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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 26

The Great Sage Agathiyar, After Gracefully Giving Various Details of the First 3 Levels of the Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World [Chaturtham Chakshu Tala], to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, also informed them an ‘Important Fact’ [Vishesha Tathya] about the ‘Occult Training’ of ‘All Material World Sciences’, which Pertain to All Types of ‘Negative Quality Aspects’ [Tamo, or Tamas Guna].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Disclosed to the Tamil Sangam, that All Material Sciences [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana] of ‘Tamoguni Vidya’ [Negative Quality Knowledge and Wisdom], since the Very Ancient Times of the Universe, are Considered as A lot Easier to Vitally Attain, in Comparison to the Material World Sciences [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana] of the ‘Rajo or Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Qualities], and of the ‘Sato or Sathva Guna’ [Positive Quality]. In All these Material World Sciences, All those are Vitally Considered as the ‘Most Difficult’ to Attain, which are Vitally Related to the ‘Sato or Sathva Guna’ [The Quality of Truth].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that there are Many ‘Great Teachers’ among the ‘Hierarchical Shiva Ganas’ [Yakshas, Brahma Rakshasa, and Various Other Categories of Daityas and Danavas, Who ALL Gracefully Serve the GREAT LORD OF ALL ELECTRIC WISDOM’S ‘MAHA ISHA’ [DAKSHINA MURTHI, EL, AL]}, who All being the Revered Residents of the First Level, which Vitally Exists manifested as the First Teaching Level in this Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World, are the ‘Perfect Masters’ [Siddhas] of All ‘Material World’s Negative Arts’ Commonly referred to by the Seers and Sages as the ‘Tamoguni Vidya’, which is the Material Science Knowledge [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana] Primarily Related to the ‘Dark Arts of Witchcraft, Sorcery, Black Magic, Etc.’, and the ‘Underlying Wisdom’ of All these ‘Dark Arts’ Actually belongs to the ‘Negative Aspects’ of the ‘Great Illusory Force’ of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], which is known and ‘Revered’ among all the Seers and Sages as the ‘Maha Maya’ [Great Illusion].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Gracefully Disclosed to the ‘Seers and Sages’ of Tamil Sangam, that as the ‘Tamoguni Vidya’ [Negative Arts] also has a Great Potential, to Cause Huge Damage, Death, and the Destruction of Totally ‘Unmatched Proportions’, If it is ‘Improperly Used’ by Anyone under the Influence of Various ‘Vices and Passions’ [Nakratamak Avagunas], Not Deeply Thinking about its Dire Results and the ‘Manifesting Consequences’, while Vitally Practicing or Utilizing it, Especially under the Influence of ‘Negative Passions’, and that is why that the Great Perfect Masters [Siddhas] of the ‘Occult Knowledge and Wisdom’ [Agamic Vidya Jnana-Vijnana], which Gracefully Teach their Enrolled Students Various Types of Subjects, which are Vitally related to the ‘Tamoguni Vidya’ [Negative or Dark Arts], are Extremely ‘Cautious and Careful’ and thus ‘Utterly Strict’, when for the Enrollment Purposes, they ‘Pick and Choose’ all their Students, who Vitally Show ‘Great Interests and Vital Aspirations’ to Learn these ‘Dark Arts’ [Tamoguni Vidya].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that ‘Although’ All Types of ‘Occult Knowledge and Wisdom’ [Agamic Vidya Jnana-Vijnana], which being Related to the ‘Tamoguni Vidya’ [Negative and Dark Arts] is Gracefully Taught by the ‘Perfect Masters’ [Siddhas] to their Enrolled Students in this Very First Level of the Lower Fourth Dimensional Eye World, is ‘Very Easy to Vitally Attain’, as Comparative to All Other ‘Material World Sciences’ [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], but it is Comparatively Much Harder, to ‘Get Enrolled’ in these Great Masters ‘Occult Classes’, because after Successfully Graduating from this First Level, if Any of these ‘Taught Students’, ‘Willfully Misuse’ these ‘Dark Arts’ to Vitally Cause ‘Undue Calamities’ of ‘Great Death and Destruction’ in any Dimensional World of the Universe, which All being a Part and Parcel of the ‘Tamoguni Vidya’ [Negative Quality Knowledge and Wisdom], in the First Place have been Basically Devised by the ‘Great and Kind Lord Maheshvara’ {[THE GREAT LORD OF ALL ELECTRIC WISDOM’S ‘MAHA ISHA’ [DAKSHINA MURTHI, EL, AL]} Himself, to be Vitally Learnt by All, Only for their ‘Protection Purposes’ from All Types of ‘Ruthful Enemies and Foes’, then Under Such Circumstances of ‘Willful Misuse’, His ‘Great Teacher Master of Perfections’ [Siddha] also Gets Blamed for ‘Wrongfully’ Choosing Such a ‘Undeserving Student’, and thus Gets ‘Permanently Black Listed’ in the ‘Universal Records’, and thus is ‘Shamefully Looked Down Upon’ among His Own Peers, which is a ‘Great Stain’ [Kalanka] upon their Character, which is Hard to Clean.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, after Giving All these ‘Important Information’s’, then Further Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that For this ‘Above Mentioned Reason’, All the Perfect Masters of ‘Tamoguni Vidya’ [Negative and Dark Arts], are ‘Absolutely Very Strict and Extremely Careful’ in Picking and Choosing All their Aspiring Students, and Even have Devised an ‘Extra Precautionary Safeguard Measure’ of Giving First an ‘OATH’ [VACHNAM], to All their Enrolling Students, to ‘Safe Guard’ Themselves and All Others From such ‘Unforeseeable Future Mishaps’, which Make them ‘Faithfully Say’ while Ritualistically Taking their Such ‘Oaths’ during their Enrolling Initiations, that All their ‘Learnt Teachings’ Gracefully Taught to them, will ‘Instantly and Automatically Loose’ their Embedded ‘Occult Powers’ [Agamic Vidya Shakthi] and thus become ‘Useless’, if they are ‘Willfully’ Or Under Any ‘Stress or Duress given to them by Someone Else’, are Misused in ‘Any Other Way’, Except for the Reason of their ‘Protection’ [Kavacham] from All Types of Dangers, which Might be Vitally Caused by their ‘Enemies or Foes’ [Ripus].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully Started to Further Explain about the Rest of 4 Levels of this Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World, which All also Vitally Exist in this Lower Eye World, to Vitally Play Out their Own Given ‘Distinctive Roles’, in the Ongoing ‘Established Evolution’, Just Like the First 3 Lower Dimensional Levels of this Lower Eye World also Play their Own Distinctive Roles in it, Processing according to the ‘Evolutionary Plan and Purpose’, which Originally Got Vitally Manifested by the Great Lord’s ‘Willed Desire Energies’ [Bhava], Gracefully ‘Eventuated Out’ from the ‘Contemplating Mind’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these 4 Levels of the Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World, which Vitally Exist Further Downwards from the already Explained 3 Levels of this Eye World, are the ‘Great Realms’ of Various ‘Formative Works’ [Vastu Karyas] upon which are Vitally based All Types of ‘Occult knowledge and Wisdom’ [Agamic Vidya Jnana-Vijnana], which are Later Taught as ‘The Material World Sciences’ [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], in the First 3 Levels of this Dimensional Eye World by the ‘Great Teachers’, who are also known among all the Seers and Sages as the ‘Perfect Masters’ [Siddhas].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that these ‘Great Formative Works’ are ‘Vitally Performed’ Only in the 3 out of the 4 Levels, by the ‘Loyal Shiva Ganas’ [Servants of Sada Shiva, Dakshina Murthi, El, Al], who being themselves ‘Vitally Stationed’ in the 4th or the Lowest Bottom Level of this Dimensional Eye World [Chakshu Loka], which technically is their ‘Vital Residence Domain’, are the ‘Utmost Faithful and Truly Loyal Servants’ of the Great Lord ‘Maheshvara’ [Sada Shiva, Dakshina Murthi, El, Al], who is ‘None Other’ but the ‘First Differentiated Vital Conscious Aspect’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda] , Which ‘GREAT CONSCIOUS ASPECT LORD’ [MAHA CHETNA ADHIPATHI], Being an CONSCIOUS EXTENSION of the UNKNOWABLE UNIVERSAL FATHER LORD, Vitally Exists Among  the ‘THREE WAY CONSCIOUSNESS MOTION DIFFERENTIATION’S’ [TRIMURTHI[, to Gracefully Mange All ‘FIERY FREQUENCIES’ [AGNI RASHMIS] OF ‘UNIVERSAL ACTIVITIES’ [BRAHMANDA KARYAKRAMMA], By Gracefully Managing the SPIRAL MOTION’S of ALL ELECTRIC WISDOM’S, in the ‘INVISIBLE SPACE WEB’ [ADRISHYA AKASHIK JAAL] of INFINITE UNIVERSE, and is also Known Among All PROPHETS, SEERS, & SAGES, as the ‘INVINCIBLE LORD OF ONE FOOTED DANCING POSITION’ [AJA AIKA PADA RUDRA, NATARAJA], and HIS this ONE FOOTED POSTURE REPRESENTATION, Having a HUMAN FORM, in a ‘CODIFIED WAY’ [GHUYAM VIDDHI], Technically Depicts the ENDING of An ONGOING SPIRAL, and the START of A FORWARD MOTION NEW SPIRAL, Dutifully MANAGED & CONTROLLED by this ‘FORMLESS ONE’ [NIRANKARA], and this HUMAN FORM DEPICTION of SPIRAL DANCING POSTURE, was GRACEFULLY INTRODUCED by HIM, in the VERY ANCIENT TIMES, For the Wider HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, Upon this PLANET EARTH, to Make them EASILY UNDERSTAND, the SPIRAL MOTION PHENOMENA of this INFINITE UNIVERSE, Which SPIRAL MOTION Also DUTIFULLY GOVERN the ‘TINIEST CELLS’ [SOOKSHAMA KOSHIKA], of their ‘DENSELY INCARNATED HUMAN FORMS’ [ANNAMAYA KOSHAS].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Gracefully Informed the Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All the Great Formative Works, which are Faithfully Performed with Utmost Care in the 3 out of these 4 Levels, by the Duty Bound and Most Trustworthy ‘Shiva Ganas’ [Servants of Sada Shiva] who All are ‘Gracefully Chosen’ by the ‘Most Kind Lord Maheshvara’ [Sada Shiva, Dakshina Murthi, El, Al] Himself, for these ‘Great Works of Universe’, which All  Include the ‘Great Secrets of Spiral Motion’, Which Originally Got Started by the ‘Willed Desire Mind’ of the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ in the ‘Vital Parametric Ethereal Space’ [Maha Akasha] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda] , and Since then has been Vitally Governed by the Great Lord Maheshvara [Sada Shiva, Dakshina Murthi, El, Al] Himself, who is ‘None Other’ than the ‘First Differentiated Vital Conscious Aspects’ of the One and Only ‘Unknowable’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Practical Applications of these ‘Great Works’, which all are Vitally Based upon the ‘Secrets of Spiral Motion’, which Technically Creates the ‘Basis of All Energy Frequencies’, thus Vitally Formulating the Circular and Cyclic Motions, which All through their Interactions of Various ‘Permutations and Combinations’ End up Gradually Forming All the ‘Geometries and Mathematics’ [Jyotirmayi Evam Ganith Vidya] in the Universe, which All Members of ‘Reptilian Races’ including Vasu’s and the Vidyadhara’s, Yakshas, Daitya, Danvas Etc., as well Some of the Downward Fallen ‘Vital Consciousness of Evolving Human Beings’, who All Vitally Dwell in any of these Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas, Talas] and in all their Dimension Levels, which are Also ‘Subjectively and Objectively’ Manifested in the Parametric Space [Maha Akasha] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], thus ‘Vitally Utilize’ in All their ‘Movements’ as their ‘Vital Conscious Workings and Moving Abilities’, which All being Technically Composed of the ‘Energy Frequencies’ in reality are also Vitally Related to the Various ‘Ongoing Ascending or Descending Arcs’ of the ‘Established Universal Evolutionary Spiral’, and thus by ‘Properly Utilizing’ them, they All can ‘Vitally Perform’ their ‘Intended Works’, both Visibly [Sadrishya Evam Rupa Viddhi] as well as Invisibly [Adrishya Evam Arupa Viddhi] according to their ‘Given Evolutionary Duties’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Finally concluded to the ‘Tamil’ Sangam’, that these 4 Levels in their Descending Order of 1, 2, 3, and 4, the 4 being the Lowest Bottom Level of this Dimensional Eye World, are also a Part of the Lower Dimensional World of ‘Maha Tala’ [Great Level], who is Just Known as the ‘Tala’ [Lower Level World] among All the Shivaganas [Servants of Sada Shiva, Dakshina Murthi, El, Al].

The Great Sage Agathiyar also Gracefully further added, that in the 1st of these 4 Levels, those ‘Important Formative Works’ [Vishesh Kritti Karyas] are Vitally Performed, which Later on Primarily Relate to the ‘Tamoguni Vidya’ [Negative Knowledge and Wisdom, and all of their Applications]. And in the 2nd of these 4 Levels, those ‘Important Formative Works’ [Vishesh Kritti Karyas] are Vitally Performed, which Later on Primarily Relate to the ‘Rajoguni Vidya’ [Mixture of Both Negative and Positive Knowledge and Wisdom, and all of their Applications]. And in the 3rd of these 4 Levels, those ‘Important Formative Works’ [Vishesh Kritti Karyas] are Vitally Performed, which Later on Primarily Relate to the ‘Satoguni Vidya’ [Positive Knowledge and Wisdom, and all of their Applications].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, also Gracefully Revealed this Important Fact [Vishesha Tathya], to the Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the 4th Level, being the Bottom Level of this Dimensional Eye World, is Primarily Used as the ‘Residence Level’ [Greha Tala] of these ‘Chosen Faithful Workers’ [Shiva Ganas] of the Great Lord ‘Maheshvara’ [Sada Shiva, Dakshina Murthi, El, Al], as well as For ‘All their Instructional Purposes’, and Also For ‘All Other Special Agendas’ of the Great Lord ‘Maheshvara’ [Sada Shiva, Dakshina Murthi, El, Al], which Always Being of ‘Utmost Importance’ thus Stay ‘Unknown to All Others’, Except these Most Trustworthy ‘Chosen Few’ of ‘Highest Integrities’, who For ‘Such Great Placements’, are thus also Vitally Revered Among All Other Vital Existences of the Universe [Brahmanda].

To Be Continued…

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