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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 55
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Explained to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that in this Established ‘Paripancha’ [Matrix] of Planet Earth, there are ‘Various Sorts of Hierarchical Leaders’ {[‘’Vibhinn’’ [Various] ‘’Prakar’’ [Sorts of] ‘’Gana’’ [Hierarchical] ‘’Neta’’ [Leaders]}, who all Vitally Exist in their Arupa [Invisible] and Rupa [Visible] Forms, by having their Given Capacities to Act as the ‘Co-Creators’ {[‘’Sam’’ [Co] – ‘’Karta’’ [Creators]}, which Vitally Allows them to Perform their ‘Evolutionary Duties’ {[‘’Chetna Vriddhi’’ [Evolutionary] ‘’Kartavya’’ [Duties]} with Certain Given ‘Powers of Limitations’ {[‘’Nishchit’’ [Limitations] ‘’Bala’’ [Power]}.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these Various Powers of ‘Supernatural Kinds’ {[‘’Alokik’’ [Supernatural] ‘’Prakara’’ [Kinds]}, which are addressed as Such, when they are Observed from the Point of View of Gradually Evolving Humanity, were Gracefully Bestowed upon All of them by the Unknowable Supreme Creator Universal Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, Since the Very Start of Grand Evolutionary Experiment’ {[‘’Chetna Vriddhi’’ [Evolutionary] ‘’Maha’’ [Grand] ‘’Paryoga’’ [Experiment]} which Vitally Got Manifested through the Start of ‘Evolutionary Spiral’ in the ‘Parametric Ethereal Space’ [Maha Akasha] of Egg Shaped Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that these Co-Creator Hierarchical Leaders also Include the ‘Rulers and Kings’ {[‘’Raja’’ [Kings] ‘Evam’’ [and] ‘’Rajayadhikaris’’ [Rulers]} of Various Human Races having Abundance of ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Qualities of Negative-Positive Natures],Who Decide the Fate of Most Evolutionary Beings and Entities, who All Coexist while Gradually Evolving upon this Planet Earth, and they All Leaders having Abundance of ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Qualities] are thus ‘Answerable’ for their All Such ‘Co-Creator’ {[‘’Sam’’ [Co] – ‘’Karta’’ [Creators]} Decisions and Performed ‘Action – Reactions’ {[‘’Anukool Kriyas’’ [Actions]- Pratikool Kriyas’’ [Reactions]}, Vitally Performed as a part of their Human Form Duties, to the Desired Will Mind’ {[‘Icchith’’ [Desired] ‘’Bhava’’ [Will] ‘’Mana’’ [Mind]}’ of their ‘One and Only’ Unknowable Supreme Creator ‘Universal Father’ {[‘’Brahmandick’’ [Universal] ‘’Pitah’’ [Father]} Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All Hierarchical ‘Arupa’ [Invisible] Beings and Entities, which Include All Sorts of ‘Angelic Hierarchies’ [Devi-Devas] and ‘Demonic Hierarchies’ [Yaksha’s- Rakshasa’s Etc.], and their Uncountable Hierarchical Assistants and Worker Servants known as ‘Ganas’, all Serving Groups having Innumerable Varieties of Demonic Existences called ‘Bhuta Preta Vetalas Etc.’ [Hierarchical Ghosts, Spirits Etc.], who All Working with the ‘Guiding Instructions’ of Various ‘Perfect Masters’ [Siddhas] having ‘Supernatural Powers’ {[‘’Alokik’’ [Supernatural] ‘’Bala’’ [Powers]}, thus by Staying Invisible [Arupa] to the Evolving Human Beings, without ever being ‘Seen’ [Drishya] or ‘Noticed’ [Partith] by them, Cause All Kinds of Illusory Affects [Maya] in this Physical World [Bhu Loka, Assiah], which Greatly Effect the Cyclic Lives of All Evolving Human Beings.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All Evolving Human Races, and their Sub and Branch Races Vitally Live in their Incarnated Forms upon this Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha], Vitally Embodying Just a ‘Tiny Vital Conscious Investment’ [Jeevatathma], which their Liberation [Mukthi] Desiring ‘Souls’ [Athamas] Faithfully Invest ‘Simultaneously in 5 Bodies’ [Pancha Koshas, Pancha Parvaans], to Reap Maximum ‘Spiritual Rewards’ {[‘’Spiritual’’ [Adhyatamic] ‘’Rewards’’ [Paritosh]}, which all could be Utilized to First Attain ‘Desired Liberation’ [Mukthi] from the Material Bondages of the ‘Three Higher Dimensional Worlds [Triloka], and thus Attain their Subsequent Salvation [Moksha] at an Earliest Possible Time.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully Further Revealed Many More ‘’Important Secret Information’s’’ [Vishesh Bhed Soochna], to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, and Also to the Comparatively Huge Number of All Present ‘’Invisible Beings & Entities’’ [Adrishya Pranis], about the Established ‘’Life Matrix’’ [Jeevan Paripancha], Which Always Gets Gracefully Established, by the Desire Mind Polarity Attributes, of The Supreme Teacher Enlightenments Lord, the Dutiful Establisher of All Universal Cycles, & the Absolute Controller of Universal North East Direction, Most Revered Venerable ‘’Isha’’ [Vasudeva, Adonai, Wahey Guru, Kaalachakra Adhipathi, Narayana, Mayapathi, Prakasa Adhipathi, Vishnu, Hari, Aten Amoun, Venkatesh], Upon an ‘’Evolutionary Planetary Organ’’ {[‘’Chetna Vriddhi’’ [Evolutionary] ‘’Greha’’ [Planetary] ‘’Anga’’ [Organ]}, of an ‘’Solar Universe’’ {[‘’Aditya’’ [Solar] ‘’Universe’’ [Mandala]}, Like this ‘’Orion Spiral Arm’s’’ [Mrigashirsha Bhuja Mandala] Most Famous Refugee ‘’Blue Planet Earth’’ [Neel Varana Dhara Greha], and Gracefully Explained them ALL, that While Establishing the ‘’Life Matrix’’, Upon an Evolutionary Planet, Various Differentiated Conscious Batches of Designated ‘’SPIRIT’S’’, All Such SPIRIT’S Overall Having the POSITIVE POLARITY Based ‘’COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS’’ [SAMHUIK CHETNA], Gets Vitally Infused with the ‘’THREE BASIC GRADES’’ [UNCONSCIOUS, SEMI- CONSCIOUS, & FULL CONSCIOUS], of ‘’ELEMENTAL ESSENCES’’ {[‘’TATVA’’ [ELEMENTAL] ‘’JEEVANUS’’ [ESSENCES]}, and All of these ‘’ELEMENTAL ESSENCES’,’ in Total Contrast to the ‘’SPIRIT BATCHES’’, then Overall Having the NEGATIVE POLARITY Based ‘’COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS’’ [SAMHUIK CHETNA], thus Become the ‘’Subjective & Objective Basis’’ [Arupa Evam Rupa Adhara], of Differentiated Duties EMBODIED GRADES of ‘’FORM MATTER’’ [SHREER PADARTHA], and thus through the Quick Duplication Process of ‘’GATHERING ATTRIBUTE’S’’ [AVAHANAM GUNA], by Properly Utilizing Various Types of LONG WAVELENGTH TONAL FREQUENCIES, All FREQUENCIES Having these ‘’THREE BASIC GRADES’’ [UNCONSCIOUS, SEMI CONSCIOUS, & FULL CONSCIOUS], of Invisible ‘’ELEMENTAL ESSENCES’’ {[‘’TATVA’’ [ELEMENTAL] ‘’JEEVANUS’’ [ESSENCES]}, Especially of ‘’AIR ELEMENTALS’’ [MARUTHA – PAVAN TATVA JEEVANUS], Which in this Life Matrix Establishment Process, Dutifully Act as the ‘’GUIDING TEACHERS’’ [GURUS], to All Other ELEMENTAL GROUPS, thus Making the Next in Line ‘LIQUID ELEMENTALS’’ [TARAL PADARTHA JEEVANUS], as the Dutiful In-charge of ‘PRESERVING FATHER DUTIES’, which Important ‘’PRESERVING FATHER’’ [PRATIPALAKA PITAH] Role, For Manifesting the ‘’LIFE MATRIX’’ [JEEVAN PARIPANCHA], Upon this Evolutionary Planet Earth, is Dutifully Performed by the ‘’WATER ELEMENTALS’’ [APAS – PAANI TATVA JEEVANUS], in which ‘’LIFE MATRIX ESTABLISHMENT’’ [JEEVAN PARIPANCHA STHAPANA] Process, the Denser Types of ‘’MINERAL ELEMENTALS’’ [KHANIJ – DHARTHI TATVA JEEVANUS], Dutifully Play the ‘’EMBODIMENT MOTHER’S [MATA, DHARANI, MATRIKA, MUTTER] Role, and thus With the Overall Preserving Grace of LIFE MATRIX’S [JEEVAN PARIPANCHA] Supreme Controller Lord ‘’Isha’’ [Vasudeva, Adonai, Wahey Guru, Kaalachakra Adhipathi, Mayapathi, Prakasa Adhipathi, Vishnu, Hari, Aten Amoun, Venkatesh], a Vibrant Life Matrix of Various Duration Co-Existing Life Cycles, Gets Widely Established Upon an ‘’Evolutionary Planet’’ [Chetna Vriddhi Greha], Like this Famous Bluish Color Refugee Planet ‘EARTH’’ [DHARA, PRITHVI], of Our ‘’SOLAR UNIVERSE’’ [ADITYA MANDALA].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that the ‘Invisible Hierarchical Beings and Beings’ [Arupa Pranis] having ‘Much Higher Sorts of Powers’ [Aneka Prakar Uttama Bala] than their Counterpart ‘Visible Hierarchical Beings and Entities’ [Rupa Pranis], which Also Include the Invisible ‘Great Perfect Masters’ [Siddhas] having ‘Supernatural Powers’ [Alokik Bala], which Directly or Indirectly either Belong to the ‘Janana Ashrama’ {[‘’The Hermitage’’ [Ashrama] ‘’of Knowledge’’ [Jnana]} Established at the ‘Gandhamadana Parvata’ {[The Mountain of ‘’Churning & Transforming’’ [Madana] ‘’Fragrances’’ [Gandha]} having the Great Center of ‘Agamic Studies’ [Occult Sciences] {[‘’A’’ [Non] ‘’Gama’’ [Going], this Sanskrit Word Means, The Earlier Ancient Ages, Before the Setting up of ‘’Yuga Cycle Time Wisdom’s’’, Among the Co-Existing Human Races, and thus Get Commonly Referred to All Types of Occult Science Studies, Upon this Evolutionary Planet Earth]}, and or the ‘Siddhashrama’ {[‘’The Hermitage’’ [Ashrama] ‘’of ‘’Perfection Masters’’ [Siddha]} of Holy ‘Kailash Parvata’ having Advanced ‘Vigyanashalas’ [Experimental Laboratories].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Informed the Seers and Sages of Tamil Sangam, that these both Areas of ‘Janana Ashrama’ {[‘’The Hermitage’’ [Ashrama] ‘’of Knowledge’’ [Jnana]}, and ‘Siddha Ashrama’ {[‘’The Hermitage’’ [Ashrama] ‘’of ‘’Perfection Masters’’ [Siddha]} Come under the Ruling and Guarding Domains of the Protector ‘Yakshasa’ {[The ‘’Rajas Guna’’ [Negative- Positive Mixed Qualities] Nature Ruler Hierarchies of Physical World’s Material Aspects]} and ‘Rakhshasa’s’ {[The ‘’Rajas Guna’’ [Negative- Positive Mixed Qualities] ‘’Nature Protective & Preserver’’ [Prakriti Rakshak] Ruler Hierarchies of Physical World’s Material Aspects]}, whose Great Perfect Masters [Siddhas] are ‘Much More’ [Anek Prakara] Answerable to the ‘Desired Will Mind’ [Icchith Bhava Manasa] of the Unknowable ‘One and Only’ Universal Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, as they all having ‘Higher Duties’ [Ucchatama Kartavyas] related to ‘What All Happens’ or Vitally Takes Place upon this Physical World [Bhu Loka] of Planet Earth, are thus Greatly Responsible in the ‘Evolutionary Outcomes’ {[‘’Chetna Vriddhi’’ [Evolutionary] ‘’Parinama’’ [Outcomes]} during Ongoing Cyclic Ages, and thus ‘Their Punishments’ are of ‘Much More Severe Kinds’ [Athi Bhyankaram Prakara], than their Counterpart Gradually Evolving ‘Visible Beings and Entities’ [Rupa Pranis], if Any Damage Happens to the Established Paripancha [Matrix].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then to Properly Explain the Arising Punishment Situations, in an Gracefully Established ‘’Ongoing Evolution’’ [Kriyasheel Chetna Vriddhi], of a ‘’Life Matrix’’ [Jeevan Paripancha], thus Gracefully Further Revealed Some ‘’Important Secret Information’s’’ [Vishesh Bhed Soochna], to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, and Also to the Comparatively Huge Number of All Present ‘’Invisible Beings & Entities’’ [Adrishya Pranis], that All of Such Avoidable Situations, Mostly Arises Among the Dutiful Higher Conscious ‘’Rajas Guna’’ [Negative-Positive Mixed Quality] Hierarchies, Who ALL Also Just being the Created ‘’Entities & Beings’’, With their Given Co-Creator Duties of ‘’Higher Powers’’ [Ucchatama Bala], & thus being Gracefully Allowed the Use of ‘’Perfected Energies’’ [Siddhi Urjas], Foolishly Develop the Most Dangerous Poison of ‘’False Pride’’ [Mithya Ahankara], and thus under its Mind Distorting Deluding Influence in vain, Start to Feel, that they themselves are the ONLY TRUE ‘’CREATORS’’ [KARTHAS], of this Unfathomable ‘INFINITE UNIVERSE’ [BRAHMANDA], and Many a Times if they Themselves, or through their Established Stooges, Write any BOOKS OF SPIRITUAL & RELIGIOUS WISDOM’S, [ADHYATAMIC – DHARAMA, JNANA-VIJNANA PRATHILIPI], they Sometimes Vaguely Mentioning About the UNKNOWABLE CREATOR, as the ‘’TATAPURISHA’’ {[‘’THAT’’ [TAT] ‘’MALE ONE’’ [PURUSHA]}, Foolishly Write, that the CREATOR of this Humongous ‘’INFINITE UNIVERSE’’ [ANANTHA BRAHMANDA], Manifested it WITHOUT Having any TRUE EXPERIENCE, Which FOOLISH NOTION is Absolutely ‘’BASELESS’’ [ADHARA RAHITH], as NO CREATION Gets Manifested ANYWHERE, Without Any Type of INHERENT PLAN & PURPOSE, and the ‘’TRUE CREATOR’’ [SATYAM KARTA PURUSHA], of this ‘’GRAND EXPERIMENT’’ [MAHA PRAYOGA], Having All Types of GRADUAL CONSCIOUS EXPANSIONS, through Repetition of CYCLIC MOTION, in the ‘’DESIGNATED SPACE WEB’’ [NIRDHARITH AKASHIK JAAL], Who By Having MUCH ANCIENT EXPERIENCES OF PAR EXCELLENCE, Gracefully First Manifested the ‘’GRAND EXPANSE OF INVISIBLE SPACE WEB’’ [BRAHAD ADRISHYA AKASHIK JAAL], to Properly House the ‘’INNUMERABLE NUMBER’’ [ASANKHYA], of ‘’GALAXIES’’ [BRAHMANDA MANDALAS], and a Proportional Number of Small & Large ‘’BLACK HOLES’’ [KAALA MUKHAS], and thus is Totally Beyond the Foolish Notions, of their Hierarchical Mind’s Comprehension.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully Further Explained, the Arising Punishment Situations, Which For Various Reasons May Occur, in an ‘’Ongoing Evolution’’ [Kriyasheel Chetna Vriddhi], thus Added For the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, and Also For the Proper Understanding of Comparatively Huge Number of All Present ‘’Invisible Beings & Entities’’ [Adrishya Pranis], that by Foreseeing Such Possibilities, Occurring in the ‘’Life Matrix’’ [Jeevan Paripancha], of an Evolutionary Planet, the Supreme Preserver Lord ‘’Isha’’ of All Cycles, Gracefully Established Many ‘’Forewarning Precautionary Measures’’ [Saavdhani Nirdesha], For the Co-Existing Controlling Hierarchies, Including the ‘’MAIN PRECAUTION’’ [MUKHYA SAAVDHANI], Having the Constant Repetitions of a ‘’Celestial Command’’ [Akashvaani], with a Warning Message of ‘’Return & Surrender’’, as in Every Ongoing Cycle of Dimensional Matrix Life’’ [Lokik Jeevan Paripancha], Gracefully Manifested upon an Evolutionary Planet, Like this Planet Earth, If the Various Groups of Controller Hierarchies, Under the Poisonous Effects of ‘’False Pride’’ [Mithya Ahankara], Somehow Willfully Make Go Off Track, this Evolutionary Cycle of Dimensional Matrix Life’’ [Lokik Jeevan Paripancha], and Forcefully Introduce Various Dense ‘’Material Conscious’’ [Padartha Chetna] Agendas, Which may Wrongfully Overtake the True Conscious Agendas of ‘’Conscious Expansion’’ {[‘’Chetna’’ [Conscious] ‘’Vriddhi’’ [Expansion]}, Having Various Modes of ‘’Spirituality’’ [Adhyatama], then to Put the Off Gone Evolutionary Track, Back Upon the ‘’Right Track, First the Wrong Proceeding Cycle should be Immediately Stopped [Stambhana], Which Mending Process is Known as the Immediate ‘’Surrender’’, So that the ‘’Return’’ of Matrix Life, Upon the Proper Track of ‘’Universal Spirituality’’ [Brahmandick Adhyatama], can Once Again Occur, and thus Slowly Start to Move Forward, Upon the ‘’Proper Evolutionary Track’’ [Ucchith Chetna Vriddhi Path], Before it Becomes Too Late for that ‘’Evolutionary Matrix Life’’ [Chetna Vriddhi Jeevan Paripancha], to Sustain itself in that Dimensional World, and by Causing a Domino Effect, thus Also Cause the Unavoidable Destruction, of All Other Intertwined & Interpenetrating Dimensional Worlds, thus Making their ‘’Life Matrix’’ [Jeevan Paripancha]. to Also Abruptly Collapse.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Informed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that in the Past History of this Planet Earth, Even the Great Deva’s King ‘Indra’s’ [‘Indra’ is Just a ‘Great Title of a Current Ruler of the Higher Dimensional World ‘Sva or Svarga Loka’], of the ‘Svarga Loka’ {[Heavenly World, The Briah of ‘’Brahaspathi’’ [Guru, Zeus Pitar, Amoun], Electric Gaseous Mental World of All Thought Forms]}, and The Great Rakshasa Kings Like Mighty ‘Bali’, ‘Hiranayakashyapa’, Ravana’ Etc., as well Some of the ‘Perfect Masters’ [Siddhas], all Got Severely Punished for their ‘Wrong Doings’ [Apradha Karyas], but Later were Forgiven after they Sorrowfully Pleaded For Mercy.
The Great Sage Agathiyar also Added, that in case of Various ‘Wrongdoings’ [Apradha Karyas] if they ‘Do Not’ Show any ‘Remorse or Pleads for Mercy’ [Daya Rudna] with Some ‘Substantial Proofs of Change’ in their ‘Embodied Vital Consciousness’ [Jeevatama Chetna], Especially All those having ‘Conspirator Nature’ {[‘’Shadyantrakari’’ [Conspirator] ‘’Prakriti’’ [Nature]} due to the Attained False Pride [Ahankara] in their ‘Evolved Consciousness’, then the Great ‘Unknowable Father Lord of Universe’ as Part of their Punishments, ‘Permanently Neutralizes’ their ‘Vital Consciousness’ {[‘’Prana’’ [Vital] ‘’Chetna’’ [Consciousness]}, and Permanently Condemn them to ‘Suffer in Solitary Confinement’, in an Unknowable Location of the 28th Dimensional World, where Grouping of Any Sorts can Never takes Place, and thus Continuously ‘Suffer’ [Dukhith] without Ever Being Given Again a Chance, to Become a ‘Viable Participant’ in any Type of ‘Involution or Evolution’ [Chetna Vriddhi Karyakramma], in Any of the Present or Future ‘Kalpa’ [Uncountable Time Span] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Formulated and Amended Laws, which Constantly get Formulated under the Invisible Impulses of the Hierarchical Orders of ‘Arupa Pranis’ [Invisible Beings and Entities], which are then Cyclically ‘Introduced and Implemented’ [Kriyasheel Pranali] by the Evolutionary Leaders of Human Races having Abundance of ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Qualities], in Reality are Basically Applicable for Most of the Evolving Humanity of this Planet Earth having an Abundance of ‘Rajas and Tamas Gunas’ [Negative and Mixed Qualities], with the exception of all the ‘Evolutionary Beings and Entities’ having Abundance of ‘Sathava Guna’ [Positive Quality], who even while Living in this Paripancha [Matrix] due to their ‘Exalted States of Vital Conscious’ [Uttam Chetna Avastha], Stay Mostly ‘Non Interested’ [Udaas] in its Various Illusory Aspects [Maya].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully Further Added, that Such Formulated and Constantly Amended Laws, Willfully Enacted by All Those Invisible [Arupa] and Visible [Rupa] ‘Beings’ [Pranis], and their Various Types of Further ‘Created Entities’ [Atama Rahith Rachith Prani] having an Abundance of Rajas Guna [Mixed Qualities of Negative Positive Natures], Mostly Decide the ‘Evolutionary Fate’ {[‘’Chetna Vriddhi’’ [Evolutionary] ‘’Bhagya’’ [Fate]} of All Evolving Human Races, as to How their Evolving Societies Will Move Forward in the Ongoing ‘Yuga Cycles’ [Cyclic Ages] by Following these ‘Purposefully Enacted Human Laws’ [Manushya Nyaye Pranali], which All also Continuously get ‘Amended’ [Sudharith] From Time to Time.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, also Gracefully Disclosed to the Tamil Sangam, that All Created ‘Entities’ [Atama Rahith Prani], which have been Formulated to Manifest in all Dimensional Worlds by their Resident Evolving Beings, are ‘Willfully Formulated’ {[‘’Iccha’’ [Willfully] ‘’Rachith’’ [Formulated]} by them to Vitally Exist having a ‘Particular Purpose’ [Ucchith Karyakram] or a ‘Specific Agenda’ [Vishesh Karya], without any Types of ‘Feelings or Sentiments’ [Priya- Apriya Bhava Shrankhla], because as Per the Evolutionary Plan and Purpose of the Great Unknowable Universal Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, the ‘Feelings and Sentiments’ Collectively Known as the ‘Emotions’ [Bhava] are the ‘Vital Conscious Attributes’ [Pranick Chetna Gunas], which are Vitally Embodied ‘Only’ by the Live Beings [Pranis] during the Established ‘Term’ [Samaya Kaal] of their ‘Cyclic Life Duration’ [Jeevan Kaala Chakra] in the Universe.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that All the ‘Entities’ [Atama Rahith Prani] are thus Composed of an ‘Individual Being’ operating it, or a Small or Large ‘Governing Group’ of Beings operating it, and the ‘Manifested Grouped Shapes’ [Sthapith Samhuik Roop Rekha] of the Most Large ‘Entities’ [Atama Rahith Prani] in this Physical World [Bhu Loka] of ‘Planet Earth’ are known among the Evolving Humanity as their Manifested Kingdoms, Cities, Towns Villages Etc., as well as their Ruling Governments, Organizations, Establishments, Foundations, Corporations Etc.
The Great Sage Agathiyar also gracefully Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Each Entity Which Got Manifested for the First Time since the Grand Evolutionary Experiment Got Started in the Universe, is Vitally Created and Manifested by the Underlying Desire of their ‘Creator Beings’ [Kartha Prani] for a Specific Purpose or with an Specific Agenda. Although later on these Entities can ‘Duplicate’ themselves by the Willed Desire of their Work Force, which May Consist of both the Beings and the Entities.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then to Properly Explain About the ‘’Soulless Entities’’, Which can Embody or Harbor in their Parametric Framework Confinements. a Great Number of ‘’Soul Beings’’ [Atama Prani], and Gets Gracefully Established, during the ‘’Ongoing Evolution’’ [Kriyasheel Chetna Vriddhi], of a ‘’Life Matrix’’ [Jeevan Paripancha], thus Gracefully Further Revealed Some ‘’Important Secret Information’s’’ [Vishesh Bhed Soochna], to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, and Also to the Comparatively Huge Number of All Present ‘’Invisible Beings & Entities’’ [Adrishya Pranis], that these All of these Entities having No Individualized Mind ‘’Souls’’ [Atamas], instead get Established with Specific Types of Agendas, Which can Overall Preserve & Protect, as well as Dutifully Serve the Evolutionary Life Consciousness of ‘’Soul Beings’, and a Good Example of these Entities can be a ‘’Vimana’’ [Flying Machine], Which get Created to Serve the Soul Beings, Who Utilize them for their Intercontinental & Inter-dimensional Travels, as well as another Good Example will be All Types of ‘’Crystal Based Artificial Intelligence’’ [Saphatik Adharith Kritrim Chena], Which Gets Properly Utilized to Serve Various Purposes, Among the Advanced ‘’Soul Civilizations’’ [Atama Sabhyatha], of an Evolutionary Planet, Which Dutifully Co-Exist in Various Designated Solar Universes, of an Evolutionary Galaxy, Like Our Own ‘’Milky Way Galaxy’’ [Ksheer Sagara Brahmanda], Which Also has More ‘’Evolutionary Spiral Arms’’ [Chetna Vriddhi Bhuja Mandalas], than Just our this ‘’Orion Spiral Arm’’ [Mrigashirsha Nakshatra Bhuja Mandala].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Further Gracefully Disclosed to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that For this ‘Very Reason’ [Moola Karanam] of Rajas Guna [Mixed Qualities of Positive – Negative Natures], which Vitally Controls the ‘Evolutionary Fate’ {[‘’Chetna Vriddhi’’ [Evolutionary] ‘’Bhagya’’ [Fate]} of the Majority of Human Beings, who All are Gradually Evolving Upon this Planet Earth, the Great Preserver Lord of the ‘Ishana Kona’ [Northeast Angular Direction], who has been Widely Known among All the Seers and Sages as the Great Lord ‘Isha’ or ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Vasudeva, Venkatesha, Adonai] since the Very Ancient ‘Agamic Times’ [Pre-Vedic Era], and Later after the ‘Nigamic Times’ [Vedic Era] has been also Known by them as the Great Lord ‘Hari Vishnu’ or the Great Lord ‘Venkateshvara’, devoutly Venerated among the Evolving Humanity of this Planet, whose Very Name ‘Venkateshvara’ Means the ‘Preserver Lord of Venkuntha Loka’, which is the Celestial Heavenly Domain of the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Vasudeva, Venkatesha, Adonai], thus Himself Incarnated among the Evolving Human Races of this ‘Planet Earth’ [Prithvi Greha] from Time to Time, to Vitally Dwell among them, as the ‘Great Avatars’ [Great God Conscious Incarnates] of this Physical World Embodying the ‘Rajas Guna’, Which is Abundantly Composed of the ‘Mixed Qualities’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Some of the Great Avatars of the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Vasudeva, Venkatesha, Adonai] have been known among the Evolving Humanity as the Great Lord ‘Shri Rama’ {[Famous King of Koshla Janapada’’, in the ‘’Arya Vratta’’ [North India], of ‘’Bharat Khandam-Indian Subcontinent]} in ‘Treta Yuga’, and Great Lord ‘Shri Krishna’ {[Famous King of ‘’Dwarika-Prabhasa Kshetra Janapada’’, in the ‘’Arya Vratta’’ [North India], of ‘’Bharat Khandam-Indian Subcontinent]} in the ‘Dvapara Yuga’, and Later on also as the Great Lord ‘Gautama Buddha’ {[Famous Shakya Prince ‘’Siddhartha’’ of ‘’Kapilvastu Kshetra-Magadha Janapada’’, in the ‘’Arya Vratta’’ [North India], of ‘’Bharat Khandam-Indian Subcontinent]}, who All Willfully Incarnated in the ‘Kingly Households’ having Abundance of ‘Rajas Guna’, [Mixed Qualities of Negative-Positive Natures], to ‘Properly Guide’ [Jnana Vardhak Niranatamic Naitritva] the Evolving Human Races, along with Giving the Relevant Important Discourses of ‘Divine Enlightenment’ [Divya Tejomaya Jnana], to the Venerated Seers and Sages of their Times, and also Gracefully ‘Informed and Reminded’ all of them about the ‘Evolutionary Rules and Regulations’ [Chetna Vriddhi Niyam Pranali], which Got ‘Forgotten’ due to Onslaughts of Illusory Forces [Maya] manifesting as Various Changes of Nature [Prakriti], vitally occurring in this Physical World.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that These ‘Great Avatars’ of the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Venkateshvara, Hari Vishnu] also Gracefully Guided and Informed without any Prejudice, All the Hierarchical Societies of ‘Suras’ [Angelic Hierarchies also known as Devas, Devis Etc.], as well as All the Hierarchical ‘Asuras’ [Demonic Hierarchies also known as Daityas, Danavas, Rakshasas, Yakshasa, Etc., along with All their Corresponding Feminine Existences], whosoever devoutly Approached them for Guidance, as they ‘All’ have ‘Obligatory Duties’ [Nirdharith Kartavya] to Keep ‘Balance and Harmony’ [Samtal Bhava] upon this Planet Earth, by Faithfully Performing their Evolutionary Roles in the Ongoing Evolution of this ‘Current Manvantra’ [Cyclic Time Period being Composed of Many Yugas], by taking Extreme Precautions, and thus ‘Never Harm’ [Kshathi] the Manifested ‘Paripancha’ [Matrix].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully Disclosed Some More Vital Information’s about the ‘Hierarchical Group of Yakshas’ [Arupa Pranis], Who All also ‘Dutifully Operate’ by being Related to All Affairs of the ‘Rajas Guna’ [Mixed Qualities of Negative-Positive Nature], Faithfully working under the Jurisdiction of the Great ‘Preserver’ Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Vasudeva, Venkatesha, Adonai], the Great Lord of All Manifested Cycles, in the 7 Dimensional Worlds [Trilokas, Tritalas, and the One which vitally Join these Two Groups of Dimensional Worlds], which all are also Vitally Related to the Current ‘Ongoing Evolution’ {[‘’Kriyasheel’’ [Ongoing] ‘’Chetna Vriddhi’’ [Evolution]}’ Vitally Manifested upon this ‘Objectively Manifested’ [Roopa Viddhi Sthapith] Denser ‘Planet Earth’ [Prithvi Greha].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that During the Time Period of ‘Treta Yuga’ [Second Descending & Third Ascending Cyclic Age], After the Rakshasa King ‘Ravana’, through a Great Conspiracy Disposed of His Half Brother ‘Kubera’ [Vaishravana], and in a Great Fight which Ensued Afterwards, also Took Over his ‘Willed Driven’ Flying Machine Called the ‘Pushpak Vimana’, thus Forcefully Made ‘Kubera’ {[ ‘’The Mighty One’’ [Veera], Who Eliminates All ‘’Bad Aspects’’ [Ku], Arisen Out From the Material Poverty]} Leave the Glorious Kingdom of ‘Sri Lanka’, then the Yaksha Lord ‘Kubera’ {[ ‘’The Mighty One’’ [Veera], Who Eliminates All ‘’Bad Aspects’’ [Ku], Arisen Out From the Material Poverty]} Left for the Northern Territories of Himalayas, along with his Faithful Group of Followers having Yakshasa’s, Krodhavasha Rakshasa’s, Ghandharva’s, Apasara’s, Kinnaras Etc., who all were Led by their Great Yaksha General ‘Manibhadra also called ‘Maniman’, who is an Embodiment of the ‘Rudra Agni Forces’ [Aja Aika Pada Vidyuth Agni Shakthis], which all came into Manifestation as the ‘Fiery Forces’ [Agni Shakthis] after the Third Divine face of the Great Unknowable Creator Father Lord ‘Vaamadeva’ Gracefully uttered the 18 Rudragamas in the ‘Agni Kona’ [South East Corner].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that The Great father of ‘Vaishravana’ [Kubera] was None Other than the Sage ‘Vishrava Pulastya’, who was a ‘Devout Worshiper’ [Bhaktha] of the Great Lord ‘Vaamadeva’ living upon the banks of Holy Narmada River, so the Great Lord ‘Vaamdeva’ as a Boon to His Great Devotee Sage ‘Vishrava Pulastya’ Willfully allowed his ‘Rudra Agni Fiery Forces’ [Aja Aika Pada Vidyuth Agni Shakthis] to Incarnate as the Yaksha ‘Manibhadra’ [Maniman], so He could Help Sage ‘Vishrava Pulastya’s’ Glorious Son ‘Kubera’ [Vaishravana] in All His Incarnated ‘Preserving Duties’ {[‘’Pratipalaka’’ [Preserving] ‘’Kartavya’’ [Duties]}, which being related to the ‘Rajas Guna’ [Negative-Positive Quality Mixture] were to be Vitally Performed by him upon this Planet Earth.
To Be Continued…