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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 39
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further informed the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that at the very Start of Compiling the Great Work of Vedas [Nigama Shruttis], All the Great Seers and Sages [Maha Rishis, Maha Munis], of the 5th Human ‘Aryan Race’ [Arya or The Simha Jaathi], in the ‘’BHARAT KHANDAM’’ [INDIAN SUB CONTINENT], Whose Vital Consciousness [Pranick Chetna], Gracefully Re-established in the Much Ancient Times, by the Orders of SUPREME LORD OF ALL CYCLES ‘’ISHA’’ [VASUDEVA, VISHNU, ADONAI, VENKATESH], Upon this ‘’Refugee Planet Earth’’ [Sharanarthi Dhara Greha], Originally Belonged to the Evolutionary Planets of Solar Star ‘’REGULUS’’ [RAGHU KULA – MAGHA NAKSHATRA], Which ‘’COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS’’ [SAMHUIK CHETNA], Earlier Used to Gracefully Exist, in the ‘’STAR GROUPS OF LEO CONSTELLATION’’ [SIMHA RASHI ADITYA MANDALA SAMHUA], thus having Exalted Consciousness named the Great Unknowable Creator Father of Universe, as ‘Tat Tvam Asi’ Meaning ‘Thou Are That’, A Revered way of naming the Great Lord Corresponding to this name ‘Tatpurusha’ meaning ‘That Male Person’, which technically is the name of the ‘Fifth and Final’ Divine Face of Great Unknowable Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Also Gracefully Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Underlying ‘Wisdom’ [Jnana-Vijnana] Encompassed in the First Set of ‘13 Bharavagamas’, Gracefully Uttered by the 4th Divine Face ‘Ishana Mukha’ [North East Corner Face] of the Great Unknowable Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, in a ‘Positive Way’ [Spiritual Aspects – Adhyatamic Vritti], Got Vitally Related to the 13 Higher Dimensional Worlds, and in a ‘Negative Way’ [Material Aspects – Padartha Vritti] Got Vitally Related to the 13 Lower Dimensional Worlds, while the Wisdom Encompassed in the Second Set of ‘51 Bharavagamas’, Gracefully Uttered by the 5th Divine Face ‘Tatpurusha Mukha’ [North West Corner Face] of the Great Unknowable Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, Got Vitally Related to the Ongoing Evolution of this REFUGEE PLANET EARTH, Which Got Vitally Manifested to Reestablish, VARIOUS TYPES OF DOOMED CONSCIOUSNESS, after the ‘’GREAT CELESTIAL WAR’’ [MAHA AKASHIK YUDDHA], of ‘PLANETARY ORGANS’ [GREHA ANGAS], Wrongfully Taken Place in Our Own ‘SOLAR UNIVERSE’ [ADITYA MANDALA], Commonly Referred to as the ‘’ANGELIC – DEMONIC GREAT WAR’’ [DEVA – DANAVA MAHA SANGRAMA], by the ‘’EXALTED RADIANT CONSCIOUS SEERS & SAGES’’ [TAPASVI RISHI-MUNIS], For the COMMON HUMAN UNDERSTANDING of this ‘’PHYSICAL WORLD’’ [BHU LOKA, ASSIAH], and Following the ESTABLISHED EVOLUTIONARY PATTERN of this INFINITE UNIVERSE, the ‘’GREAT LORD OF ALL SPIRALING FIERY WISDOM’S’’ [MAHA ISHA, AJA AIKA PADA RUDRA, EL, AL], & the ‘’SUPREME LORD OF ALL CYCLIC FIERY DESIRES’’ [ISHA, VASUDEVA, VISHNU, VENKATESH, ADONAI], also GRACEFULLY THEMSELVES INVESTED, a ‘’VERY TINY PARTS’’ [ATHI SOOKSHAMA ANGA], From their Own Reservoirs of ‘UNKNOWABLE VITALITIES’ [AGYATHA CHETNA], Timely Appearing as the GREAT CONTROLLING LORDS, to ALL ‘SUBJECTIVE’ [ARUPA] and ‘OBJECTIVE’ [RUPA], Beings & Entities, in the ‘’THREE HIGHER DIMENSIONAL WORLDS & THEIR DIMENSIONAL EYE AREAS’’ [TRITYA URDHAVA LOKAS EVAM ‘’CHAKSHU LOKAS-ANKH KSHETRAS’’], as well as in the ‘’THREE LOWER DIMENSIONAL WORLDS & THEIR DIMENSIONAL EYE AREAS’’ [TRITYA ADHO LOKAS EVAM ‘’CHAKSHU LOKAS-ANKH KSHETRAS’’], and then Gracefully MANDATED After the BIG EVENT OF ‘’DAKSHA YAJNA’’ [THE CODIFIED STORY OF ANGELIC & DEMONIC EVOLUTION, & THEIR FALSE PRIDE POWER STRUGGLE, PERTAINING TO THEIR GROUP CONSCIOUS HIERARCHIES], the WISDOM OF 51 BHAIRAVAGAMS, to Get Related in their ‘Positive [Spiritual] and ‘Negative’ [Material] Aspects, to the 51 Shakti Peethas [51 Sacred ‘Portal Areas of Energy’], which All came in Existence upon the Physical Plane [Bhu Loka] of this Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha], due to Releasing of these 51 Embodied Energies [Shaktis], through the Dismemberment of the ‘Sati’s Lifeless Form’ by the Time Creating and Destroying ‘Cyclic Disc’ [Sudarshan Chakra] of Great Lord Ishvara [Kaala Chakra Adhipathi, Vasudeva, Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh], the Great Controller Lord of ‘All Life and Death Cycles’ manifested in Universe, Who in this ‘Fearful Aspect’ of ‘Cycle Controller’ is known Among All Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages as the ‘Great Lord of All 64 Bhairavas’, Named as the ‘Maha Kala Bhairava’, who Also Being the ‘Remover of All Fears’ is the ‘Great Preserver Lord’ of Ishana Kona’ [North East Corner].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the 4 Vedas [Nigama Shruttis] also being related to Number ‘4’ of ‘Ishana Kona’ [Number 13 of the First Set of Bhairavagamas when Mathematically Reduced became ‘4’] are thus also Classified into Four Main Sub Groups named as:
[1] Samhitas – Texts Containing Mantras and Benedictions.
[2] Aranyakas – Texts Containing Rituals, and Ceremonies
including Sacrifices.
[3] Brahmanas – Commentaries upon the texts of Aranyakas, related to Rituals, Ceremonies, and Sacrifices.
[4] Upanishads –Texts Containing Knowledge of Philosophy, Meditation, and Spirituality.
But Some Seers and Sages, due to their Graceful Attainments of Long Range ‘’Practical Churning’’ [Contemplation] Creating Devotional Feeling Frequencies, Called the Anahatha [Unstruck Frequency] ‘Shruttis’ Revelation also Gracefully Done by the 5th Divine Face ‘Tatpurusha’ of the Great Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, thus also added a Fifth Sub Group named ‘Upasanas – Methods of Worship’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Informed the Gathered Seers and Sages of Tamil Sangam, that Just like the Divine ‘Vaamdeva Mukha’ [Third Face] of the One and Only Great Creator Unknowable Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ Gracefully Manifested in the ‘Agni Kona’ [South East Corner], Earlier became the ‘First Differentiated Conscious Aspect’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord to Vitally Exist as the Great ‘Fiery’ [Agni] Lord ‘Maheshvara’ [Sada Shiva, Also known as the Lord ‘EL, ‘AL’, & Dakshina Murthi] in the Universe, giving Birth to the ‘Aymkari Shakti’ in the Universe], and the Fourth Divine ‘Isha or Ishana Mukha’ Manifested in the ‘Ishana Kona’ [North East Corner] became the ‘Second Differentiated Conscious Aspect’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord to Vitally Exist as the Great Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Kaala Chakra Adhipathi, Vasudeva, Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh], giving Birth to Preserving ‘Hrimkari Shakti, Similarly this Fifth and Last Divine Face ‘Tatpurusha Mukha’ of the Unknowable Great Father Lord became the ‘Third Differentiated Conscious Aspect’ of the Great Father Lord to Vitally Exist as the Great ‘Creator Lord’ [Karta Purusha, Karta Purakh, Kartaar] to be later known among Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages of the 5th Human ‘Aryan Race’ [Arya Jaathi], as ‘Adi Brahma’, giving Birth to the ‘Klimkari Shakti’ [The Copulating Force of Universe], which Further Gave Birth to Various Polarities, Vitally Needed to Manifest All Hermaphrodite [Unisex], Negative [Female] acting as the Receivers, and Positive [Male] acting as the Giver Types of ‘Vital Conscious Existences’, to Vitally Populate Various Dimensional Worlds of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Gracefully Disclosed a ‘Great Secret Fact’ [Maha Ghuya Tathya] to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All the Manifested ‘Brahmanda Mandalas’ [Galaxies], ‘Rashi Mandalas’ [Constellations], ‘Aditya Mandalas’ [Solar Universes], Greha Mandalas [Planetary Universes], Etc,.have their Own ‘Polarity Radius of Influences’ Exerting Such Influence upon All Those ‘Subjective and Objective Consciousness’s’ Which Invisibly in ‘Arupa Forms’ [Subjectively Manifested Architectural Frameworks, or Inner Bodies] or Visibly in ‘Rupa Forms’ [Objectively Manifested Outer bodies] Vitally Exist Manifested in the Confinements of their Parametric Space, as well as they All Also have Such ‘Polarity Relationships’ with their ‘Corresponding Mandalas’ of Universe, which All Invisibly [Arupa] or Visibly [Rupa] Coexist in the Parametric Ethereal Space [Akashik Paridhi] of their Own Dimensional Worlds in the Manifested Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Informed All the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sagam’ Concluding, that the Great Ishvara [Kaala Chakra Adhipathi, Vasudeva, Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh] Avatar ‘Lord Shri Krishna’ also Indirectly Mentioned ‘Tat Purusha’, because in ‘Absolute Reality of Infinite Universe’, ‘Him’ being ‘Isha’ the ‘Fourth Divine Face’ of the Same One and Only Universal Father Lord, and the ‘Tatpurusha’ being the ‘Fifth Divine Face’ also of the ‘Same One’, thus have the Same ‘Divine Vital Force’, which Got Manifested as ‘That True One Having Om Vibrations’ or the ‘Om Tat Sat’, While Gracefully Explaining to His Disciple Friend ‘Arjuna’ in the Great Treatise of ‘Bhagwad Geeta’, Chapter 17 Verse [Shloka] 23, of ‘Bhagwad Geeta’, which States in Sanskrit:
‘’Om Tat Sat Iti Nirdesho Brahmanas Tri Vidhah Smritah
Brahmanas Tena Vedas Cha Yajnas Cha Vihitah Pura ‘’ [Bhagwad Geeta, Chapter 17, Verse 23]
Meaning: The ‘Threefold’ Words, of ‘Om’ representing the ‘Desire Mind Frequencies’, of Tat’ meaning ‘That’, ‘Sat’ meaning ‘Eternal Truth’, were ‘thus’ ‘Instructed’ by the ‘Supreme’ to ‘Memorize’.
‘And’ they be ‘Used’ by ‘Brahmanas’ ‘with’ the Chanting’s of ‘Vedas’ ‘and’ during performing the ‘Sacrifices’ for their ‘Fullness’. [Bhagwad Geeta, Chapter 17, Verse 23].
To Be Continued…
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