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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 60
The Great Sage Agathiyar, after Revealing Various Facts [Tathyas] about the Important Manifestations of the Infinite Universe, as well as Various Evolutionary aspects of this Solar System and its ‘Important Planetary Organ’ [Vishesha Greha Anga] called Planet Earth, then Gracefully Further Disclosed Some More Information’s to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, about the ‘Most Important’ ’[Vibhinn Kartavyas] Hierarchical Groups of both ‘Yakshasa’s and Rakshasa’s’, the ‘Designated Leaders’ of ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Qualities] living among All Human Races, Vitally Established to Faithfully Perform their ‘Various Duties’ ’[Vibhinn Kartavyas] and ‘Given Roles’ [Nirdharith Abhinaya] through their both ‘Arupa’ [Invisible] and ‘Rupa’ [Visible] Forms, upon this ‘Evolutionary Planet’ [Chetna Vriddhi Greha] of ‘Great Significance’ {[‘’Vishesha’’ [Great] ‘’Mahatava’’ [Significance]}, which has been ‘Objectively Manifested’ {[‘’Rupa Viddhi’’ [Objectively] ‘’Sthapith’’ [Established]} in our Solar Universe [Aditya Mandala] to have All Types of ‘Denser Spiritual Experiences’ [Bhautik Adhyatamic Unnathi], while Vitally Existing in the ‘Parametric Ethereal Space’ [Maha Akashik Paridhi] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Informed the Seers and Sages of Tamil Sangam, that All The ‘Evolutionary Rules and Regulation’ [Chetna Vriddhi Niyam Pranali] meant for this Planet Earth, which were Gracefully Given by the ‘Great Manu’ {[The Great ‘’Mind’’ [Mana] Establisher of Human Races]} in very Ancient Times for ‘Preservation Purposes’ [Prathipalan Kriya Karanam] to the ‘Incarnated Humanity’ [Janamith Manushyas], were ‘Properly Followed’ under the Leadership of ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Quality] Controller Invisible [Arupa] and Visible [Rupa] ‘Yakshasa’s and Rakshasa’s’, by ‘Most of Humanity’ [Adhiktam Manushyas] who Vitally lived Segregated in their ‘Three Main Classes’ [Tritiya Mukhya Samhua] known as the ‘Tritiyam Varnas’, and this ‘Class Arrangement’ [Varna Vibhajan] ‘Vitally Lasted’ as such till the ‘Great Time Period’ of the ‘Three Vedas’ in Dvapara Yuga, during which the Great ‘Preserver’ Lord ‘Ishvara’ [The Supreme Preserver Lord of ‘’Polarity Desires Cyclic Motion’’, Having Many Title Names, Including ‘’Hari’’, ‘’Vishnu’’, Vasudeva’’, Adonai, ‘’Damodara’’, ‘’Munishvara’’, Yogeshvara, Pratipalaka, Jagadisha, Venkateshvara, Etc.] Avatar ‘Shri Krishna’, being ‘Himself’ Vitally Connected ‘Directly’ [Aika Prakar] to the ‘Desire Mind’ {[‘’Icchith’’ [Desire] ‘’Mana’’ [Mind]} of the ‘One and Only’ Unknowable Universal Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, Vitally Incarnated as ‘A Human Being’ to live among the Gradually Evolving Humanity of this Planet Earth.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully Further Revealed a ‘’Great Secret’’ [Maha Reshasya] About the Gradual Sharing Process of ‘’All Important Informations’’ [Samastha Vishesha Soohna], For the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, and Also for the Comparatively Huge Number of All Present ‘’Invisible Beings & Entities’’ [Adrishya Pranis], Which Universal Wisdom Informations, Like Already Shared upon Various Ancient Civilizations of Other Solar Universes, Also Gradually Got Shared in Various Bits & Pieces, upon this Important Refugee Planet Earth, and thus Slowly Started Circulating through the Use of ‘’Verbal’’ [Mokhik], ‘’Signs’’ [Hastha Mudras], & ‘’Written Process’’ [Lipi Pranalis], Among the Various Groups of Reestablished’’ [Punar Sthapith] Batches, of Other Much Older & ‘’Ancient Civilizations’’ [Pracheen Sabhyathas], Which For Various Types of Reasons & Ensuing Situations, Got Gradually Displaced From their Own ‘’Home Planets’’ [Grehas], Which All Such Displaced Planetary Civilizations, Either Belonged to Our Own ‘’Solar Universe’’ [Aditya Mandala], or Originally Hailed from the ‘’Various Planetary Civilizations’’ [Vibhinn Greha Sabhyathas], of Far Distant Solar Universes, Which All Exist in Our Own ‘’Milky Way Galaxy’’ [Ksheer Sagara Brahmanda], and because these Universal Informations, Got Shared in Only Various Bits & Pieces, among All the ‘’Reestablished Conscious Groups’’ [Punar Sthapith Chetna Samhua], thus they All Got Accordingly Adopted, in Various ‘’Time Cycles’’ [Yugas], without Proper Revelations of their ‘’FULL WISDOM ESSENCE’’ [POORAN JNANA-VIJNANA SAARA], and this Partial Method of Sharing, Later On Created Various Types of Confusions & Collusions, Among Distantly Existing Reestablished Groups, When More Bits & Pieces got Readily Available to them, which Actually became an Hindrance for them, to Easily Adopt these New Incoming Informations, as they Already Based their Devotional Faith Worship and Related Cultural Events, According to Already Assimilated Previous Bits & Pieces of ‘’Universal Wisdoms’’ [Brahmandick Jnanam-Vijnanam], Because Mostly Being Unaware of the Universal Cycles of Our Own Humongous Size ‘’Milky Way Galaxy’’ [Ksheer Sagara Brahmanda], and the Forward Motion Cycles of its Humongous Length ‘’Evolutionary Spiral Arms’’ [Chetna Vriddhi Bhuja Mandalas], Most of their Such Cultural Events Actually Got Widely Related, to the ‘’Visible Phases Aspects of Ongoing Lunar Cycle’’ [Shukla Evam Krishna Paksha], and the Yearly Seasons Generating Cycles of 2 ‘’Equinoxes’’ [Equal Day & Night], and 2 ‘’Solstices’’ [Solar Sun’s Nearest & Farthest Distance Days, From Our Planet Earth], Which Continuously Reoccurring Cycles of the ‘’Celestial Bodies’’ [Akashik Shreer], Also Greatly Impacted the Various Established Kingdoms of ‘’Life Matrix’’ [Jeevan Paripancha], Upon this Evolutionary Planet Earth.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully Further Added for the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, and Also for the Comparatively Huge Number of All Present ‘’Invisible Beings & Entities’’ [Adrishya Pranis], that When the Established Human Races, Having their Sub & Branch Race Leaders [Kings, Seers. Sages, Prophets, Priests, & Warrior Generals, Etc.], got these Acquired Wisdoms, Firmly Rooted in their Belief Systems, and thus in Everyday Daily Lives, then Whenever an Dutiful Volunteer ‘’Emissary’’ [Dooth] of the Supreme Preserver Lord ‘’Isha’’ [Vasudeva, Vishnu, Venkatesha, Adonai], Gracefully Fitted with Proper Frequencies of the ‘’Desire Mind God Consciousness’’, of the Omnipotent, Omniscience, Omnipresent Supreme Lord of All Cyclic Motions, Preserver Father Lord ‘’Isha’’, Incarnated Among Selected Human Race Groups, of this ‘’Physical World’’ [Bhu Loka, Assiah], and Gracefully Shared More Bits & Pieces of Radiant Wisdom’s, Having Mind Expanding ‘’New Informations’’, Which Again Got Shared in Only Various Bits & Pieces, During the Time Period of their Incarnated Lives, among All the ‘’Reestablished Conscious Groups’’ [Punar Sthapith Chetna Samhua], upon this Evolutionary Planet Earth, Whose ‘’Established Group Leaders’’ [Kings, Seers. Sages, Prophets, Priests, & Warrior Generals, Etc.], by Fearing the Occurring Changes in their Ongoing Full Scale Agendas, thus Instead of Gladly Receiving them, With Wrong Intensions Based Upon their Own Underlying Fears, then Created Various Sorts of Hurdles & Obstacles, in their ‘’God Sent Missions’’, Which by having Undue Response, By ‘’All those in Powerful Positions’’ [Pratishtith Padadhikaris], in the Required Needed Corrections, for the Balanced Preservation of Established ‘’Life Matrix’’ [Jeevan Paripancha], thus Created the Ugly Upheavals of ‘’Great Damage, Death, & Destruction’’ [Mritu Pradayak Maha Kshathi], in the ‘’Physical World’’ [Bhu Loka, Assiah], and Also in All the Other Adjacently Existing & Interpenetrating, ‘’Invisible Dimensional Worlds’’ [Adrishya Loka Evam Tala], and this Kind of Unwanted Occurrences has Already Happened in Various Ancient Civilizations of Much Advanced Solar Universes, Whose Displaced Consciousness After their Great Doom & Destruction, Got One Final Chance, to Get Properly Reestablished Again Upon this Newly Established Refugee ‘’Planet Earth’’ [Dhara Greha], of Our Solar Universe, and Dutifully Further Spiritually Evolve, According to the Established Universal Mandate of Gradual Conscious Expansions of ‘’Liberation & Salvation’’ [Mukthi Evam Moksha], By Always Keeping in Cautionary Check, All of their Governing Rulers & Leaders, Who Under the ‘’False Pride’’ [Mithya Ahankar], Influence of ‘’Material Mind Egoic Poisons’’ [Padartha Manasa Ghamandi Visha], May Knowingly Again Go Off Track, from the Spiritual Path of ‘’Established Righteousness’’ [Sthapith Dharama], Which Already Caused the Undue Demise of Ancient Civilizations, Upon Various Solar Universes of Our Own Galaxy, as well as was a Great Factor in the Total Destruction of ‘’Planet Tiamat’’ [Tathamat Greha], From whose Famous Ancient Name, the Sanskrit Word ‘’Tatha-Astu’’ {[‘’That One’’ [Tatha] ‘’We Are’’ [Astu], and also in Wide Sense Later Meant ‘’So Be It’’]}, Got Faithfully Derived, Among the Wide Spread 5th Human ‘’Aryan Race’’ [Arya Jaathi, Simha Jaathi, Judah Jaathi], upon this Refugee Planet Earth.
The Great Sage Agathiyar further added, that the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [The Supreme Preserver Lord of ‘’Polarity Desires Cyclic Motion’’, Having Many Title Names, Including ‘’Hari’’, ‘’Vishnu’’, Vasudeva’’, Adonai, ‘’Damodara’’, ‘’Munishvara’’, Yogeshvara, Pratipalaka, Jagadisha, Venkateshvara, Etc.] for their Direly Needed ‘Preservation Purposes’ thus with His Own ‘Desired Will Energy’ {[‘’Icchith’’ [Desire] ‘’Bhava’’ [Will] ‘’Urja’’ [Energy]}, which has been known as the ‘Yogmaya Shakti’ {[‘’The Energy’’ [Shakti] ‘’to Willfully Join’’ [Yog] with ‘’Illusory Matrix’’ [Maya]} among All the Seers and Sages since the ‘Very Ancient Agamic Times’ [Athi Prachen Samaya Kaala], whose Divine ‘Beej Mantra’ [Seed Syllable] Vitally exist between the ‘Tonal Frequencies’ {[‘’Shabad’’ [Tonal] ‘’Rashmis’’ [Frequencies]} of ‘Hrim to Hring’ Sounds, thus took a Physical Birth of a Human Being in this Most Dense World [Bhu Loka] of Planet Earth, to be born and Live in the ‘Arya Vrata’ [Northern Territories] of ‘Bharat Khandda’ [India], and ‘Try His Level Best’ [Aneka Prakar Uddham] to ‘Save’ them from the ‘Great Calamity’ {[Maha’’ [Great] ‘’Kshathi’’ [Calamity]}, which was ‘Going to Happen’ in the Form of an Epic ‘Mahabharata War’, and cause a ‘Great Destruction’ [Bhayankar Haani] to All Human Races, which all were Cyclically Introduced upon this Planet Earth by the ‘Desired Will’ [Icchith Bhava] of the ‘One and Only’ Great Unknowable Universal Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, to be ‘Gradually Manifested’, and have a ‘Spiritual Evolution of Conscious Expansion’ [Adhyatamic Chetna Vriddhi] upon this Dense Planet of our Solar Universe.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Added, that during those very ‘Dark Times’ [Kaala Samaya] of ‘Dvapara Yuga’, in which the ‘Cyclic Time’ [Yuga Chakra], being Vitally Mounted upon the ‘Descending Arc’ {[‘’Adhomukhi’’ [Descending] ‘’Dhanusha’’ [Arc]} of ‘Evolutionary Spiral’, Gradually Proceeding Forward to ‘Enter’ the ‘Most Dark Yuga Time Period called ‘Kala Yuga’ upon the Physical World [Bhu Loka, Assiah] of this Planet Earth, was a Dreadful ‘Time Period’ [Samaya Kaala], in Which the ‘Embodied Vital Consciousness’ [Jeevathama] under the ‘Cover of its Ensuing Material Darkness’, being Vitally caused due to ‘Gradual Loss’ of ‘Enlightenment Radiance’, thus became ‘Somewhat Sleepy’ [Nidra Avastha] toward all the Important ‘Spiritual Goals’ [Adhyatamic Unnathi], and by getting Stuck in the ‘Comforts’ [Ananda] of Material Passions ‘Willfully Discarded’ [Iccha Yuktha Agrehna] all the Spiritual Subjects, as well as all the ‘Ways and Means’ Gracefully given to them by the ‘Great Manu’ {[The Great ‘’Mind’’ [Mana] Establisher of Human Races]}, which all Vitally lead to their Soul’s desired ‘Liberation’ [Mukthi] and the Most Important Objective of All Incarnation’s upon this Most Dense Planet, which was to ‘Attain’ their ‘Soul’s’ ‘Salvation’ [Moksha] at an Earliest Possible Time.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Informed the Seers and Sages of Tamil Sangam’, that according to the ‘Evolutionary Time Cycles’ [Chetna Vriddhi Yuga Kram], which all have been ‘Gracefully Established’ [Daya Poorvak Sthapith] for ‘Evolutionary Purposes’ [Chetna Vriddhi Karya Kram] upon this Planet Earth, by the Great Preserver Lord of ‘Ishana Kona’ [North East Direction], who is widely known among all Seers and Sages as the Great Venerated Lord ‘Ishvara’ [The Supreme Preserver Lord of ‘’Polarity Desires Cyclic Motion’’, Having Many Title Names, Including ‘’Hari’’, ‘’Vishnu’’, Vasudeva’’, Adonai, ‘’Damodara’’, ‘’Munishvara’’, Yogeshvara, Pratipalaka, Jagadisha, Venkateshvara, Etc.], a ‘Dvapara Yuga’ technically is the ‘Third Time Period’ out of the Four Yuga Cycles, when it is Vitally Established upon the ‘Descending Arc’ {[‘’Adhomukhi’’ [Descending] ‘’Dhanusha’’ [Arc]} of the ‘Evolutionary Spiral [Tandava Gathi Chetna Vikas], and after the End of an Ascending Kala Yuga, it is Also the ‘Second Time Period’ upon the ‘Ascending Arc’ {[‘’Urdhavamukhi’’ [Ascending] ‘’Dhanusha’’ [Arc]} of an Continuing ‘Evolutionary Spiral Cycle’ [Tandava Gathi Chetna Vikas Chakaram], which has thus a Total of a 8 Yuga Cycles [4 Yugas on Descending Arc and 4 Yugas on the Ascending Arc], or the ‘2’ Mahayuga Periods [2 Great Yuga Cycles, in which each ‘Great Yuga’ called a ‘Mahayuga’ has 4 Yuga Periods].
The Great Sage Further Added, that during the ‘Dark Zone’ [Kaala Kshetra] of ‘Dvapara Yuga’, Whose ‘Given Time Period’ [Nirdharith Samaya Kaal] just before the Great Lord Krishna’s Birth was ‘Fast Approaching’ its ‘Cyclic End’ [Sheghram Sameep Yuga Antha], by then due to Various Types of ‘Mutated Consciousness’, which by ‘Illegally’ [Anayay Poorvak] Coming into Vital Existence due to Various Types of ‘Unfulfilled Desires’ [‘’Atripth’’ [Unfulfilled] ‘’Icchas’’ [Desires]} of Material Nature, which all Vitally manifested under the ‘Illusory Aspects’ [Maya Gunah] of Matrix [Paripancha] in the ‘Desire Minds’ {[‘’Mana’’ [Mind] ‘’Icchas’’ [Desires]} of ‘Evolutionary Humanity’ [Chetna Vriddhi Manushyas] as well as their ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Quality] Controller Leaders, and also due to the ‘Various Actions’ [Vibhinn Karamas] Wrongfully Performed by their Invisible [Arupa] and Visible [Rupa] Controlling Hierarchies, thus ‘Totally Engulfed’ [Poorantya Lipth] in ‘Dense Murkiness’ [Kaali Daldal] all the Ongoing Evolutionary Activities, which Being related to ‘Spiritual Uplift’ [Adhyatamic Unnathi] of this Evolutionary ‘Planet’ [Greha] were supposed to be Faithfully Followed in a Proper Manner, as per the Set Rules, which were Earlier Guided and Established by the ‘Great Preserver Lord Manu’ {[The Great ‘’Mind’’ [Mana] Establisher of Human Races]} for the Evolving Humanity of this Planet Earth.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that by the Time of the Great Lord Shri Krishna’s Birth, ‘Much’ [Adhikansh] of Evolving Humanity under the ‘Misguided Mismanagement’ [Moordha Nirdesh] of their ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Quality] Controllers, known Since the Very Ancient Times among the Seers and Sages as the ‘Yakshasa’s and Rakshasa’s’, who Vitally Exist among the Evolving Humanity in both their Rupa [Visible] and Arupa [Invisible] Forms, Vitally Existing as their Visible Incarnated ‘Kings’ [Raja] and the Invisible ‘Controlling Leaders’ [Padaseen Adhikaari], thus Caused So Much ‘Poison’ [Vish] of the ‘False Pride Ego’ [Ahankara, Ghamanda], to Gradually Grow in their Vital Consciousness, that this ‘Poison’s’ [Vish] Destructive Lethal Energies started to Flow out of their Aura Bodies, and Further Mutated through Various Types of Physical World Action-Reactions into Lethal Vices of ‘Jealousy’ [Irsha], ‘Envy’ [Dvesha], and Various Types of ‘Illegally Obtained Powers’ [Anyaya Poorvak] to ‘Wrongfully Control’ others, thus ‘Greatly Threatened’ the Very Existence of the Established Matrix [Paripancha] upon this Planet Earth, which is the ‘Sole Property’ [Niji Sampada] of ‘One and Only’ [Aikam], the Unknowable Great Father [Agyatha Maha Prabhu Pitha] Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ {[‘’The Most Ancient’’ [Adi] ‘’Absolute’’ [Param] ‘’Rich – Vital Conscious Energy Source Lord’’ [Shi-Va]}.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that under Such ‘Dire Conditions’ of Approaching Destruction which started ‘Mortally Threatening’ [Apekshith Mritu] the Very Frame Work of the ‘Established Matrix’ [Paripancha] upon this Planet Earth, in which Various Types of ‘Visible’ [Sadrishya] or ‘Rupa’ [Objective] Kingdoms [Hierarchical Mineral, Plant, Animal, and Human Kingdoms] and the ‘Invisible’ [Adrishya] or ‘Arupa’ [Subjective] Kingdoms [Angelic and Demonic Hierarchies of Innumerable Various Types] Vitally ‘Coexist’ [Saha-Sthapith] and ‘Gradually Evolve’ [Krammanusar Chetna Vriddhi], the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [The Supreme Preserver Lord of ‘’Polarity Desires Cyclic Motion’’, Having Many Title Names, Including ‘’Hari’’, ‘’Vishnu’’, Vasudeva’’, Adonai, ‘’Damodara’’, ‘’Munishvara’’, Yogeshvara, Pratipalaka, Jagadisha, Venkateshvara, Etc.] of the Universe, decided to be Born in His Incarnated Human Form, to Vitally live among the Gradually Evolving Humanity of ‘Aryan Race’ [Arya Jaathi, Simha Jaathi, Judah Jaathi] as the Great Lord ‘Shri Krishna’, and then Acting as a ‘Garbage Cleaner Lord’ [Dharama Glanih Nirodhak Adhipathi], who is known among all Seers and Sages as the ‘MAHAKAALA’ [The Great Lord of Time], thus ‘Try His Level Best’ to ‘Save and Preserve’ [Paritranaya Samsthapana] the ‘Ongoing Evolution’ [Kriyasheel Chetna Vriddhi] upon this Planet Earth without ‘Interfering with the Free Will’ [Sthapith Niji Bhava Chetna Gunah] Attribute of Vital Existence, by ‘Properly Weeding Out’ [Vinashaya Dushkratam] All those Elements, who were Threatening the ‘Very Existence’ of the Established Matrix [Paripancha].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully Further Revealed a ‘’Great Secret’’ [Maha Reshasya] About the Role of Great ‘’Avatars’’ [God Conscious Incarnates], Having All Sorts of ‘’New Important Informations’’ [ Vishesha Naveen Soohna], For the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, and Also for the Comparatively Huge Number of All Present ‘’Invisible Beings & Entities’’ [Adrishya Pranis], that the Venerable Title Name of an ‘’Avatar’’ [God Conscious Incarnate], is Actually Only Applicable to those Incarnated Human Beings, Who are a Store House of Otherwise Unknowable New Informations, and All Such New Informations, Widely Contain in them, the Conscious Expanding ‘’Fiery Spiritual Wisdom’s’’ [Rudra Agni Jnanam-Vijnanam], Which are Also Totally Unknown, to the Co-Existing ‘’Invisible Hierarchical Beings & Entities’’ [Adrishya – Arupa Pranis], of ‘’All Dimensional Worlds’’ [Samastha Loka Evam Talas], and thus the Underlying Mission of these ‘’True’ God Conscious Incarnates [Satyam Avatars], are Totally Unknowable to All the Invisible & Visible Hierarchies, of an Evolutionary Planet, Vitally Co-Existing in the ‘’Designated Space Web Matrix’’ [Nirdharith Akashik Jaal Paripancha], of an ‘’Solar Universe’’ [Aditya Mandala], or Even in the ‘’Invisible Space Web’’ [Adrishya Akahik Jaal], of ‘’All Adjacently Existing Solar Universes’’ [Samastha Sambhandith Aditya Mandalas], Whose Differentiated Conscious Planetary Civilizations, of Various Types, Till that Time of Such Revelations, may be Also Totally Unaware of Such ‘’Fiery Electrified Wisdom Frequencies’’ [Vidyuth Rudra Agni Rashmis], Which have been Unknowable, till that time of Such Graceful Revelations, All Gracefully Shared by an ‘’God Conscious Incarnate’’ [Avatar], Living Dutifully Incarnated in a Dimensional World, of a ‘’Evolutionary Planetary Organ’’ [Chetna Vriddhi Greha Anga], Like Our this Beautiful ‘’Blue Planet Earth’’ [Neel Varna Prithvi Greha].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully Further Added for the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, and Also for the Comparatively Huge Number of All Present ‘’Invisible Beings & Entities’’ [Adrishya Pranis], that When All Such Electrified Wisdoms, Get Dutifully Shared By an ‘’True God Conscious Incarnate’’ [Satyam Avatar], During an Applicable Time Period of an Ongoing Cyclic Age, to Mend the Needed Corrections, then a Great Problem Also Immediately Arises, Among the Co-Existing Human Races, having their Own Similar Looking Duplicated Human Forms, Who to Willfully ‘’Steal’’ [Apharan] All Gracefully Revealed Such New Informations, then Deceitfully Widely Utilize, All Possible Benefits of their Already Highly Placed Positions, and then with the ‘’Deceitful Help’’ [Dhoortha Sahayatha] of ‘’Various Corrupt Conscious’’ [Vibhinn Prakar Bhrashta Chetna] ‘’Invisible Controller Hierarchies’’ [Adrishya Adhikari Prani Samhua], Also ‘’Falsely’’ [Mithya Viddhi], then Also Start Claiming themselves, to be the ‘’God Conscious Incarnates’’ [Avatars], Totally Ignoring the ‘’Basic Facts’’ [Moola Tathyas] of an ‘’True Avatar’’ [Satyam Avatar], that a ‘’True Avatar’’ [Satyam Avatar], is Actually an ‘’Extremely Tiny Elongated Conscious Front’’ [Athi Laghu Niveshith Chetna Vibhaga, of the ‘’One & Only’’ Unknowable Omnipresent, Omnipotent, & Omniscient Universal Father Lord, of this ‘’Grand Experiment of Gradual Conscious Expansions’’, Called Everywhere in the ‘’Space Web’’ [Akashik Jaal], as the ‘’Infinite Universe’’ [Anantha Brahmanda], Who All thus Ultimately Utterly Fail, in their Such Deceitful Stealing Operations, Along with the ‘’Total Demise & Irrevocable Destruction’’ [Nirantar Apporthi Janak Maha Kshathi], of All Conspiring False Agenda Corrupt Conscious Invisible Hierarchies, Whose ‘’Established Life Pattern Seeds’’ [Sthapith Jeevan Beeja], Also Get Totally Rooted Out, Once for All, by the Unknowable Absolute Father Lord of Universe, Whose Own ‘’Tiny Invested Conscious Front’’, is that Dutifully Sent Out ‘’True God Conscious Incarnated Being’’ [Satyam Avatar], Whom they Wrongfully Try to Illegally Subdue, with their Duplication Manifesting Power Controls, of the ‘’Illusory Matrix’’ [Maya Paripancha].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Great Universal Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [The Supreme Preserver Lord of ‘’Polarity Desires Cyclic Motion’’, Having Many Title Names, Including ‘’Hari’’, ‘’Vishnu’’, Vasudeva’’, Adonai, ‘’Damodara’’, ‘’Munishvara’’, Yogeshvara, Pratipalaka, Jagadisha, Venkateshvara, Etc.] when Incarnating in an ‘Ordinary Looking Human Form’ [Sadharan Manushya Roop], was ‘Greatly Mistreated’ [Maha Yatna] by Both the Invisible [Arupa] and Visible [Rupa] Caretaker In charges, widely known among the Seers and Sages as the ‘Karmic Lords’ {[The Lords of ‘’Yama’’ [Stopping Control] & Also ‘’Ni-yama’’ [Regulations]}, who All Vitally Perform Various Types of Duties, which are Related to the Incarnations of Giving Human Births in this Physical World, as well as also Got ‘Ill-treated’ [Anek Prakar Paritarna] by the Hay wire gone ‘Corrupt Controllers’ [Shadyantri Dushkartha] and the ‘Ruling Leaders’ [Padadhikari Nethagan] of ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Qualities] Living in those Times upon this Physical World [Bhu Loka], who All having ‘Advance Information’ [Akashavaani] and ‘Full Knowledge’ [Poorna Jnana] about ‘His Coming’ to this Planet Earth, ‘Foolishly Conspired’ [Moordtha Vash Rachith Sadyantra] to make sure that the ‘Great Universal Lord’ in Ordinary Human Form does not Succeed in his Preserving Mission in this Physical World.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All these ‘Mutated Conscious Corrupt Leaders’ [Bhrashtha Chetna Shadyantri Dushkartha Padadhikari] of this Planet Earth, then Instead of ‘Heartily Welcoming’ the ‘Great Preserving Lord with ‘Full Celestial Honors’ in this Physical World [Bhu Loka, Assiah], then with ‘Deceitful Intentions’ {[‘’Dhoortha’’ [Deceitful] ‘’Vichara’’ [Intentions]} Heinously Conspired Against Him, and then having a ‘Wrongful Intention’ to ‘Eliminate Him’ by ‘Physically Killing’ His ‘Incarnated Human Form’ [Manushya Roop], then to start with under ‘Most Difficult’ {[‘’Athi’’ [Most] ‘’Visham’’ [Difficult]} and ‘Pathetic Conditions’ Cruelly Gave Him a Birth on a Dark Night to be Born as a ‘Newborn Baby’ {[‘’Navjaath’’ [Newborn] ‘’Shishu’’ [Baby]} in a ‘Prison Cell’ [Apradhi Koshtha], where Earlier Both His Human Parents were ‘Unlawfully Imprisoned’ [Anaithik Rupi Bandhith] by their Own ‘Blood Relative Ruler’ [Raktha Sambandhi Raja] named King ‘Kamsa’ of ‘Mathura’, and that ‘Cruelty’ [Anachara] just ‘Did not Stop’ there, as All The Invisible One’s [Arupa] of the ‘Controlling Hierarchies’, by Wrongfully Utilizing their ‘Given Powers’ [Prapth Bala] to work with the ‘Live Elementals’ [Tatva Jeevanus] of Fire, Air and Water [Tathvas], then right after ‘His Divine Birth’ [Divya Janam] Conspiringly Created a ‘Heavy Downpour’ of Rain and ‘Thunderstorms’, to make His Escape from the Prison Cell ‘Much More Difficult’, which caused the ‘River Yamuna’ levels to ‘Greatly Swell’, and without having any ‘Bridge’ to Cross it thus Made Much More for His Already Frail Father ‘Vasudeva’, who in these ‘Dreadful Conditions’ was Holding this ‘Newborn Baby Universal Lord’ {[‘’Navjaath’’ [Newborn] ‘’Shishu’’ [Baby] ‘’Brahmandick’’ [Universal] ‘’Adhipathi’’ [Lord]}, just wrapped in the available Prison Clothes lying naked in a Wicker Basket upon His Head.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Said to the Tamil Sangam, that from the Universal View Pont, ‘If this was ‘Not Cruelty of Highest Order’ caused by the ‘Invisible Controlling Hierarchies’ [Arupa Pranis] to the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [The Supreme Preserver Lord of ‘’Polarity Desires Cyclic Motion’’, Having Many Title Names, Including ‘’Hari’’, ‘’Vishnu’’, Vasudeva’’, Adonai, ‘’Damodara’’, ‘’Munishvara’’, Yogeshvara, Pratipalaka, Jagadisha, Venkateshvara, Etc.] of Universe, who All having Advance knowledge about His Coming to this Planet Earth, and knowing ‘Full Well’ all about the Greatest Universal Lord of ‘Rajas Guna’ [Negative – Positive Powers] still tried to harm him, who having Immaculate and Unmatched Powers still incarnated just in an ordinary Human Form among Evolving Humanity to ‘Save and Preserve’ [Paritranaya Samsthapana] them, and what kind of ‘Foolishness can be Termed’ [Moordtha Karya Naamakaran], which their ‘Most Corrupt’ {[‘’Maha’’ [Most] ‘’Shadyantri’’ [Corrupt]} and Highly Placed Incarnated Human Fronts of this ‘Planet Earth’ Portrayed to a ‘New Born Shivering Baby’, which ‘Actually’ was the ‘Incarnated Vital Form’ [Jeevith Roop] of the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [The Supreme Preserver Lord of ‘’Polarity Desires Cyclic Motion’’, Having Many Title Names, Including ‘’Hari’’, ‘’Vishnu’’, Vasudeva’’, Adonai, ‘’Damodara’’, ‘’Munishvara’’, Yogeshvara, Pratipalaka, Jagadisha, Venkateshvara, Etc.] of the Universe, upon which ‘No Karma’ [No Residues of All Willfully Performed Actions & Reactions] could be ever be ‘Placed or Ascertained’ by ‘Anyone’.
To Be Continued…