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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 27
The Great Sage Agathiyar, After Gracefully Giving Various Details to the ‘Tamil Sangam’ about the ‘Fourth Lower Dimensional Eye World’, then Gracefully Further Started to Explain about the Rest of the Next 2 ‘Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds’ [Chakshu Talas], which like the Other Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds, also ‘Vitally Exist’ Manifested in the Unfathomably Huge Egg Shaped Parametric Ethereal Space [Maha Akasha] of the Egg Shaped Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], to ‘Vitally Play Out’ their Own Given ‘Distinctive Roles’ in the Ongoing ‘Established Evolution’, Just Like the ‘All Other’ Previously Explained 4 Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds and their manifested Dimensional Levels, also Play their Own Distinctive Roles [Nirdharith Sva Karmas] in it, which All also Got Vitally Manifested by the Spiraling ‘Willed Desire Energies’ [Bhava], which All in the very Beginning ‘Vitally Originated’ from the ‘Contemplating Mind [Vichaar Yuktha Manasa]’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great and ‘Unknowable’ Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].
[5] Fifth Lower Dimensional Eye World [Panchamam Chakshu Tala] – The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that this ‘Fifth Lower Dimensional Eye World’ got ‘Vitally Formulated’ due to Interpenetration of the 3 Lowest Dimensional Levels of the ‘Mahatala’ {[“Great’ [Maha] ‘Level’ [Talal]}, which is Also known among all the ‘Shivaganas’ just Only as ‘Tala’ {[‘Level’ [Tala]}, and the First 4 Lower Dimensional Levels of the ‘Next Adjacently Lower’ Dimensional World of ‘Rasatala’ {[‘Magnetic ‘Essence Liquid’ [Rasa] ‘Level’ [Tala]}, which is also known among Some Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages as the ‘Sutala’ {[“Good’ [Su] ‘Level’ [Tala]} and the ‘Sritala’ {[ ‘Name & Fame Attributes’ [Sri] ‘Level ‘ [Tala]}, and thus in Totality this Fifth Dimensional Eye World [Panchamam Chakshu Tala] also have its Own Seven Differentiated Sub Levels [3 Sub Levels of Mahatala + 4 Sub Levels of Rasatala = 7 Sub Levels of Intellectual Activities], which in their Totality, Vitally Compose this Fifth Lower Dimensional Eye World.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further added, that in the First 3 Dimensional Levels of this Lower Dimensional Eye World [Chakshu Tala], Those ‘Shivaganas’ [Servants of Sada Shiva, Dakshina Murthi, EL, AL], who All are having their ‘Great Hierarchical and Prestigious Status’ [Sri Upadhi] among the Chosen ‘Shivaganas’, Faithfully ‘Vitally Perform’ their ‘Important Given Duties’, who are ‘Thoroughly Well Versed’ with ‘All Those Formative Works’, which All Vitally Come under the Department of ‘Creator Brahma’ [Kartha Tatapurusha], and are Vitally Termed in the Universe as the Various ‘Material Science Operations’ [Padartha Jnana Vijnana Karmana] of ‘Non Spiritual Works, Which are of Purely ‘Materialistic Nature’ [Padartha Prakriti].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, also Gracefully Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that this Creator Father ‘Brahma’ [Kartha Tatapurusha] of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda] is ‘None Other’, but the ‘Third Vital Conscious Differentiated Aspect’ of the Same ‘One and Only’, the ‘Unknowable’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the ‘Infinite Universe’ [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Also Gracefully Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these Faithful ‘Shivaganas’ [Servants of Sada Shiva, Dakshina Murthi, EL, AL], who all having their Great ‘Hierarchical Status’ [Sri Upadhi Yuktha] due to their ‘Unquestionable and Proven Integrities’, are Vitally Chosen for these Important Creative Works, which are Mostly of ‘Non Spiritual Nature’ [Ana- Adhyatamic Prakriti], and All of them While Working in the Department of ‘Creator Brahma’, [Kartha Tatapurusha] and Faithfully Performing All their ‘Material Science Duties’ [Padartha Jnana Vijnana Nirdharith Karmas], as Per the Lord ‘Brahma’s’ Mental Directions, are also thus known as His ‘Mind Born Children’ [Manas Putras] Among All the Seers and Sages.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the ‘Main Assigned Jobs’ of these ‘Hierarchical Shivaganas’ [Great Lord Sada Shiva’s, or Dakshina Murthi, EL, AL’s, Dutiful Servants, All Having Prestigious Title of an ‘Sri Upadhi’], who all are also known in this Dimensional Eye World as the ‘Manas Putras’, {[‘Mind Born’ [Manas] Son’s [Putras]} are by ‘Vitally Stationed in the ‘First Three Levels’ of this Fifth Lower Dimensional Eye World, is to Vitally Pass On ‘Certain Creative Impulses’ to their Counterpart Corresponding ‘Shivagana’ Workers’ [Great Lord Sada Shiva’s, or Dakshina Murthi, EL, AL’s, Dutiful Servants] of the Adjacently Lower 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Levels of the Fourth Dimensional Eye World, so that They All can ‘Vitally Use Them’ in their ‘Specialized Formative Works’ of Material World Sciences [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], which also ‘Correspondingly Pertain’ to Three Manifested Basic Qualities [Trigunas] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], which are Commonly known among the Seers and Sages as the ‘Tamas, Rajas, and the Sathva Gunas’ [Negative, Mixed, and Positive Universal Qualities].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, after Gracefully explaining about the ‘First Three Dimensional Levels’ of this Fifth Lower Dimensional Eye World, then Gracefully Started to further Inform the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’ about its other 4 Lowest Levels, which are also Part and Parcel of the Lower Dimensional Level of ‘Rasatala’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Revealed to All the Gathered Seers and Sages, that these 4 Lowest Levels of this 5th Lower Dimensional Eye World [Chakshu Tala], being a Part and Part of ‘Rasatala’ {[‘Magnetic ‘Essence Liquid’ [Rasa] ‘Level’ [Tala]}, thus also Vitally Corresponds to the Higher Dimensional Radiant World of ‘Tapah Loka’, and the Composing Ethereal Matter of these 4 Lowest Levels having their Longer Ethereal Frequencies, being Composed of Properly Mixed ‘Liquid Magnetic Essences’ [Rasa], is Still of Great Rarity as Compared to the Denser Matters of the Already Explained other Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds [Chakshu Tala], and All of these 4 Lowest Levels have been ‘Vitally Embodied’ with ‘Extra Special Attributes’ to Vitally Formulate and Create Various ‘Patterns of Illusion’ [Maya], as well as the Corresponding Mathematical [Ganitha] and the Geometrical [Jyotirmayi] ‘Vital Sound and Light Frequencies’, which All Could be Vitally Utilized in All of The ‘Material World Science’s, for them to Vitally Produce the Appropriate and Desired Results.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All those, who have been Given ‘Specific Duties to Protect’ these Diligently Formulated ‘Most Important Patterns of All Illusions’ [Maya] Vitally Related to the Various ‘Material World Sciences’ [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], Are the Chosen ‘Mighty and Valiant Warriors’ [Shurveer Yodhas], Who All Vitally Belong to the Various ‘Danava and Daitya’ Clans [Hierarchical Demonic Groups], and they All Live in their ‘Subterranean Caves’ which Appear Like the Serpent Holes [‘Seraphim’ or ‘Sarpa Bilvas’], which are Vitally Manifested in its First 3 Levels out of the 4 Lowest Levels, which are also Numbered as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and the 4th Levels of this 5th Lower Dimensional Eye World [Panchamam Chakshu Tala].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that these Great ‘Daityas are Danvas’ [Demonic Hierarchies] are Carefully Chosen From their Peers and from All of their Various ‘Group Clans’, and their Choosing Process to ‘Get Enrolled’ For Such ‘Most Respectful Duties’, Which are Considered as Such among All the 13 Lower Dimensional Worlds, have the ‘Most Strict Guidelines’, which were ‘Originally Mandated’ by the Great Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Hari Vishnu, Adonai, Venkatesh] Himself, Who is Widely Known among All ‘Daityas and Danvas’ as the Great Lord ‘Sripathi’ [The Holder of All Spiritual and Material Wealth of Universe] in these 4 Dimensional Levels.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that These Guidelines to Choose ‘Daityas and Danvas’ Include For All of Them, to Have the Undeniable and Unbendable [Demonic Hierarchies] ‘Highest Integrity Values’ of All Possible Kinds, who All After their Such ‘Respectful Choosing’, by Getting Passed with Flying Colors and Gone through ‘Rigorous Testing’s’, and after All their ‘Vital Conscious Records’ Also Gets Thoroughly ‘Checked and Rechecked’, then Faithfully Following their Given ‘Duty Instructions’ to ‘Safeguard these Formulated Patterns’ with ‘Utmost Care’, thus Vitally ‘Act Out’ with ‘Various Fear Causing’ [Vibhinn Roudra Rupa], and Other Established [Atiyantha Satarktha] ‘Cruel Types of Methods’, to Make All ‘Unwanted’ Outsiders ‘Afraid and Fearful’, of which All Such Methods are Utilized to Vitally Keep them Away from their this Dimensional Eye World, and thus Vitally ‘Safeguard’ the Most Important and Great ‘Wealth of Secret Patterns’ [Ghuyam Dhancha Maha Niddhi], which are Vitally Placed under their ‘Tight Supervision and Caretaking’ to Carefully Guard them with their Own Lives.
The Great Seer Agathiyar, Also Gracefully Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Great and Famous Danva’s [Demons] ‘Jaya’ and ‘Vijaya’ were also Originally Stationed in this Particular ‘Dimensional Eye’ [Chakshu Loka], Who Due to their ‘Great Valiant Services’ were Later on Promoted by the Great Preserving Lord ‘Sripathi’ [Supreme Lord of All Wealths, Having Many Title Names, ‘Isha, ‘Vasudeva’, ‘Hari Vishnu’, ‘Adonai’, ‘Venkatesh’ Etc.], and Elevated to Become the ‘Protectors’ [Rakhshasa], with the Most Important and Respectable Duties of Becoming His Own Bodyguards [Dvarapalas].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that in its First 3 Levels out of the 4 Lowest Levels, which are also numbered as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Lowest Levels of this 5th Lower Dimensional Eye World [Panchamam Chakshu Tala], the Patterns of All ‘Tamas Guna’ [Negative Quality] Material World Sciences [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], are Vitally Placed with the Highest Possible ‘Codified Protections’ in the Most Secret Locations [Athi Guptha Sthanam] of the 1st Level by the Most Faithful and Trustworthy Devotees [Bhaktas] of The Great Lord ‘Sripathi’ [Supreme Lord of All Wealths, Having Many Title Names, ‘Isha, ‘Vasudeva’, ‘Hari Vishnu’, ‘Adonai’, ‘Venkatesh’ Etc.]. The Patterns of All ‘Rajas Guna’ [Negatively-Positively Mixed Quality] Material World Sciences [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], are Vitally Placed with the Highest Possible ‘Codified Protections’ [Ghuyam Palika Viddhis] in the Most Secret Locations of the 2nd Level by the Most Faithful and Trustworthy Devotees [Bhaktas] of The Great Lord ‘Sripathi’ [Ishvara-Hari Vishnu]. The Patterns of All ‘Sathva Guna’ [Positive Quality] Material World Sciences, are Vitally Placed with the Highest Possible ‘Codified Protections’ in the Most Secret Locations [Athi Guptha Sthanam] of the 3rd Level by the Most Faithful and Trustworthy Devotees [Bhaktas] of The Great Lord ‘Sripathi’ [Ishvara-Hari Vishnu].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Finally Gracefully Concluded to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that in the Bottom or in the Lowest 4th Level of this Fifth Lower Dimensional Eye World [Panchamam Chakshu Tala], are the ‘Established Residences’ [Sthapith Grehas] of All those Devotees [Bhaktas], who are Given ‘Respectful Duties’ to Vitally Place with ‘Utmost Care’ [Atiyantha Satarktha], All Vitally ‘Formulated Patterns’ of the ‘Tamoguni. Rajoguni, and Satoguni’ [Three Way Differentiated Universal Qualities] Material World Sciences [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], in the ‘Most Secret and Classified Locations’ of the 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd Levels of this Dimensional Eye World [Chakshu Loka].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Also Gracefully Further Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Even Though The Great Lord Sripathi’s Devotees [Bhaktas] take All Kind of Precautions, to Carefully Place these Codified ‘Vital Patterns’ in the ‘Most Secret’ [Athi Ghuyam] and ‘Guarded Locations’ of this Dimensional Eye [Chakshu Tala], and if Any Type of ‘Breach’ Ever Happens for any ‘Unforeseeable Reasons’, then these ‘Formulated Patterns’ Still Could Never be Used by Anyone Else, Except the Great Lord ‘Sripathi’ [Supreme Lord of All Wealths, Having Many Title Names, ‘Isha, ‘Vasudeva’, ‘Hari Vishnu’, ‘Adonai’, ‘Venkatesh’ Etc.] Himself, because their ‘Final Classified Codes’ Vitally Embedded in them With the Utmost Protections [Atiyantha Satarktha], which are known as ‘The Pattern Keys’ can ‘Only be Vitally Opened’ by ‘None Other’, But the Great Lord ‘Sripathi’ [Ishvara-Hari Vishnu] Himself, who Cyclically Introduce these ‘Formulated Patterns’ as the ‘Material World Sciences’ [Lokik Padartha Jnana-Vijnana], per their ‘Needed Requirements’ in those Cycles [“Cycles of Life Matrix” [Jeevan Paripancha Chakras], during the Ongoing Evolution of the Various Dimensional Worlds, and also in All of their Dimensional Levels, which Vitally Exist, For their ‘Involution & Evolution Cyclic Turns’, being Purposefully Manifested in the Universe [Brahmanda].
To Be Continued…