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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 17
The Great Sage Agathiyar, after Gracefully Disclosing Various Informative Facts [Tathyas] about this Solar Universe [Aditiya Sor Mandala], and its Vitally Manifested Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha], to the Gathered Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, then Started to Gracefully Disclose Various Important Facts [Tathyas], which are Related to the Rest of 15 Dimensional Worlds of the 28 Manifested Dimensional Worlds of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Corresponding to the Total Group of 13 Higher Dimensional Worlds [Urdhava Lokas], which are Vitally Composed of ‘Positive Ethereal Matter’ [GHANATAMIC AKASHIK PADARTHA] of ‘Shorter Wave Length Frequencies’, to Vitally Exist as the ‘Higher Dimensional Worlds’ thus Formulated in their Subjective and Objective Denser Differentiations, the Great Father Creator Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ also Manifested a Corresponding Group of 13 Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas], Which are Vitally Composed of ‘Negative Objective Matter’ [RINATAMIC AKASHIK PADARTHA] of ‘Longer Wave Length Frequencies’, to Vitally Exist in their Own Subjective and Objective Differentiations.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that Out of these Corresponding 13 Lower Dimensional Worlds [Tryodasha Adho Lokas], ‘7’ Worlds are Just Termed as the ‘Lower Dimensional Worlds’ [Adho Lokas, also Referred to as the ‘Talas’ by the Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages], and ‘6’ Worlds are Termed as the ‘Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds’ [Adho Chakshu Talas, Adho Ankh Talas].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Informed the Sages and Seers of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the One and Only Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Universe, with his ‘Unmatched Kind Grace’ through His ‘Eventuated Desire Will’, also manifested these Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas also Called ‘Talas], for the Benefit of All those Gradually Evolving Vital Conscious Existence’s, whose Vital Consciousness due to Various Attachments of ‘Dense Material Nature’ were Unable to Attain the ‘Required Spiritual Experiences’, Even by Vitally going Continuously through Various ‘Repeated Cycles of Incarnation’ in the First Higher Dimensional World of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], known to all as the ‘Bhu Loka’ [Dense Physical World, Assiah], and Apart from this Vital Fact, their Evolving Vital Consciousness ‘Still Longed’ and ‘Desired’ for More Material World Experiences of the ‘Negative and Denser Kinds’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that Even Though all these Vitally Manifested Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas, Talas] are Vitally Composed of ‘Negative Objective Matter’ [RINATAMIC AKASHIK PADARTHA] of ‘Longer Wave Length Frequencies’, they still also have their Own Lower and Upper Levels of Vital Existence, Who All Relatively having Denser and Rarer Matter of DENSER GRADES, Vitally Exist Collectively in their Gradually Differentiating Grades of Subsequent Higher Densities.
The Great Sage Agathiyar further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’ that the Subjective and Objective ‘Denser Negative Matter’ of these Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas, Talas] is Formulated as ‘Such’, that it Vitally Allows All Gradually Evolving ‘Vital Conscious Existences’ to get Denser Sorts of ‘Non Spiritual’ and ‘Totally Material’ Type of Experiences, who Vitally Enter their Parametric Material Space from the Higher Dimensional World of ‘Bhu Loka [First Higher Dimensional World, commonly Termed as the ‘Physical World, Assiah].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that these All Vital Existences, having Strong ‘Material Desires of Denser Kinds’ Embedded in their Evolving Vital Consciousness, being Mounted upon the Downward Descending Arc of the ‘Involution Spiral’ thus Proceed Further to Enter the Parametric Space of Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho lokas, also known as ‘Talas’].
The Great Sage Further Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these 13 Lower Dimensional Worlds were Vitally Manifested by the ‘Willed Desire’ of the Great Creator [Paripancha Ichchas] Father Lord, Especially for All those Gradually Evolving Vital Conscious Existences, who were Evolving at a Much Slower Pace than all Other Vital Existence’s due to Various Reasons, the Main being the ‘Great Affinity and Attachments [Moha] for the Material World Desires’ [Paripancha Ichchas].
The Great Sage Agathiyar added, that the ‘Spiraling Force’ of the Great Father Lord, which Gradually Allows the Evolving Vital Consciousness of All Existence’s, to Vitally Involves itself with the Attributes of ‘Negative Denser Matter’, so they can Get ‘Totally Drenched’ and ‘Mentally Fulfilled’ with their Desired Longings For the Denser Material World Experiences, thus is also Allowed to take them ‘Further Downwards’, to Vitally Enter these Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas also called ‘Talas’].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, also Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Whole Idea of Manifesting these Lower Dimensional Worlds, According to ‘Established Evolutionary Plan and Purpose of the Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], is to Allow All Gradually Evolving Vital Conscious Existences to have a ‘Fair Chance’ of ‘Attaining Spiritual Experiences’, which are Vitally Needed for their Liberation [Mukti] from the Various Bondages of Manifested ‘Matrix’ [Parpancha], which during their Incarnated Lives, Keeps them ‘Vitally Engrossed’ in Various Types of ‘Dense Desires’, Especially of the ‘Materialistic Nature’ [Padartha Prakriti], which Makes them ‘Easily Forget’ their Real Goal of Attaining the Needed ‘Spiritual Experiences’, which are direly required for their ‘SOUL’S’ [ATAMA] Liberation [Mukti].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that as per the Established Evolutionary Order of the Great Creator Father Lord, it has been Mandated, that Somewhere along the Downward Spiral Evolution, All those Vital Consciousness’s, who are Vitally Mounted Upon its Descending Arc, will Finally Get Tired of their ‘All Materialistic Desires’ [Samastha Padartha Ichchas], and then by Willfully Dejecting them, with Great Longings and Intended Desires to ‘Attain Needed Spiritual Experiences’, will Again Willfully Mount upon the Ascending Arc of ‘Evolutionary Spiral’ to Vitally ‘Free’ themselves from the ‘Glamorous Bondages’ of these Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas, Talas], whose ‘Material Aspects’ are ‘Very Enchanting’ and of ‘Wondrous Types’ with Great Degrees of unexplainable Illusion [Maya].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, also Gracefully Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All these Wondrous Worlds of ‘Ultimate Materialistic Beauty and Glamour’ are ‘Vitally Ruled’ by Various Types of ‘Reptilian Races’, which although being made up of Various Kinds and Creeds, are Collectively Termed as the ‘Sarpas’ [Snakes] and ‘Nagas’ [Serpents] by the Evolving Human Races of ‘Bhu Loka’ [Physical World].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that unlike the Evolving Human Races of the ‘Bhu Loka’, these ‘Reptilian Races’ belonging to ‘Lower Dimensional’ Denser Material Worlds, Vitally Possess Various Supernatural Attributes [Siddhis] having the ‘Advance Wisdom of Illusion’ [Maya], due to the Ineffable Grace bestowed upon by them, by the One and Only Creator Lord Father ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar also Informed ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Some of these ‘Reptilian Races’ Possess those Advanced ‘Illusory Techniques’ of ‘Desired Will’ [Ichha Dharanam], with which they can take a ‘Human Looking Temporary Form’ upon Bhu Loka [Physical World], which Although being Totally an ‘Illusory Form’ [Mayavi Shareera], is hard to Detect as Such, except by the Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages, and thus could not be detected by All Other Evolving Human Beings of Bhu Loka, among which for Various Reasons they Sometime Interact, as well Dwell among them, without their Notice.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Apart from these 13 Lower Dimensional World [Adho Loka, Talas], the 14th Dimensional World in Universe [Brahmanda] is Considered as that, which also Existing as an ‘Dimensional Eye World’ [Chakshu Loka] Vitally Embodies ‘Some Levels’ of the First Higher Dimensional World [Prathama Urdhava Loka], which is known among the Seers and Sages as the ‘Bhu Loka’, Just like this PHYSICAL WORLD [MRITU LOKA, ASSIAH], of this PLANET EARTH’, and ‘Some Levels’ of the First Lower Dimensional World [Prathama Adho Loka], which is known among the Seers and Sages as the ‘Bhu Tala’, and all these Levels of this Dimensional World are Collectively known as ‘The Physical Eye World, by the SEERS & SAGES of the Evolving Humanity.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Apart from these 14 Dimensional Worlds, the 15th Dimensional World in Universe [Brahmanda], thus Completing the Total Group Number of 28 Dimensional Worlds is Considered as that, which ‘Exists’ by itself at the Very Bottom of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of Tamil Sangam, that this 15th Dimensional World is known among the Seers and Sages as the ‘Maha Naraka’ [The Great Hell], Which is a SECRET LOCATION WORLD, By Dutifully Corresponding to the Vitally Manifested 28 Dimensional Worlds of the Universe [Brahmanda], thus also has its Own 28 Dimensional Levels, which are known as the 28 Narkas [28 Hells] among the Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Parametric Space of this ‘Huge Dimensional World’ with its Own 28 Differentiated Levels of ‘Corrections and Torture’, which is Vitally known among the Seers and Sages as ‘The Great Hell’ [Maha Naraka] Starts in the ‘INVISIBLE SPACE WEB’ [ADRISHYA AKASHIK JAAL], where the Parametric Boundary of the ‘Lowest Dimensional World’, known as ‘Patala’ among Seers and Sages Vitally Ends.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Finally Concluded among the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All those Vital Conscious Existences, who enter the Parametric Space of this Extremely Large ‘Hellish Dimensional World’, having its Own 28 Differentiated Levels of ‘Various Torture’s’, are Considered as the ‘Doomed Existences’, who in the End, After Entering the Last Lower Dimensional World of ‘Patala’, which is Full of ‘Enchanted Splendor’ and ‘Unparalleled Majestic Beauty’, Even then by ‘Not’ having their ‘Material Desire’s Fulfilled and thus having ‘Absolutely No Desire’ to ‘Ascend Back Upwards’ and Gracefully ‘Liberate’ themselves from the ‘Material Bondages of Illusory Matrix’ [Parpancha], thus Finally Vitally Loose their ‘Embodied Graceful Consciousness’ [Brahma Chetna Jyothi] of the Creator Father ‘Lord’, and then Existing without it, Just as a ‘Doomed Existence’ [Maha Kashtha], they ‘Greatly Suffer’ [Maha Kashtha] in their ‘Wretched State’ [Dukhi Avastha] For a ‘Very Long Time’, according to the ‘Hellish Level’ of their Attainment.
To Be Continued…