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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 19

The Great Sage Agathiyar, after Giving the Important Information about the First ‘2’ Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas, Talas] out of the ‘7’ Lower Dimensional Worlds [‘Saptha Talas’, also known as the ‘Saptha Ado Lokas’], to the Gathered Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, then Gracefully started to Further Reveal the Important Details about the Other ‘5’ Lower Dimensional Worlds.

[3] Sutala – The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further informed the Seers and Sages of Tamil Sangam, that the Next Lower Dimensional World [Adho Loka] in the Descending Order, is known as ‘Sutala’ among Seers and Sages, Which means the ‘Good Lower Dimensional World’. Some Seers and Sages have also termed this ‘Third Lower Dimensional World’ from their Own Varied Experiences as the ‘Nitala’, meaning the ‘Lower Level of Enchanting Beauty having Various Feminine Aspects’, which thus does not ‘Appear like a ‘Lower’ [Ni] ‘Level’ [Tala]’’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further added, that this ‘Good Lower Dimensional World’, Vitally Corresponds to the Higher Dimensional World of ‘Sva Loka’ or ‘SUVARGA’ {[The ‘GOOD’ [SU] ‘ROUND DIMENSIONAL AREA’ [VARGA], Termed by Ancient PROPHETS, SEERS & SAGES, as the HEAVENLY WORLD OF MENTAL BLISS, Also Known with Another Names as the ‘BRIAH’, ‘BAHISHTH’ Etc., the Controlling Thought Forms Generating Area, for the ‘BA’ or ‘THE PHYSICAL BODY’, Gracefully Incarnated to OBJECTIVELY  Learn SPIRITUALITY, upon the ‘PHYSICAL WORLD’ [BHU LOKA, ASSIAH], of an EVOLUTIONARY PLANET, Like this PLANET EARTH, of Our Solar Universe, Vitally Existing in the ‘MRIGASHIRSHA BHUJA MANDALA’ [SPIRALING ORION BELT ARM], of Our ‘MILKY WAY GALAXY’ [KSHEER SAGARA BRAHMANDA]– and as its Denser Matter is Composed of ‘Negative Gaseous Material Thoughts’ of ‘Very Long Frequencies’, which due to Embedded ‘Materialistic Pride’ [Ahanakara, Ghamanda] in the Vital Conscious of All its Residents, thus Appears to them as the ‘World of Unparalleled Creations and Structures’, which in their ‘Unparalleled Glamour’ even Surpass and thus Defy the ‘Beauty and Glamour’ of All of the Great Structures, which Exist in the 3rd Higher Dimensional World, Commonly known among the Evolving Humanity and their Corresponding Evolving ‘Devas’ [Angelic Beings] of this Planet Earth, as the ‘Sva’ or ‘Svarga Loka’ [Heavenly World]. ‘SUVARGA’ {[The ‘GOOD’ [SU] ‘ROUND AREA’ [VARGA], ‘DIMENSIONAL WORLD’ [LOKA], Termed by the Ancient PROPHETS, SEERS & SAGES, as the HEAVENLY WORLD OF MENTAL BLISS, Also Known with ANOTHER NAMES as the ‘BRIAH’, ‘BAHISHTH’ Etc.], upon this PLANET EARTH.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, also Gracefully Disclosed this Important Fact [Vishesha Tathya] to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All what Exists in this Particular Dimensional Level Was Manifested upon the Order of Great Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu] the ‘Second Differentiated Conscious Aspect’ of the Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, and was thus Following the Given ORDERS OF UNIVERSAL LORD ‘ISHA’ [ADONAI, VENKATESHVARA],Who Gracefully GOVERN ALL LIFE CYCLES OF THE ‘INFINITE UNIVERSE’ [BRAHMANDA], then Got Subsequently Created by the ‘Great Vishvakarma’ Himself, who is None Other than the Later Incarnation of the ‘Creator Lord Brahma’, who in Fact Himself is the ‘Third Differentiated Conscious Aspect’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Entire Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Further added, that just Like the Great Ruler ‘Indra’ of the Heavenly World, which is commonly known among Seers and Sages as the Third Higher Dimensional World of ‘Sva Loka, or Suvarga, Svarga’, among the ‘THREE DENSER DIMENSIONAL WORLDS’ [TRILOKA], For GRADUALLY LEARNING the ‘SECRETS OF SPIRITUALITY’ [ADHYATAMIC DHARAMA BHEDA], thus SUBJECTIVELY [ARUPA] & OBJECTIVELY [RUPA],, Gracefully Exists in the Vitally Manifested Universe [Brahmanda], the Mighty Ruler of this Third Lower Dimensional World of ‘Sutala’ {[‘SU’ [GOOD], ‘TALA’ [LEVEL]} is the ‘Pious Bali’, which Originally belonged to the ‘Reptilian Race’. The Undefeatable ‘Bali’ was installed as the Ruling Lord of this World by the Great Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu] Himself under His Own Protection, by Bestowing His Ineffable Grace upon Him. And it All Took Place in the Ancient Times, when the Proud ‘Bali’ Faithfully Surrendered to Lord Ishvara’s Brahmin Incarnation manifested as the ‘Vamana Avatar’ [Dwarf Form], and thus this Third Lower Dimensional World of ‘Bali’ was Subsequently Made Much ‘RICHER’ [VAAMA] in ‘Opulence, Glamour, and Unparalleled Beauty’ by Lord ‘Ishvara’s’ Blessings, than the ‘Indra’s’ Heavenly World of Sva Loka [Svarga Loka].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed, that this Particular Lower Dimensional World [Adho Loka, Tala] is also named as ‘Sutala’ [Good Dimensional World], because Many of Descending Vital Consciousness’s, who have Vitally Descended From ‘Bhu Loka’ [Physical World] to Enter these Lower Dimensional World’s due to their Unquenched ‘Material Types of Desires’, Stay Here For a Very Long Time Marveling its ‘Great Beauties and Unparalleled Structures’, which all are Vitally Created and Established By the ‘Lord Vishvakarma {[The ‘ACTIVITY CREATOR’ [KARMA] LORD of ‘ENTIRE WORLD’ [VISHVA]}, Having CREATOR ‘TATAPURUSHA BRAHMA’S’ Circular Force’s SUBJECTIVITY & OBJECTIVITY Creating Abilities]}. This is the Main Domain of All ‘Yakshas’ [Lower Dimensional Deva’s, who are also known as the Shiva Gana’s], where they Mostly Frequently Visit and Reside, to MENTALLY ENJOY its ‘INNUMERABLE MATERIAL WORLD RICHES’ [ASANKHYA VAAMA PRAKRITI PADARTHAS], Embodying VARIOUS ‘UTMOST WORLDLY PLEASURES’ of FIERY PASSIONS, apart from the Next Lower Dimensional Worlds of ‘Talatala’ and ‘Mahatala’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that all those Who Enter this Lower World [Adho Loka] of ‘Sutala’ {[‘SU’ [GOOD], ‘TALA’ [LEVEL]} also gets effected by its Reptilian Residents, who even though Full of ‘False Pride’ [Ahankara, Ghamanda] due to their ‘Great Worldly Possessions’ in this Enchanting Material World, still all ‘Faithfully Worship’ the Great Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Preserver Lord ‘ISHA’ [ADONAI, VENKATESHVARA] of ALL WORLDLY CYCLES], who is None other than the ‘Second Differentiated Conscious Aspect’ of the Same ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda]. So the Piousness of these ‘Reptilian Residents’ Collectively Referred to as ‘Nagas [Serpents], Sarpas [Snakes, Seraphims], Daityas and Danvas [Hierarchical Demons]’ effects their Vital Consciousness in a ‘Good Way’, who All Earlier Willfully Entered the Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas, Talas], while Mounted upon the Descending Arc of the ‘Evolutionary Spiral’, and thus in this ‘Lower World’ [Adho Loka], the Vital Spark of Spirituality ‘Gets Finally Lit’ in their Vital Consciousness, making Many of them to Vitally ‘Return Upward’ toward the Higher Dimensional Worlds [Urdhava Lokas], from this Lower Dimensional World of ‘Sutala’ [Good Lower Dimensional World].

[4] Talatala – The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further informed the Seers and Sages of Tamil Sangam, that the Next Lower Dimensional World [Adho Loka] in the Descending Order, is known as ‘Talatala’ among Seers and Sages, Which means the ‘The Varied Level [Tala] Lower Dimensional World [Tala]’. Some Seers and Sages have also termed this ‘Fourth Lower Dimensional world’ from their Own Varied Experiences as the ‘Garbhastimat’ and ‘Gabhastala, meaning the ‘Lower Dimensional World of Birthing [Garbhasti] Material Wisdom’ [Mat], which is Vitally Considered as ‘The Knowledge of Utmost Value’ among All Residents of the Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas, Talas].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that this Particular Lower Dimensional World ‘Vitally Corresponds’ to the 4th Higher Dimensional World of ‘Maha Loka’ [Higher Dimensional World of Intuitional Wisdom], as its Denser Matter is of more ‘Rarer Kind’ as compared to the First Three Lower Dimensional Worlds of ‘Atala, Vitala, and Sutala’. And All what Exists in this Lower Dimensional World of ‘Garbhastimat’ or ‘Talatala’ Was Manifested upon the ‘Desired Will’ Order of Great Lord ‘Maheshvara’ [‘SADA SHIVA, EL, AL’, The Controlling Lord of ALL SPIRAL MOTIONS, in the Unfathomable ‘ETHEREAL SPACE WEB’ [AKASHIK JAAL] Expanse, of ‘INFINITE UNIVERSE’ [BRAHMANDA], Who is None Other than the ‘First Differentiated Vital Conscious Aspect’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father ‘Adi Param Shiva’, and this VARIED LEVEL LOWER DIMENSIONAL WORLD, with EACH LEVEL Having Its OWN UNPARALLELED CHARACTERISTICS, was thus Subsequently Given by Him under His Protection to the ‘Various Hierarchical Orders’ of the ‘Shiva Ganas’ [Hierarchical Servants of Lord Shiva], to Comfortably Reside.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that there are Many ‘Great Teachers’ among the ‘Hierarchical Shiva Ganas’ [Yakshas, Brahma Rakshasa, and Various Other Categories of Daityas and Danvas] who are ‘Perfect Masters’ [Siddhas] of All ‘Material World Arts’ [Dark Arts Including, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Black Magic, Etc.], and the ‘Underlying Wisdom’ of All these ‘Dark Arts’ Actually belongs to the ‘Negative Aspects’ of the ‘Great Illusory Force’ of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], which is known and ‘Revered’ among all the Seers and Sages as the ‘Maha Maya’ {[THE ‘GREAT’ [MAHA] ‘FORCE OF ALL ILLUSIONS’ [MAYA], Which has been FORMULATED & MANIFESTED, By the SUPREME LORD ‘’ISHA’ [ADONAI, VENKATESHVARA] OF ‘’ALL LIFE CYCLES’’ [JEEVAN PARIPANCHA CHAKRAS], in Every ‘EVOLUTIONARY PART’ [CHETNA VRIDDHI ANGA], of this INFINITE UNIVERSE [BRAHMANDA]}.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Finally Concluded to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All who Visit or Reside in this ‘Birthing Place of Material Wisdom’ [Garbhastimat] Feel Extremely Lucky to ‘Witness and Learn’ Various Wonders of the ‘Material World Arts’ [Dark Arts], which are more of a ‘Material Kind’, than their Counterpart ‘Wisdom of Spiritual Enlightenment’, which is Taught by Great Masters in their Corresponding 4th Higher Dimensional World [Urdhava Loka], known as the ‘Maha Loka’ [Great World], about which much has been Previously Disclosed. All the Visitors and Residents of this 4th Lower Dimensional World [Adho Loka] Faithfully Worship the Great Lord ‘Maheshvara’ {[The ‘GREAT’ [MAHA] ‘LORD’ [ISHVARA] OF ALL SPIRALING MOTIONS, & SOLE CONTROLLER of ALL FIERY WISDOM’S [RUDRA AGNI JNANA- VIJNANA] Also Venerably NICKNAMED By His DEVOTEES as the ‘GREAT LORD’ [MAHA DEVA]  ‘EL’ & ‘AL’, throughout the Fertile Lands of ‘GREAT ARATTA’ [MAHA ARIRASHTRA], of ‘JAMBUDVEEPA’ [GREAT CONTINENT OF EURASIA]}, who Gracefully Gave them this Great World of ‘Utmost Material Knowledge and Wisdom’ to Reside.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, also added a ‘Precautionary Warning’, for the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, by Disclosing this ‘Important Fact’ [Vishesha Tathya] to them, that for all the ‘’Evolving Humanity of this Planet Earth’’ [Prithvi Greha], who after Entering the Adjacent Dimensional World of ‘Sutala’, then instead of ‘Returning Upwards’ on the ‘Evolutionary Spiral’, Still want to Continue their ‘Downward Dissension’ to Fulfill their Unquenched ‘Material World Desires’, by Willful Desires or through the Karmic Action-Reactions, then Mounting upon the Descending Arc of ‘Evolutionary Spiral’ Enter this Lower World of ‘Talatala’ [Lower Dimensional World of Varied Levels], then it becomes Very Hard for them to Ever Return back upon the ‘Ascending Arc of Evolutionary Spiral’, due to the Binding Effects of Dark Arts [KAALA INDRAJAAL], which by Prevailing Everywhere in this Lower Dimensional World, and Vitally Existing as the ‘Incomprehensible Illusions’ of ‘Witchcraft, Sorcery, Black Magic Etc. makes Very Difficult for All of them, to Even Think of Ever Returning Back to the Higher Dimensional Worlds.

To Be Continued…

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