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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 52
The Great Sage Agathiyar, While Gracefully Explaining to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’ about the Various Types of Manifested ‘Invisible Hierarchical Existences’ [Arupa Pranis], Which Dutifully Operate in the 7 Dimensional Worlds [Trilokas, Tritalas, and the One which vitally Join these Two Groups], Related to the ‘Ongoing Evolutional’ upon this Objectively Manifested Denser ‘Planet Earth’ [Prithvi Greha], then Continued Further, to Reveal Some More Facts [Tathyas] about the ‘Hierarchical Group of Yakshas’ [Arupa Pranis], Which Operate being
Related to All Affairs of the ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Qualities of Negative-Positive Nature], as Part of their ‘Duties’ [Kartavya] Given by their Great Preserver Lord of All Cycles ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Vasudeva, Venkatesha, Adonai], to Faithfully Serve in the 7 Dimensional Worlds.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’ that the Name ‘Vaishravana’ was given to his Son by the Great Sage ‘Vishrava Pulastya’, as Since Childhood He Greatly depicted the ‘Vaish’ or the ‘Business Qualities’, which Depicted Abundance of ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Qualities of Negative-Positive Nature]. His Name due to these Abundant Qualities, over the Years Got changed to become a ‘Title Name’, known among the Evolving Humanity as ‘Kubera’ [Kuvera] {[The Sanskrit Word ‘’Ku-Vera’’ Means, ‘’The Mighty One’’ [Veera], Who Eliminates All ‘’Bad Aspects’’ [Ku], Arisen Out From the Material Poverty]}.
The ‘Vaishravana’ being very wise in Monetary Affairs, which Vitally related to the Established Mandate of ‘Economy’ in the Universe, became the First Leader of ‘Yakshas’ upon this Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha] with a Glorious Title of ‘King’ [Rajaya Adhipathi], and with the Accumulated Wealth also Established His ‘Yaksha Kingdom’ of Unparalleled Riches.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Disclosed to Gathered Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that For All the ‘Preservation Purposes’ of the Established ‘Matrix’ [Paripancha], the ‘Universal Mandate of Economy’ was Duly Established by the Second Differentiated Vital Conscious Aspect of the ‘Desired will’ [Poorna Bhava], which was ‘Sentimentally Willed’ [Bhava Poorvak Icchha] by the ‘One and Only’ Unknowable Supreme Father ‘Adi Param Shiva’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that this ‘Great Event of Universe’ [Brahmandick Mahan Karya] Vitally Establishing the ‘Mandate of Economy’ [Rajasva Niyam], Occurred at the ‘Very Start’ in the Parametric Ethereal Space [Maha Akasha] of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], which Happened after the ‘First Differentiated Vital Conscious Aspect’ of the Great Unknowable Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, Vitally Manifested in the ‘Agni Kona’ [Southeast Angular Direction] appearing as the Great Lord ‘Maheshvara’ [Aja Aika Pada Maha Deva Rudra, El, Al], then also Subsequently reappeared as the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Vasudeva, Venkatesha, Adonai] in the ‘Ishana Kona’ [Northeast Angular Direction].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that this Most Important ‘Mandate of Universal Economy’ {[‘’Brahmandick’’ [Universal] ‘’Rajasva’’ [Economy] ‘’Niyam’’ [Mandate]}, Vitally Established to ‘Protect and Preserve’ {[‘’Abhaya Sukham’’ [Protect] Evam [and] ‘’Pratipalana’’ [Preserve]} the Manifested ‘Matrix’ [Paripancha], Comes under the Established ‘Domain and Direct Rule’ of the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Vasudeva, Venkatesha, Adonai], whose name ‘Hari’ has the ‘Protecting and Preserving Frequencies’, whose ‘Vital Wavelengths’ Since Ancient Times upon this Physical World [Bhu Loka] of Planet Earth have been known among All the Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages, Existing between the ‘Vocal and Mental Sound Frequencies’ of ‘’Hrim to Hring’’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Gracefully Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the ‘Universal Frequencies’ [Brahmandick Rashmis] having these ‘Tonal Sounds’ [Shruttis] of ‘Seed Syllables’ [Beeja Mantras], which Vitally Range between the Sounds of ‘Hrim to Hring’, Like the Tonal Sounds of ‘Hrim, Hrime, Hroum, Hriam, Hringe Hariang Hroung, Hring Etc.’, through Causing of the Various Actions and Reactions ‘Vitally Aid’ in All the ‘Preservation Purposes’ [Pratipalana Karyakramm] Governed by the ‘Universal Mandate of Economy’ {[‘’Brahmandick’’ [Universal] ‘’Rajasva’’ [Economy] ‘’Niyam’’ [Mandate]}, whose Certain ‘Unknowable Keys’ {[‘’Agyatha’’ [Unknowable] ‘’Kunjikas’’ [Keys]} Always Stay with the Great Preserver Father Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Vasudeva, Venkatesha, Adonai], which Stay Always Guarded in an ‘Unknowable Location’, which Apart from the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ Himself, Always Stay Inaccessible to ‘Everyone Else’ in the Universe.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that All these ‘Great Precautions’ [‘’Athi’’ [Great] ‘’Saavdhani’’ [Precautions]}, Established Since Very Ancient Times by the ‘Desire Mind’ [Bhava Manasa] of the Unknowable ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father ‘Adi Param Shiva’ Himself, can ‘’Never Be Breached by Anyone’’, ‘Not Even’ by His Three Way Differentiated Conscious Aspects, known among All the Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages as the Great Lords ‘Maheshvara, Ishvara, and Brahma’, or by any of their ‘Established Departments’ Vitally Manifested in All Dimensional Worlds of the Universe.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Informed the ‘Seers and Sages’ of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the ‘Mandate of Universal Economy’ {[‘’Brahmandick’’ [Universal] ‘’Rajasva’’ [Economy] ‘’Niyam’’ [Mandate]} is the Vital Basis of ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Qualities of Positive-Negative Nature], which Vitally Balances all the ‘Flex Aspects’ of ‘Positive – Negative’ {[‘’Sakratamak’’ [Positive] ‘Nakratamak’’ [Negative]} Natures, Constantly Arising due to ‘Ongoing Evolution’ [Kriyasheel Chetna Vriddhi] in the Universe [Brahmanda], as well as in the ‘Current Evolution’ which has been Vitally Manifested upon this Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha].
The Great Sage Further Added, that During the ‘Ongoing Evolution’ [Kriyasheel Chetna Vriddhi] whether it is being Conducted in a ‘Galaxy’ [Brahmanda Mandala], ‘Constellation’ [Rashi Mandala], ‘Solar Universe’ [Aditiya Mandala] or Upon a Subjectively or Objectively Manifested ‘Planet’ [Greha], then according to the Rules and Regulations of ‘PRESERVATION’, which are Vitally Utilized to ‘Protect and Preserve’ {[‘’Abhaya Sukham’’ [Protect] Evam [and] ‘’Pratipalana’’ [Preserve]} the Established ‘MATRIX’ [PARIPANCHA], this Mandate of Universal Economy Allows the ‘Controlling Beings and Entities’ [Niyantran Adhikari Pranis] of Rajas Guna’ [Mixture of Negative-Positive Qualities] to Operate though the ‘Lines of Least Resistance’ [Nimn Avirodha Pratibandha Rekha], so that they can Vitally Balance the ‘Occurred Faults’ [Gantavya Bhrashtachar] at the Earliest Possible Time, without Harming the ‘Established Matrix’ [Paripancha], which is the ‘Sole Property’ [Niji Rashi] of the ‘One and Only’ Unknowable Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of Tamil Sangam, that During the Times of ‘Corrections’, which are Vitally Needed to ‘Protect and Preserve’ {[‘’Abhaya Sukham’’ [Protect] Evam [and] ‘’Pratipalana’’ [Preserve]} the Established Matrix [Paripancha], the Lines of Least Resistance [Nimn Avirodha Pratibandha Rekha] automatically appears by the Grace of Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Vasudeva, Venkatesha, Adonai], as the ‘Temporary Means’ [Asthayi Viddhi] to ‘Correct and Fix’ the Underlying Issues of ‘Imbalance’ [Avirodha].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, by Gracefully Sharing Some of Important Radiant Enlightenments, From His Own Great Store House of ‘’Rudra Agni’’ [Cosmic Electric Fire of All Universal Wisdom’s], then Gracefully Revealed a ‘’Great Secret’’ {[‘’Maha’’ [Great] ‘’Rehasya’’ [Secret]}, to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, and Also to the Comparatively Huge Number of All Present ‘’Invisible Beings & Entities’’ [Adrishya Pranis], that the Vested Duties of All ‘’God Conscious Incarnates’’ [Avatars, Radiant Conscious Prophets, Seers & Sages], Greatly Differ From the’’Rajas Gunah’’ [Negative-Positive Mixed Qualities] Hierarchical Yaksha & Rakhshasa Groups, Varies to a Great Degree, in the ‘’Three Interpenetrating & Co-Existing Higher & Lower Dimensional Worlds’’ [Trilokas Evam Tritalas], Because All of the Visible ‘’God Conscious Incarnates’’, Dutifully Living Upon Every Evolutionary Dimensional World’’ [Chetna Vriddhi Loka Evam Tala], of an ‘’Energy Distribution Planetary Organ’’ [Urja Vitran Greha Anga], and thus Operating as New Sources of Evolutionary Wisdom’s, in the ‘’Manifested Designated Space Web’’ [Sthapith Nirdharith Akashik Jaal], of Every Evolutionary Solar Universe, Act as the ‘’Seeding Sources’’ [Udgam Beejas], of ‘New Electrified Wisdoms’ [Naveen Rudra Agni Rashmis], With Much Higher Range of Short Wave Frequencies, Which ‘’Seeded Frequency Waves of Radiant Wisdom’s’’ {[‘’Tejasvi’’ [Radiant] ‘’Jnana-Vijnana’’ [Wisdom’s] ‘’Beejith’’ [Seeded] ‘’Rashmis’’ [Frequency Waves]}, Quickly Overtake the Long Wavelengths of ‘’Dense Ignorance’’ {[‘’Ghora’’ [Dense] ‘’Ajnana’’ [Ignorance]}, Upon that Dimensional World, Just in a Short Time of Few Decades & Centuries, and due to Dutiful Interpenetration of Other Adjacent Dimensional World’s Space, they Over the Passing of Ongoing ‘’Cyclic Ages’’ [Yuga Chakras], thus Also Get Firmly Established in All Other Adjacent Dimensional Worlds, of that Evolutionary Solar Universe, and Over the Passing of Greater Periods, they Also Affect All other ‘’Solar Universe’s’’ [Aditya Mandalas], Which are Dutifully Interrelated in a Greater Aspect of their ‘’Designated Web Space’’ [Nirdharith Akashik Jaal], Like a GALACTIC SPIRAL ARM’’ [BRAHMANDICK BHUJA MANDALA], of an EVOLUTIONARY GALAXY’’ [CHETNA VRIDDHI BRAHMANDA MANDALA], through the Co-Existing Waves of Spiral, Cyclic, & Circular Motions, Which Dutifully Create All Types of Birth & Death Events, Like the Continuous Operations of ‘’MAHA KAALA MUKHAS’’ {[‘’GREAT’’ [MAHA] ‘’BLACK’’ [KAALA] ‘’MUKHAS’’ [HOLES]}, and the Subsequent Formation of ‘’GOLDEN ETHEREAL-GASEOUS MATTER NEBULAE’’ [HIRANYA GARBHA], in which All SMALL & LARGE GALAXIES, Gets SEEDED by SUPREME LORD OF ALL CYCLES ‘’ISHA’’ [VASUDEVA, VISHNU, VENKATESHA, ADONAI], to Gracefully Become SUBJECTIVE [ARUPA] & OBJECTIVE [RUPA] Types of EVOLUTIONARY ORGANS, Which All SEEDED with Great Array of COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUS ELEMENTAL ESSENCE COSMIC FORCES, thus Set up their Own Ways of Evolution, Which DETERMINES their Varied SHAPES & SIZES, and Many a Times All these Galaxies, thus DIFFER from EACH OTHER, in their Visible Appearance, While Co-Existing in the ‘’GREAT SPACE WEB’’ [MAHA AKASHIK JAAL], of this GRAND EXPERIMENT OF GRADUAL CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANSION’S, Popularly Known as ‘’ANANTHA BRAHMANDA’’ [INFINITE UNIVERSE], among All Seers & Sages of 5TH HUMAN ‘’ARYAN RACE’’ [ARYA JAATHI, SIMHA JAATHI, JUDAH JAATHI], Whose Much Evolved Consciousness Originally Hailed from the SOLAR STAR SYSTEMS OF REGULAS’’ [MAGHA NAKSHATRA], Which is an IMPORTANT INTEGRAL PART of ZODIACAL ‘’LEO CONSTELLATION’’ [SIMHA RASHI].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Informed the ‘Seers and Sages’’ [Rishi, Munis], and All Present Invisible Hierarchies, that the
Vested Duties of All ‘’God Conscious Incarnates’’ [Avatars, Radiant Conscious Prophets, Seers & Sages], Greatly Differ in this Way From the’’Rajas Gunah’’ [Negative-Positive Mixed Qualities] Hierarchical Yaksha & Rakhshasa Groups, Just Like the Dutiful Cyclic Role of ‘’Watery Clouds’’ {[‘’Apas’’ [Watery] ‘’Megha’’ [Clouds]}, Greatly Differ From the Role of Dutifully Flowing Rivers, and Other Manifested ‘’Water Reservoirs’’ [Jalashyas], Because the ‘’Clouds’’ [Megha] Seeded with Great Amounts of Water, Just Like the Radiant Conscious ‘’Avatars’’ [God Conscious Incarnates], Gracefully Seeded with ‘’Higher Frequency Fiery Wisdom’s’’ [Rudra Agni], Dutifully Manifest and FIRST Go to Various Areas of ‘’All Human Races’’ [Samastha Manushya Jaathi], and ‘’Fearlessly’’ [Nirbhaya] IMPART & SEED their ‘’ELECTRIFIED FIERY WISDOM’S’’ [RUDRA AGNI] among them, Without ‘’Any Sort of ‘’ANIMOSITY’’ [NIRVAIR] & ‘DISCRIMINATION’S’ [BHEDA BHAVA], and Similarly these ‘’WATERY CLOUD’S’’ [APAS MEGHA], Also Reseed & Replenish All Types of ‘’WATER RESOURCES’’ [JALASHYAS], Upon this ‘’PHYSICAL WORLD’’ [BHU LOKA, ASSIAH], and After their Gracefully SEEDING & REPLENISHING Like a ‘’DUTIFUL FATHER’’ [KARTAVYA PARAYAN PITA].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that This Process of ‘Corrections and Fixings’ to Mend the ‘Various Flaws of Flowing Economies’ are Similar to ‘The Flowing Rivers’ {[‘’Gathisheel’’ [Flowing] ‘’Nadis’’ [Rivers]}, whose Flowing Waters can ‘Change Course’ or Find ‘New Routes’ {[‘’Naveen’’ [New] ‘’Paths’’ [Routes]} to Continue their Ongoing Passages, and Overcome Various Hurdles, which may be Caused due to Change in Weather Patterns or Various Upheavals, Causing Hurdles upon the Surface of this Planet Earth.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Finally Concluded to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Many a Times if the Invisible [Arupa] Caretakers of ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Qualities of both Negative Positive Natures], Like the Great Hierarchies of ‘Yakshasa and Rakhshasa’ for Any Reason whatsoever, ‘Do Not’ Properly Manage the ‘Occurred Faults’ [Gantavya Bhrashtachar] in a ‘Particular Time Span’ [Nirdharith Samaya Kaal] through a ‘Line of Least Resistance’ [Nimn Avirodha Pratibandha Rekha], then A Great Damage may Occur to the Manifested Matrix [Paripancha], for which all those Dutifully Concerned ‘Get Blamed’ [Aparadha Doshi] and according to the ‘Caused Damage’ [Kshathi] Kritya done to the Established ‘Matrix’ [Paripancha], Get ‘Punished and Reprimanded’ [Ucchith Nyaya Dandam].
The Great Sage Agathiyar also gracefully Added, that in the Past History of this Planet Earth, such an ‘Disastrous Event’ [Kshathi Poorvak Karyakram] took Place, when due to Structure Upheavals Caused upon the Surface of this Planet Earth, the Greatest River ‘Saraswati’ {[The Mighty Ancient River ‘’Embodying’’ [Wati] Clear Healthy Waters, Tasting like the ‘’Pleasant Nectars’’ [Sa-Rasa], Which Gracefully Flowed through the Fertile Basin of Western ‘’Arya Vratta’’ ([All Lands Existing North of the ‘East to West Existing Vindhya Mountain Range’ Which Dividing Range Denoted as the ‘Vindhyanchal Parvat Shrankhla’, in ‘Bharat Khandam’ [Indian Subcontinent], Marked with the Flowing Waters of Its ‘’Nara-mada River’’ {[The River of Dissolving ‘’Human’’ [Nara] ‘’Egos’’ [Mada]}, thus Established the Boundaries of ‘’Arya Vratta’’ [Northern Territories, Mostly Inhabited by the Sub & Branch Race Members of the 5th Human Race]), and the ‘’Dravid Vratta’’ [[Southern Territories, Mostly Inhabited by the Sub & Branch Race Members of the 3rd Human Race, Having Mostly Among them, the Displaced & Gracefully Reestablished Humanity, Migrated in Various Batches, from the Earlier Ancient & Now Destroyed Continent of ‘’Kumari Khandam-Mu, Lemuria’’]}.
Stopped Flowing and Gradually Got Dried up, as these Caretakers Hierarchies of both the ‘Yakshasa and Rakhshasa’, who were even provided with the ‘Lines of Least Resistance’ [Nimn Avirodha Pratibandha Rekha] by the Grace of Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Vasudeva, Venkatesha, Adonai], Still ‘Utterly Failed’ to Solve this Problem in a Timely Manner, which happened due to their False Egos [Ahankara], Causing a ‘Great Loss to Humanity’ [Manav Jaathi Maha Kshathi] as well as to the Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages, who had their Hermitages upon its Holy Banks, for which they Got ‘Severely Punished and Reprimanded’ [Ucchith Bhayankara Nyaya Dandam].
To Be Continued…
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