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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 20
The Great Sage Agathiyar, after Giving Various Information’s about the 4th Lower Dimensional World of ‘Talatala’ [Lower Dimensional Level of Varied Levels], to the Gathered Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, which Appears as Such, having its ‘So Many Levels’, due to the ‘’Great Illusory Effects’’ [Maya] of ‘Dark Arts’ [Witchcraft’s, Sorcery, Black Magic], which are Widely Prevalent, Taught, and Practiced, Everywhere in this Particular Lower Dimensional World, also Further Gracefully added ‘One More Point’ of Great Importance about this Lower World [Adho Loka, Tala], that this Particular Dimensional World also Acts as a ‘Great Transitional Center’ of Various Beneficial Works of Great Importance, by Vitally Existing in the ‘Central Position’ between the 3 Upper ‘Lower Dimensional Worlds’ [Adho Lokas], about which Much has been already Explained, and the Next 3 ‘Lower Dimensional Worlds’ [Adho Lokas], which are Situated Downwards from its Last Level.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that These ‘Important Works of Great Illusion’ [Maya], which are Widely ‘Practiced’ and thus Greatly ’Accomplished‘ and ‘Perfected’ [Siddh] in this Lower Dimensional World of ‘Talatala’, by their Great Masters [Siddhas], are then Later Practically Vitally Utilized by All the ‘Reptilian Race Residents’ of All these 7 Lower Dimensional Worlds, Having in them, Various Evolutionary SOLAR UNIVERSES. Embodying Designated EVOLUTIONARY ORGANS Like this PLANET EARTH, in the Designated Areas of ‘INVISIBLE SPACE WEB’ [ADRISHYA AKASHIK JAAL], Like in the ‘FORWARD MOTION SPIRAL ARMS’ [BHUJA MANDALAS, of DESIGNATED TIME & SPACE RELATIONSHIP ‘GALAXIES’ [BRAHMANDA MANDALAS], Like in the ‘ORION SPIRALING ARM’ [MRIGASHIRSHA BHUJA MANDALA], of Our Own ‘KSHEER SAGARA BRAHMANDA’ [MILKY WAY GALAXY], to Exists as their Various ‘Protections’, which Vitally Guards them from their ‘Enemies and Foes’, Especially their Archenemies ‘Garuda’s’ [The ‘Khechara Races’ with Flying Abilities].
After Explaining about the First 4 Lower Dimensional Worlds, out of the 7 Lower Dimensional Worlds [Saptha Adho ‘Lokas’, also called Saptha Adho ‘Talas’], The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully started to Further Reveal the Important Details about the Rest of Other ‘3’ Lower Dimensional Worlds, which Vitally Exist below the Parametric Space of this Lower Dimensional World of ‘Talatala’, which is also known as ‘Garbhastimat’ or ‘Gabhastala’ among the Seers and Sages, about which Much has been Already Explained.
[5] Mahatala – The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further informed the Seers and Sages of Tamil Sangam, that the Next Lower Dimensional World [Adho Loka] in the Descending Order, is known as ‘Mahatala’ {[‘MAHA’ [GREAT] ‘TALA’ [LEVEL]} among Most Seers and Sages, Which means the ‘The Great Lower Level Dimensional World’. Although Some Seers and Sages, who are the ‘Stanch Worshipers’ of the Great Lord ‘Maheshvara’, who is ‘None Other’ than the First Differentiated Vital Consciousness of the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe, have also termed this ‘Fifth Lower Dimensional World’ from their Own Varied Experiences just Only as the ‘TALA’, meaning the ‘Lower Dimensional World’, which is Greatly Considered by all of them As the True Lower Dimensional World in ‘REAL SENSE’, Vitally Existing Gracefully Providing ‘TRUE FEELING OF A PARAMETRIC ENCLOSED LOWER SPACE LEVEL, Among’ All Other Vitally Manifested Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas, Talas].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that this Particular Lower Dimensional World of ‘Mahatala’ [Lower Dimensional World of All Greatness] ‘Vitally Corresponds’ to the 5th Higher Dimensional World of ‘Janana Loka’ [Higher Dimensional World of Creative Wisdom], and its Composing Denser Matter is of Much More ‘Rarer Kind’ as compared to the First Four Lower Dimensional Worlds of ‘Atala, Vitala, Sutala’ and Talatala. And All what Exists Manifested in this Great Lower Dimensional World of ‘Mahatala’, is Vitally ‘Formulated and Created’ Just by the ‘Desired Will’ Order of the Great Lord ‘Maheshvara’ {[SADA SHIVA, The GREAT LORD of ALL UNIVERSAL SPIRAL MOTIONS, Also Known as ‘EL’ & ‘AL’, in ‘JAMBUDVEEPA’ [EURASIA], of this PLANET EARTH, Gracefully Providing the Gradually Evolving ‘UNIVERSAL SPIRIT’ [BRAHMANDIC CHETNA], the Needed ‘FIERY ELECTRIC FREQUENCIES’ [RUDRA AGNI], of ‘ALL THOUGHT FORMING WISDOM’S’ [SAMASTHA MANASIK JNANA VIJNANA PRAKASHA]}, Who is None Other than the ‘First Differentiated Vital Conscious Aspect’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father ‘Adi Param Shiva’, and All who Live and Work here, they Happily do so by Constantly Living Under His Omniscient Protection, and thus Faithfully Obey all his ‘Desired Will Orders’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Informed the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that because of the ‘Great Formative Works’, which are Vitally Accomplished Here on the ‘Desired Willed’ Direct Orders of the ‘Great Lord Maheshvara’ [SADA SHIVA, DAKSHINA MURTHI, EL, AL], this Great Dimensional Level of ‘Mahatala’ is the ‘Valued Abode’ of Almost All of the ‘Great Reptilian Race Leaders’, who have been Commonly Termed as the ‘Great Serpents with *Many Hoods’ {[*The CODIFIED NOTION of ‘MANY HOODS’ ACTUALLY, Symbolically DENOTE their GREAT PERFECTION ATTAINMENTS of WISDOM ABILITIES, With Which SUPER-NATURAL WISDOM’S, They can Simultaneously THINK & PERFECTLY DECIDE. in a Timeless ‘SPLIT SECOND’ [KSHANA] MANNER]} by the Evolving Humanity of this Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’ that these ‘Great Formative Works’ include the ‘Great Secrets of the Spiral Motion’, Vitally Governed by the Great Lord Maheshvara [SADA SHIVA, DAKSHINA MURTHI, EL, AL] Himself, which All Members of ‘Reptilian Races’, who Vitally Dwell in any of the Various Dimensional Worlds and in all their Dimension Levels, which are Subjectively and Objectively Manifested in the Parametric Space [Maha Akasha] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], thus Vitally Utilize in All their ‘Movements’ as their ‘Working and Moving Abilities’, which they can Vitally Perform, both Visibly as well as Invisibly in the DESIGNATED AREAS [NIRDHARITH KSHETRAS] of the ‘INVISIBLE ETHEREAL SPACE WEB’ [ADRISHYA AKASHIK JAAL].
The Great Sage Agathiyar also added, that Since Very Ancient Times these ‘Great Reptilian Race Leaders’ of this Great Dimensional World of ‘Mahatala’, have been known among All Seers, Prophets, & Sages of the ‘ANCIENT AGAMIC TIMES’ [ADI AGAM KAALA], as the Valiant Sons of ‘Kadru’, who was also One of the Wives of the Great Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh], the Second Differentiated Conscious Aspect of the Same ‘One and Only’ Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], when He incarnated Himself to Vitally Exist as the ‘Kashyapa Avatar’ [God Conscious Tortoise Incarnation].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that The Famous One’s among these ‘Great Serpents’ [Nagas, Seraphims] of ‘Mahatala’ Vitally belong to the ‘Krodhavasha’ [Irascible] Group, Who can Vitally Control [Vasha] their Anger [Krodha], to a ‘Great Extent’ according to their Own ‘Desired Wishes’. The Most Famous among them are the Great Serpents ‘Kuhaka, Takshaka, Kaliya, and Sushena, who All have Even Interacted as per their Duties, among the Great Seers, Prophets, and Sages of this Planet Earth, as well as Among All other ‘Beings and Entities’ of the Three Higher Dimensional Worlds [Triloka].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that Many of these Famous Serpents [Nagas, Seraphims] have Great Abilities to take an ‘Illusory Human Form’ [Mayavi Shareera], as per their Ensuing Needs, or whenever they have to Perform their Given Duties, as Mandated by the ‘Established Evolutionary Order’ of the 3 Great Controller Lords ‘Maheshvara’, Ishvara, and ‘Tatpurusha Brahma’.
[6] Rasatala – The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further informed the Seers and Sages of Tamil Sangam, that the Next Lower Dimensional World [Adho Loka] in the Descending Order, is known as ‘Rasatala’ {[‘NECTAR’ [RASA] ‘LEVEL’ [TALA]} among Most Seers and Sages, Which means the ‘The Liquid Frequency Lower Level Dimensional World of Great Tastes’. Although Some Seers and Sages, have also termed this ‘Sixth Lower Dimensional World’ from their Own Varied Experiences just Only as the ‘Sritala’ {[‘SRI’ [NAME & FAME OF EMBODIED PERSONALITY RICHNESS] ‘TALA’ [LEVEL]}, meaning the ‘Lower Dimensional World of Great Wealth and Personal Fame’, which is Greatly Considered by all of them As of Great Importance in ‘REAL SENSE’, and many Seers and Sages have also named this Dimensional World as ‘Sutala’ meaning the ‘Good Dimensional Level’, because the ‘Great Wealth’ it Holds are in Fact ‘The Secret Patterns of All Types of Various ‘Magnetic Nectar ‘Illusions’, which are Basically used in a ‘Good Way’ to help Vitally ‘Protect’ all the Residents of these 7 Lower Dimensional Worlds, From all their Foes and Enemies.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further added, that this Lower Dimensional World of ‘Rasatala’, Vitally Corresponds to the Higher Dimensional Radiant World of ‘Tapah Loka’, and as its Denser Matter is Composed of ‘Negative Ethereal Matter’ [RINATAMIC AKASHIK PADARTHA], which Although is of Great Rarity as Compared to the Denser Matters of the Already Explained, Lower Dimensional Worlds of ‘Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, and Mahatala, but they are Still Composed of ‘Very Long Frequencies’, but Vitally Embodied with ‘Extra Special Attributes’ of LIQUID MAGNETIC ‘NECTARS & POTIONS’, to Vitally Formulate and Create Various ‘Patterns of Illusion’ [Maya], as well as the Corresponding Mathematical and the Geometrical ‘Vital Sound and Light Frequencies’, which through the use of Various ‘Vocal’, as well as through the use of ‘Mental’ Procedures, can ‘Vitally Animate’ them, to Perform Certain Types of Desired Actions or Reactions, to bring out All the ‘Desired Results’, which are thus worked out through Various Types of ‘Material Manifestations’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All those, who have been Given Specific Duties to Protect these ‘Most Important Patterns of All Illusions’ [Maya] with All their Mighty Power and Whatever Else it Might take, from All the Outsiders, are the Chosen ‘Mighty and Valiant Warriors’ from the Various ‘Danava and Daitya’ Clans [Hierarchical Demonic Groups], who All Live in ‘Subterranean Caves’ which Appear Like the Serpent Holes, who Act with ‘Fear Causing Methods’ and ‘Cruelty’ to All Outsiders, to Keep them Away from their Dimensional World, and thus Safeguard this Most Important and Great ‘Wealth of Secret Patterns’, which are Placed under their ‘Tight Supervision’ and Caretaking for All of them, to Carefully Guard with their Lives.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, further added that this Particular Dimensional World is Also known as ‘Sritala’ among the Learned Seers and Sages, because this World is Considered as the Sole of the Venerated Feet of Lord ‘Sripathi’ [The Holder Lord of All Spiritual and Material Wealth], who is also known as the Great Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh], the Second Differentiated Vital Conscious Form of the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ among all His Faithful Devotees, who Invisibly Existing as the Great Lord ‘Sripathi’ is the Governing Lord of all ‘Secret Patterns of Illusion’ [Maya], and thus is also Termed as the ‘Mayapathi’ {[‘LORD OF’ [PATHI] ‘ILLUSIONS’ [MAYA]} and ‘Mayadharah’ [The Holder Lord of the Illusory Force], by all Valiant and Trustworthy Workers of this Lower Dimensional World. And due to the Great Lord Ishvara’s Venerated Presence always Being Felt as the Great Lord ‘Sripathi’ in this Lower Dimensional World, this Particular World has been termed also as ‘Sutala’ [The Good Dimensional World], by the Staunch Worshipers of the Great Lord ‘Ishvara’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, thus Concluded to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that even with Such a Great Security Provided by the Faithful and Valiant ‘Hierarchical Danva, and Daityas’, the Great Lord ‘Sripathi’ [Ishvara, Mayadharah], Further as the added ‘Precautions’, has Himself Set Up Certain ‘Secret Codes’, which are only known to ‘Himself, Established for the All-out Protection of ‘All the ‘Secret Patterns of Illusion’, which Could ‘ Never be Hijacked’, even if such an Attempt or a Breach Happens in the Universe. All the Resident Hierarchical ‘Asuras’ [Various Demonic Hierarchies Including Daityas and Danvas] of this ‘Rasatala’ Dimensional World, Faithfully Worship the Great Lord ‘Ishvara’ as the ‘Sripathi’, and Happily Live under His Radiant Omnipresence [Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh].
To Be Continued…