord of Universe’, because More or Less they are ATHEISTS [NASTIKA] at their Hearts and thus UNAFRAID of their SUPREME CREATOR FATHER LORD OF UNIVERSE in their Vital Consciousness.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that of the 27 Hell Levels of this 28th Dimensional World, the First Group of 9 ‘Hell Levels’ [Narkam Talas], which are Connected through the First Door of ‘Lust’ [Kama], Which Further Being attached to the First Group of 9 Passageways, who all Finally End up in these 9 Hellish Levels of this 28th World, are known among the ‘Vital Conscious Existences’ of Universe as Follows:-

[1] Tamisara, also known as ‘Andhatamisra’ and ‘Krishna’ – The Hellish Level of Blinding Darkness.

[2] Taptamurthi, also known as ‘Taptasurmi’ – The Hellish Level having Red Hot Metal Statues & Rods.

[3] Vajrakantaka-Salmali – The Hellish Level having Silk Cotton Trees with Thunderbolt like Thorns.

[4] Puyoda, also known as ‘Kumbhipaka’ – The Hellish Level having Pots of Pus and Excreta.

[5] Lalabhaksha – The Hellish Level where Food is Made of Excreted Saliva.

[6] Taptakumbha – The Hellish Level having Red Hot Pots.

[7] Mahajwala – The Hellish Level of Great Fires.

[8] Rudhirandha – The Hellish Level having Wells of Blood.

[9] Taala – The Hellish Level having Binding Padlocks.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the 9 ‘Hell Levels’ [Narkam Talas], which are Connected through the Second Door [Dvitiya Dvara] of ‘Anger’ [Krodha], Which Being attached to the Second Group of 9 Passageways, who all End up in this Second Group of ‘9 Hellish Levels’ Situated in this 28th World, are known among the ‘Vital Conscious Existences’ of Universe as Follows:-

[10] Raurava, also known as ‘Maharaurava’ – The Hellish Level having Fearful Savage Beasts called Rurus and Kravyadas.

[11] Ksharakardama, also known as ‘Lavana’- The Hellish Level having Filthy Mud of Acidity and Salinity.

[12] Kalasutra – The Hellish Level having Time Thread of Deadly Torture.

[13] Andhakupa – The Hellish Level having Well of Darkness with a Hidden Mouth.

[14] Pranarodha, also known as ‘Rodha’- The Hellish Level having Painful Obstructions of Life.

[15] Vishashana, also known as ‘Vahinijwala’ – The Hellish Level having Fiery Flames.

[16] Sarameyadana – The Hellish Level having Ferocious Dog Sons of Sarama.

[17] Dandasuka, also known as ‘Avata Nirodhana’ – The Hellish Level of Dark Hole having Poisonous Fumes and Ferocious Snakes.

[18] Rakshogana Bhojana, also known as ‘Shwabhojana’ – The Hellish Level for Becoming Food of Protector Rakshasa in Dog Forms, who are a Hierarchy of the Demons.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the 9 ‘Hell Levels’ [Narkam Talas], which are Connected through the Third Door [Tritiya Dvara] of ‘Greed’ [Lobha], Which Being attached to the Third Group of 9 Passageways, who all End up in this Third Group of ‘9 Hellish Levels’ Situated in this 28th World, are known among the ‘Vital Conscious Existences’ of Universe as Follows:-

[19] Ayahpana also known as ‘Taptaloha’ – The Hellish Level having All Drinks just made of Molten Iron.

[20] Paryavartana – The Hellish Level having All Types of Pain Causing Birds attacking without Notice.

[21] Asipatravana, also known as ‘Asipatrakanana’ – The Hellish Level having Forests with Trees of Sword Leaves.

[22] Shukara, also known as ‘Shukaramukha’ – The Hellish Level appearing Like a Hogs Mouth makes everything Eaten up.

[23] Krimisha, also known as ‘Krimibhojana’, and ‘Krimibhaksha’- The Hellish Level having Foods made of Worms and also becoming Worm Food.

[24] Sandansa, also known as ‘Sandamsa’ – The Hellish Level having Pincers, Red Hot Iron Balls, and Tongs.

[25] Vaitarni, also known as ‘Puyavaha’- The Hellish Level having Deep Waters, Very Difficult to Cross, in which All Matter Falls Down.

[26] Suchimukha, also known as ‘Shulaprota’- The Hellish Level having Sharp Needles, and Sharp Pointed Piercing Spears.

[27] Vimohana – The Hellish Level having All Forms of Bewilderments.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, thus Concluded to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these 27 ‘Hell Levels’ [Narkam Talas], which all are Connected through the ‘First, Second and the Third Doors’ of ‘Lust’ [Kama], ‘Anger’ [Krodha] and ‘Greed’ [Lobha], Which All Being attached to the 27 Passageways, Each Door belonging to the Three Group of 9 Passageways each thus end up in this 28th World, of Universe, and ALL DOOMED CONSCIOUS [SAMASTHA KALANKITH CHETNA], of Manifested ‘SUBJECTIVE’ [ARUPA] & ‘OBJECTIVE’ [RUPA] CREATION, Has to GREATLY SUFFER on INDIVIDUAL BASIS, According to EGOISTIC NATURE of their INDIVIDUAL PERSONALITIES, Which By CREATING DARKNESS OF THREE MAIN VICES, in their EGOISTIC PERSONALITIES, Causes them to LOOSE their ‘SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS’ [ATAMIYA CHETNA], Due to its ‘TOTAL DESTRUCTION’ [NASHNAM], as Clearly Mentioned By GREAT LORD SHRI KRISHNA, with a GREAT WARNING  in ‘CHAPTER 16’ [SHODASHA ADHYAYA], VERSE 21’ of ‘BHAGWAD GEETA.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Finally Added, that the Last 28th Level of this 28th World of Universe is ‘Much Greater’ in Size as Compared to All Other ‘27 Hell Levels Put Together’ in this Dimensional World, Because All those Criminals of the ‘Highest Stature’ including the ‘Controllers of this Planet Earth’ having their Controlling Center in the 4th Ether [Chotha Ayaam], Including the Various ‘Masters of Perfections’ [Siddhas], All Members of ‘Angelic [Suras] and Demonic [Asuras] Hierarchies’, along with their ‘Human Stooges’ Established as their Ruling Fronts upon High Positions, who in the Name of ‘Karma’ and ‘Man Made Laws’ Willfully Put Incarnated ‘Avatars [God Conscious Incarnates] of the Great Lords’ through ‘Undue Tortures’, who All Incarnate to Solve ‘Various Difficult Problems’ of Ongoing ‘MANVANTRA’ {[TIME PERIOD of A GREAT CYCLE, Meant For The ‘’DIFFERENT INTRODUCTIONS’’ [ANTARA], of ‘’NEW BATCHES OF HUMAN RACES’’ [MANAV], Upon this PHYSICAL WORLD of PLANET EARTH, Which TIME PERIOD is COMPOSED of MANY ‘’EONS CYCLES’’ [YUGA CHAKRAS]} under Full Protection of ‘Diplomatic Immunities’ [ISHVARA DOOTH SURAKHSHA], vitally Provided to them Directly by the ‘Great Creator Father Lord of the Universe’ are thus Deemed as the ‘Highest Criminals’ of Universe, and they ALL being ESTABLISHED CONTROLLERS OF THIS ‘’PHYSICAL WORLD’’ [BHU LOKA, ASSIAH], Who WRONGFULLY TORTURE, the DUTIFUL PROPHETS & AVATARS, then after Getting their ‘Privileged Titles’ Removed and Related Energies, Forces, and Powers Totally ‘Stripped and Nullified’, are then Sent Here for their Unjustified Conspirator and Corrupt  Behaviors to Greatly Suffer in this 28TH World Forever.

The Great Sage Agathiyar also added, that This Last 28th Level of the Great Hellish World [Maha Naraka] known as the ‘Maha Avichi’, is a Waterless and Wave less World of Great Tortures, which is also the ‘Doomed Place’, where ALL ATHEISTS [SAMASTHA NASTIKAS] from All Dimensional Worlds are also sent to SUFFER FOREVER, without ever Getting Any Reprieve or Forgiveness. The Main Reason for them Not to Get Any Reprieve or Receive Forgiveness even in Future is, that Even When they All have Freely and Abundantly used the ‘Various Attributes’ of Manifested Nature in the MATRIX [PARPANCHA], which have been Gracefully Provided to them by their ONE and ONLY UNIVERSAL FATHER Unconditionally to Evolve, they Still have Chosen To be NON BELIEVERS [ATHEISTS] by Spitting upon his Loving Grace.

To Be Continued…

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