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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 43
The Great Sage Agathiyar, After Giving A Great Discourse of ‘Universal Wisdom’, then Gracefully Further Started to Disclose Various ‘Other Facts’ [Tathyas], which have been ‘’Unknown’’ till then to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the First Two Important Planetary Organs [Grehas] of Our Solar Universe [Aditiya Mandala] named the ‘Solar Conscious Father Uranus’ [Rahu], And Solar Conscious Son named ‘Neptune’ [Ketu] have their Comparatively Much ‘Higher Roles’ [Ucchatama Karyakram] than the Rest of the ‘7 Planetary Vital Conscious Existences’ [Saptha Greha Chetna Prani] in Our Solar Universe [Aditiya Mandala], as the Rest 7 being the ‘Harmonious Participants’ [Sur Viddhi Karya Karthas] of All Intellectual Activities are thus Named as the ‘Harmonious ones’ [Suras], while the ‘Uranus’ [Rahu] and ‘Neptune’ [Ketu] having ‘Higher and Distinctive Roles’ [Ucchatama Evam Vishesha Karyakram] can Perform ‘All Those Special Duties’ which May be ‘Non Harmonious’ [Asur Viddhi Karyas] from the Stand Point of ‘Reoccurring Harmonious Intellectual Activities’ [Punah Sur Viddhi Pranali Karya Karama Kartha], being Performed through the Ongoing Evolutionary Cycles in the Solar Universe [Aditiya Mandala], and these ‘Two’ of Higher Duties have been thus named as the ‘Non Harmonious’ [Asuras] Loyal Participants, Vitally Employed in the ‘Evolutionary Service’ of Lord ‘Aditiya Narayana’ [The Collective Conscious Holder of this Entire Subjectively & Objectively Manifested Solar Universe, Being Also a Tiny Conscious Manifested Part of the Supreme Lord of All Cycles ‘’Isha’’, Who being the Supreme Being, is Widely Known Among All Human Races of this Planet, With Many Title Names, as The ‘’Great Universal Teacher’’ [Brahmanda Maha Guru] Lord ‘’Vasudeva’’, ‘’Vishnu’’, ‘’Maya Pathi’’, ‘’Venkatesh’’, ‘’Adonai’’, Etc.’’].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these ‘Two Planets’ named ‘Uranus’ [Rahu] and ‘Neptune’ [Ketu], having their ‘Main Roles’ as Just to Assist in Starting of the ‘Evolution’, through Implementation of ‘Spiral Force’ in the Objectively Manifested Body of the Solar Lord ‘Aditya Narayana’, and Also to Later Act as the Final ‘Synthesizing Receivers’ [Vishleshna Adhikaris] at the ‘End of Cyclic Life’ of this Objectively Manifested Solar Universe [Aditya Mandala], are thus the ‘Sole Possessor’ of the ‘Architectural Plan’ and its ‘Underlying Purpose’, which has to be Vitally Implemented in this Solar Universe, in ‘Various Cyclic Segments’ of Different Time Periods.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Great Evolutionary Plan of this ‘Solar Universe’ [Aditiya Mandala] has been Kept in a Heavily Guarded and Inaccessible ‘Unknowable Location’ due to ‘Safety Reasons’, and ‘Could Not be Assessed’ by ‘Anyone Else’ Except the ‘Father Uranus’ [Rahu] Himself, who is Also ‘Only Allowed’ to Assess it just in ‘Limited Segments of Information’, for their ‘Gradual Implementations’ as per the ‘Evolutionary Plans’ [Chetna Vriddhi Karya Kramm] during the Life Duration of this Solar Universe, which has been ‘Originally Envisioned’ by the ‘Desire Mind’ [Bhava Mana] of the ‘One and Only’ Great Unknowable Universal Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that the ‘Solar Conscious Son Neptune’ [Ketu]. Vitally Assists ‘Solar Conscious Father Uranus’ [Rahu], in both these ‘Duties’ of Starting the Evolutionary Process, and of being the Final Synthesizers of the Received ‘Vital Consciousness’, which Contain All Types of ‘Experiences’ Related to Various ‘Intellectual Activities’ Vitally Performed by ‘All Types of Existences’ [Samastha Prani], during the Life Cycle of Solar Universe, and thus Store ‘The Synthesized Information’ in their ‘Designated place of Highest Security’ [Ucchatama Rakshit Nirdharith Sthanam].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, also Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Uranus [Rahu] and Neptune’s [Ketu] Assigned Duties Also include the Important Job to Embody a ‘Copy’ [Prathilipi] of this ‘Synthesized Wisdom’ [Vishleshith Jnana-Vijnana] by themselves, before it can be Restored Back Later On, in a ‘New Life Cycle’ of Higher Vital Consciousness upon the Evolutionary Spiral, after the Proper Period of In Between Rest. These ‘Two’ being ‘Non Harmonious’ [Asuras] Planetary Existences, thus Stay ‘Non Participants’ Except Performing their Required ‘Catalyst Duties’ [Niyuktha Uttejana Karayas] in the ‘Ongoing Intellectual Activities’ till the Very End of Each Planetary and Solar Cycle.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that as this Above Mentioned ‘Important Information’ has been Knowingly Withheld by the Great Solar Universe Lord ‘Aditiya Narayana’ [The Collective Conscious Holder of this Entire Subjectively & Objectively Manifested Solar Universe, Being Also a Tiny Conscious Manifested Part of the Supreme Lord of All Cycles ‘’Isha’’, Who being the Supreme Being, is Widely Known Among All Human Races of this Planet, With Many Title Names, as The ‘’Great Universal Teacher’’ [Brahmanda Maha Guru] Lord ‘’Vasudeva’’, ‘’Vishnu’’, ‘’Maya Pathi’’, ‘’Venkatesh’’, ‘’Adonai’’, Etc.’’], from All the Intellectual Activities Engaged ‘Harmonious Angles’ [Devas] and All the ‘Great Seers’ [Maharishis] of this Solar Universe [Aditya Mandala], So they Themselves could Harmoniously Continue their Intellectual Activities, which Also Include Various Types of ‘Spiritual’ [Adhyatamic] and ‘Material Science’ Experimentations [Padartha Jnana-Vijnana Pariyog]. The Word ‘Harmony’ Technically Denotes the ‘Repeating Pattern’ Having the ‘Same Wavelength Cycles of Energy’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Great Avatar ‘Shri Krishna’, Embodying the Vital Consciousness of the Great Preserver Universal Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu], Who is ‘None Other’ but the Vital Embodiment of the 4th Divine Face ‘Ishana Mukha’ [North East Face] of the ‘One and Only’ Unknowable Great Universal Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, Himself Gracefully ‘Hinted’ about this ‘Great Secret’ [Ghuyam Bhedha] to the Evolving Humanity of this ‘Planet Earth’, through the Wisdom of ‘Bhagwad Geeta’, Chapter 10, Verse 2, which Clearly States in Sanskrit Language:
‘’Na May Viduh Sura-Ganah Prabhavam Na Maharashyah
Aham Adir Hi Devanam Maharashinam Cha Sarvashah’’ [Bhagwad Geeta – Chapter 10, Verse 2].
Meaning: ‘’Neither the Hierarchies of Angelic ‘Devas’ nor the Great Seers Called ‘Maharishis’ Know My Origin.
As In All Respects, I Am the Originating Source of All Angelic Devas and Also of All the Great Seers Called Maharishis.’’ [Bhagwad Geeta – Chapter 10, Verse 2].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All the 64 Bhairavas Vitally Manifested Corresponding to the Combined 64 Bhairavagamas, which were gracefully Uttered by the 4th Divine Face ‘Ishana Mukha’ [North East Face] and the 5th Divine Face ‘Tatpurusha Mukha’ [North West Face] of the Great Unknowable Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ in the Ethereal Space of Universe, Have One Bhairava manifested in the ‘Ishana Kona’ which is related to the ‘Tamil Sound’ of ‘Akku’, which the Great Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu] of the Ishana Kona [North East Corner], Gracefully Allowed later to Willfully Join with the Group of 51 Bhairavas making them a Vital group of 52 Bhairavas, which all were Manifested after the Divine ‘Bhairavagamas Utterings’ were done by the 5th face ‘Tatpurusha Mukha’ [North West Face] of the Great Universal Creator Father ‘Adi Param Shiva’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Added that these ‘52 Bhairavas’ thus Dutifully Watch Over as the Policing Protectors [Kavalpatai, Kotwals] of the ‘52 Shaktipeethas’ [52 Centers of Divine Force Manifested in the Indian Subcontinent], when they are counted as ‘52’ in Numbers. This Mathematical Number Also Embodies A Great Secret [Athi Ghuyam Bheda], as when it Mathematically Gets Reduced, by LORD ‘’ISHA’S [VASUDEVA, VISHNU, VENKATESH, ADONAI], Great ‘’SCIENCE OF JOINING NUMBERS’’ [SANKHYA YOGA[, it Becomes ‘7’ [5 + 2 = 7], which is the Mathematical Number of ‘Maha Tara’ [The Great Goddess of ‘Knowledge & Wisdom’ Embodying the Vital Consciousness of Bright Morning and Evening Star Appearing Planet ‘Venus’].
The Great Sage Agathiyar then Gracefully Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these 64 Bhairavas were Further Segmented into 8 Groups related to 8 Main Directions [‘4’ Regular Directions + ‘4’ Angular Directions = ‘8’ Main Directions of the Same Horizontal Level] by the Great Lord of All Cycles ‘Ishvara’ [Kaala Chakra Adhipathi, Vasudeva, Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh] Acting Himself as their Main Leader ‘Maha Kala’ [The Great Time], in which Each Group was Formed to Have 8 Bhairavas, of which One was Promoted to be their Group Leader. These 8 Groups of 64 Bhairavas are collectively known as the ‘Ashtha Bhairavas’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Gracefully Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Great Avatar ‘Shri Krishna’, Embodying the Vital Consciousness of the Great Preserver Universal Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Kaala Chakra Adhipathi, Vasudeva, Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh], the Vital Embodiment of the 4th Divine Face ‘Ishana Mukha’ [North East Face] of the ‘One and Only’ Unknowable Great Universal Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, While Addressing His Disciple Friend ‘Arjuna’, thus Gracefully ‘Informed’ about this ‘Great Secret’ [Ghuyam Bhedha] of Him Being also The Great Lord of Time ‘Maha Kala’, to the Evolving Humanity of this ‘Planet Earth’, through the Wisdom of ‘Bhagwad Geeta’, Chapter 11, Verse 32, which Clearly States in Sanskrit Language:
Kalo-Asmi Loka-Kshaya-Krt Pravrddho
Lokan Samahartum Iha Pravrttah
Ritey Api Tvam Na Bhavishyanti Sarvey
Ye Avasthitah Praty-Anikeshu Yodhah’’
[Bhagwad Geeta – Chapter 11, Verse 32].
Meaning: The Respected Lord Said,
Time I Am, The Great Destroyer of the Worlds, And I Have Come Here To Destroy All People.
With the Exception Of You, All the Soldiers Situated on Both Sides Will Be Destroyed. [Bhagwad Geeta – Chapter 11, Verse 32]
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these 8 Groups of ‘Bhairavas’ [Ashtha Dishas] Totaling ‘64’, Vitally Associated with Their Counterpart 8 Groups of Feminine ‘Bhairavis’ {[‘’The Complete Holder’’ [Pura], of ‘’Physical Establishment’’ [Bhu]} also Totaling ‘64’, thus Protect the Eight Directions, which are Symbolically Represented as the Base Called ‘Bhupura’ of the ‘Great Cosmic Instrument’ {[‘’Great’’ [Maha] ‘’Cosmic’’ [Antariksha] ‘’Instrument’’ [Yantra]} Named ‘Maha Meru or Meru Yantra’, which was Vitally Established by the Great Preserver Lord of Universe ‘’Ishvara’’ [Kaala Chakra Adhipathi, Vasudeva, Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh] during His ‘Kashyapa Avatar’ [Tortoise], which Represent the Various Important Geometrical Configurations of the Universe [Brahmanda], which are Vitally Governed by Various Forces [Shaktis], including these 64 Feminine Bhairavis [Wandering Energy Frequencies], the Counterpart Forces of 64 Male Bhairavas [Wanderers].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that in these 8 Directions of ‘Bhupura’ {[‘’The Complete Holder’’ [Pura], of ‘’Physical Establishment’’ [Bhu]}, the Four Angular Directions of ‘Ishana Kona’ [Northeast], ‘Vayu Kona’ [Northwest], ‘Nairutya Kona’ [Southwest] and ‘Agni Kona’ [South East] Stay ‘Fixed’ Creating a ‘Cross Formation’ known as ‘The Fixed Cross’, Which if Gets Rotated by the Lord of Time ‘Maha Kala’ [Ishvara – Hari Vishnu], then A Great Fire Erupts Going Backwards From the Ends of its ‘Four Corner Arms’, Creating the Most Venerated Symbol of Creation, known Among All Seers and Sages as the Fixed ‘SWASTIKA’ {[‘’THE GOODNESS BELIEF’’ [ASTIKA] OF ‘’SELF CONSCIOUSNESS’’ [SWA]} of ‘Angelic’ [Devi-Devas] and Various Other ‘Already Evolved Beings’, having ‘Enlightened Consciousness’ [‘’Prakashmaan Chetna’’ or ‘’Jyotirmayi Chetna’’].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that in these Eight Directions [Ashtha Dishas], which are Symbolically Represented as the Base Called ‘Bhupura’ {[‘’The Complete Holder’’ [Pura], of ‘’Physical Establishment’’ [Bhu]} of the ‘Great Cosmic Instrument’ [Maha Meru, or Meru Yantra], the Other 4 Directions of East [Poorva Disha], North [Uttara Disha], West [Paschim Disha] and South [Dakshina Disha] Stay ‘Mutable’ due to the 4 Doors existing as their Four Openings, One Established in Each Direction, through which the ‘Vital Consciousness’ {[‘’Prana’’ [Vital] ‘’Chetna’’ [Consciousness]} can Either ‘Enter or Exit’ According to their ‘Evolutionary Stage’ [Chetna Vriddhi Avastha], Creating a ‘Cross Formation’ known as ‘The Mutable Cross’, Which if Also Gets Rotated by the Lord of Time ‘Maha Kala’ [Ishvara – Hari Vishnu] in Clockwise Direction, then A Great Fire Erupts Going Backwards From the Ends of its ‘Four Arms’ {[‘’Chatur’’ [Four] ‘’Bhujas’’ [Arms]}, Creating the Most Venerated Symbol of Creation, known Among All Seers and Sages as the ‘SWASTIKA’ {[‘’THE GOODNESS BELIEF’’ [ASTIKA] OF ‘’SELF CONSCIOUSNESS’’ [SWA]} of Birth and Death Cycles, which is meant for the ‘Timely Conscious Expansion’ {[‘’Samaya’’ or ‘’Kaala Nirdharith’’ [Timely] ‘’Chetna Vriddhi’’ [Conscious Expansion]} of Gradually Evolving Humanity [Manushya Jaathi], and All Other Corresponding Cyclic Beings, having their ‘Life and Death’ {[‘’Jeevan’’ [Life] ‘’Evam’’ [and] ‘’Maran’’ [Death]} Cycles, which may Worship it with Full Devotion by understanding its ‘Underlying Concept’ [Moola Tathya], while Existing upon this Planet Earth.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Disclosed to the Tamil Sangam, that the 8 ‘Leader Bhairavas’, of these 8 Main Groups of 64 Bhairavas also have a ‘Leading Bhairavi’, who Vitally Help them through their ‘Energy Support’ [Sahayak Urjas] in All their Protector Duties, the Main Duty Being ‘Vitally Guarding’ the 8 Directions during the ‘Current Evolutionary Manvantra’ {[Great Cyclic Time Period ‘’Existing Between’’ [Antra] Establishment of New ‘’Human Races’’ [Manavas]}, which is Vitally Manifested upon this Planet Earth. These ‘Ashtha Brairavas’ {[‘’Eight’’ [Ashtha] ‘’Wanderers’’ [Bhairavas]} are thus Also Referred to as the ‘Ashtha Digpalas’ [Protector Lords of 8 Directions] by the Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages, whose Names when Following the ‘Clockwise Motion’ Representing the ‘Death and Life Cycles’ {[‘’Jeevan’’ [Life] ‘’Evam’’ [and] ‘’Maran’’ [Death] ‘’Chakras’’ [Cycles]} of Evolving Humanity, Starting From the Sun Rising Direction of East [Poorva], are Listed as Follows:
[1] ‘’Leader – Shri Ashtanga Bhairava’’, ‘’Consort Bhairavi – Brahmi’’, ‘‘Direction – Poorva Disha also called East’’.
[2] ‘’Leader – Shri Ruru Bhairava’’, ‘’Consort Bhairavi – Maheshwari’’, ‘‘Direction – Agni Kona also called South East’’.
[3] ‘’Leader – Shri Chanda Bhairava’’, ‘’Consort Bhairavi – Kaumari’’, ‘‘Direction – Dakshina Disha also called South’’.
[4] ‘’Leader – Shri Krodha Bhairava’’, ‘’Consort Bhairavi – Vaishnavi’’, ‘‘Direction – Nairutya Kona also called Southwest’’.
[5] ‘’Leader – Shri Unmattha Bhairava’’, ‘’Consort Bhairavi – Varahi’’, ‘‘Direction – Paschim Disha also called West’’.
[6] ‘’Leader – Shri Kapala Bhairava’’, ‘’Consort Bhairavi – Indrani’’, ‘‘Direction – Vayu Kona also called Northwest’’.
[7] ‘’Leader – Shri Bheeshana Bhairava’’, ‘’Consort Bhairavi – Chamunda’’, ‘‘Direction – Uttara Disha also called North’’.
[8] ‘’Leader – Shri Samhara Bhairava’’, ‘’Consort Bhairavi – Chandi’’, ‘‘Direction – Ishana Kona also called Northeast’’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Finally Concluded to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’ , that Out of All these 8 Directions, the Ishana Kona [North East Corner] is Also the Direction of their Great Lord ‘Maha Kala Bhairava’ [Ishvara – Preserver Hari Vishnu] the ‘Absolute Leader’ of ‘All Bhairavas and Bhairavis’, who per the ‘Desire Mind Wishes’ of Unknowable Great Universal Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, Gracefully Orders ‘Shri Samhara Bhairava’ to Start the ‘Destruction’ [Samhara] ‘At the End’ of An Ongoing Cycle, Or Whenever May Be ‘Needed’ to ‘Keep the Evolutionary Balance’, So that after the Destruction [Samhara] and the ‘In Between Period’ of Rest, ‘A New Cycle’ Could be Vitally Introduced, if All Vital Existences have ‘Faithfully Performed’ their ‘Given Duties’ according to the ‘Mandated Rules and Regulations’ Vitally Established For this Planet Earth [Dhara, Prithvi], Otherwise ‘All On Going Cycles’ May ‘Abruptly End’ For All Those, who are Responsible for Such Foolish Lacking’s, with Absolutely No Further Future.
To Be Continued…
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