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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 32
The Great Sage Agathiyar, after Gracefully Disclosing Various Basic Facts [Vibhinn Moola Tathyas] about this Last 28th Dimensional World of Universe, and its Vital Relationships to the Objectively Manifested Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha] of this Solar Universe [Aditya Mandala], to the Gathered Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, where the ‘Established Evolutionary Spiral’ is Currently Proceeding Forward in this Ongoing ‘Manvantra’, then Started to Gracefully Disclose Various Other Facts [Tathyas], which are Related to this Last Dimensional World, which by itself ‘Separately Exists’ having its Own 28 Manifested Dimensional Levels, which are known as the ’28 Narkas’ [28 Hells] in the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Also Gracefully Reminded the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Later Incarnation of the Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, which has been Termed by the Ancient Vedic Seers as the ‘Rudra Agni’ ’Aja Aika Pada Rudra Agni’, also Later Known Just Simply as the ‘Rudra’ as Well as the Vedic God ‘Agni’, since Very Ancient Times, has Lot to do with this Last 28th Dimensional World of Universe, as he is the ‘Absolute Controller’ of this ‘Great Hellish World’ [Maha Narka], where His ‘Corrective Energies’ are Constantly Utilized as the Applicable ‘Corrective Forces and Powers’, by the ‘Willed Desires’ [Bhava Icchas] of the ‘One and Only’ Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that the Great Lord ‘Rudra Agni’ being the ‘Sole Controller’ of this 28th Dimensional World of ‘Great Hell’ [Maha Narka] in the Universe, also ‘Vitally Governs’ the Angular Space [Kona Akasha] of the ‘Agni Kona’ [South East Corner], in all Vitally Manifested 28 Dimensional Worlds, as well those Brahmanda Mandalam [Galaxies], Aditya Mandalam [Solar Universe’s], Greha Mandalam [Planetary Universe’s] etc. which all Vitally Exist Manifested in their Parametric Ethereal Space [Akasha], of the ‘INVISIBLE SPACE WEB’ [ADRISHYA AKASHIK JAAL], by Gradually having their Own Cyclic Evolutions, Continuously Proceeding Forward through the Great ‘Spiraling Cycles’ of Very Long Time Durations.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Further ‘Gracefully Reminded’ the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that it is the ‘Agni Kona’ [Angular Direction of South East Corner], where the Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ at the Very Start, Gracefully Uttered the ‘’18 Rudragama’’ [Holy Agamic or The First Uttered Treatise’s of ‘Rudra’] from His ‘Third Divine Face’, which is reverently known Among All Seers and Sages as the ‘Vaamdeva Mukha’ of the Great Father Lord. So it is this Angular Space of ‘Agni Kona’ [South East Angular Direction] Vitally Governed by ‘Rudra Agni’ {[‘’AJA EKA PADA RUDRA’’, the Invincible DRAGON POWER Lord ‘EL’, ‘AL’ of Fiery Spiral Motion Dance, thus Gracefully Managing All Universal Wisdom’s, and HE is the Supreme Governing Controller of ALL Universal Spiral Motions, Widely Occurring Simultaneously throughout the Entire ‘INVISIBLE SPACE WEB’ [ADRISHYA AKASHIK JAAL], of this INFINITE UNIVERSE]}, who is also Known in Veda’s just as the ‘Agni’, the Formative, Preserving and Destroying Universal Force, Which through the Managing Controls of Fiery Wisdom’s SPIRAL MOTION, thus goes on Cyclically Providing and Taking Away ‘Vitality’ in All of the ‘Manifested Dimensional Worlds’, as well as in All of their Respective ‘Brahmanda Mandalam, Aditya Mandalam, and Greha Mandalam’, Etc. [Various Types of Evolutionary Universe’s], which Holds the ‘Secret Keys’ [Guptha Kunjika] to Ultimate ‘Divine Peace and Happiness’, Termed as the ‘Blissful Truth’ [Satya Chitta Ananda] by All Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that in ‘The Science of Mathematics’ [Ganitha Vidya], Commonly Termed among the Tamil Seers and Sages as ‘Numerology’ [Arudam], this Number ‘18’, being the Holy Number of All Rudragamas, which all were Gracefully Uttered at the Very Start by the Third Divine Face ‘Vaamdeva’ of the Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ in ‘Agni Kona’ [South East Corner], Having the Fiery Wisdom Attributes of POLARITY BASED COPULATING [permanently fusing] PASSIONS, and Dutifully Causing the Very Start of ‘POSITIVE ELECTRIC FREQUENCY ARCS’ [GIVER ASPECT FIERY WISDOM’S], and the ‘MAGNETIC NEGATIVE FREQUENCY ARCS’ [RECEIVER ASPECT FIERY WISDOM’S], thus became the SUBJECTIVE BASIS of ‘ISHANA MUKHA’ [NORTH EAST FACE], of the ‘ONE & ONLY’ UNKNOWABLE UNIVERSAL FATHER LORD ‘ADI PARAM SHIVA’, Which DIVINE FACE with the NICK NAME ‘ISHA’ [VISHNU, VASUDEVA, ADONAI], Became the SUPREME LORD OF ALL UNIVERSAL CYCLIC MOTIONS, thus DUTIFULLY CONTROLLING ALL ‘’POSITIVE’’ [EVOLUTION PERIOD CYCLES], ‘’NEGATIVE’’ [INVOLUTION PERIOD CYCLES] & ‘NEUTRAL’ [REST PERIOD CYCLES] ASPECTS, of ALL CYCLES, thus Dutifully Preserving All ONGOING ‘INVOLUTION’S and EVOLUTION’S, of ‘INFINITE UNIVERSE’ [ANANTHA BRAHMANDA], thus Much Later was Also Implied in the Vital ‘Evolution’, which was Gracefully Established upon this Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha] of Our Own Solar Universe [Aditiya Sor Mandala], and as far as the Relationship of the 28th Dimensional World’s Relationship with this Planet Earth’s Evolution is Concerned, this Important Number ‘18’ has ‘A lot To Do’ with all those Vital Consciousness Existences [Chetna Pranis], who being ‘Condemned’ are Sent from the Various Dimensional Worlds, which are Vitally Related to this Planet Earth, to be duly Subjected to the ‘Correction Procedures’ of the 28 ‘Torture Levels’, which Vitally Exist in the ‘28 Differentiations’ of this Great Hell [Maha Naraka].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed to the Tamil Sangam, that All the ‘Condemned Vital Conscious Existences’ of the Universe, who are Forcibly Sent to this 28th Dimensional World of Great Hell [Maha Naraka] for Various Reasons, the ‘Most Important Reason’ Among them Being the ‘Destruction’ [Nashnam] of their ‘Evolutionary Soul’ [Athama], thus Suffer in ‘Great Many Ways’, Especially the ‘Suffering Tortures’ Experienced by them due to the Loss of their Evolutionary ‘Soul’ [Athama].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Informed the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’ that as far as the ‘Ongoing Evolution’ of this Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha] is concerned, the ‘Vitality’ of All Beings, Entities and their Corresponding Angelic [Suras] and Demonic [Asuras] Existences, who All Vitally Existing Related to this Planet Earth in their ‘Arupa’ and ‘Rupa’ Forms, are thus Gradually Evolving According to their Own Cyclic Durations, is ‘Mainly Governed’ by the ‘Central Vital Force Channel’ known as the ‘Aditya Mandala Sushumana Nadi’ [Central Channel of ‘Vitality’ Manifested in this Solar Universe].
The Great Sage Agathiyar also Further Added, that this ‘Central Channel of Vitality’ is Vitally Controlled by the Energies, Forces, and Powers, of the ‘Three Grehas’ [3 Planets], known to All Seers and Sages as the Saturn [Shani], Solar Sun [Aditiya], and Moon [Chandrama], whose Mathematical numbers according to the Vertical Numerology [Arudam] are in this Vertical Sequence, the First One Above all of them Vitally existing in this Invisible ‘Aditiya Mandala Sushumana Nadi’, are the ‘Energies’ of Shani’ or ‘Saturn’ having the Mathematical Number ‘3’, and in the Center are the ‘Forces’ of ‘Aditiya’ or the ‘Sun’ having the Mathematical Number ‘6’, and Below are the ‘Powers’ of ‘Chandrama’ or Moon having the Mathematical Number ‘9’, and they all Collectively Become ‘18’, when their Mathematical Numbers Denoting their ‘Energies, Forces, and Powers’ thus Gets Totaled According to the ‘UNIVERSAL SCIENCE OF JOINING NUMBERS’ [BRAHMANDICK SANKHYA YOGA], and becomes the Number Eighteen [ 3 + 6 + 9 = 18].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the ‘Energies of Saturn’ [Shani] having the Mathematical Number ‘3’, Vitally Controls the ‘Law and Order’ in the Ongoing Evolution upon this Planet Earth, Especially the ‘Mandate of Economy’ is Properly Utilized in All Such Controls, which the Energies of Saturn Govern through the Use of Manifested Raw Materials of Objectively manifested Planet Earth, in which the Metals and Minerals are Considered as of Most Importance by the Members of All Humanity, Because their INCARNATED PHYSICAL BODIES, are VITALLY COMPOSED of these METAL & MINERAL ‘ELEMENTAL ESSENCES’ [TATVA SAAR]. as well as Also Get VITALLY SUPPORTED & PRESERVED, by these Same METAL & MINERAL ‘ELEMENTAL ESSENCES’ [TATVA SAAR]. During the ENTIRE DURATION of their PHYSICAL LIFE, While Dutifully Living Upon this ‘REFUGEE PLANET EARTH’ [SHARANARTHI DHARA GREHA].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, also Gracefully Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the ‘Forces of Sun’ [Aditya] having the Mathematical Number ‘6’, Vitally Controls the Manifestation and Evolution of ‘Souls’ [Athama] in the Ongoing Evolution upon this Planet Earth, Especially the ‘Mandate of Liberation’ [Mukti] is Properly Utilized in All Such Controls, which the ‘Forces of Sun’ Govern through the Use of Manifested ‘Spirituality’ [Adhyatama] upon this Planet Earth, in which the ‘Treatise of Religions’ [Dharam Granthas], which All Even Differing in their ‘Established Ways’ Still Point to the ‘One Supreme Truth’ [Ekam Satyam], are thus Considered as of Most Importance by the Members of All Humanity.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Gracefully Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the ‘Powers of Moon’ [Chandrama] having the Mathematical Number ‘9’, Vitally Controls the Manifestation and Evolution of ‘Forms’ in the Ongoing Evolution upon this Planet Earth, Especially the ‘Mandate of Incarnation’ also known as the ‘Process of Involution’ is Properly Utilized in All Such Controls, which the ‘Powers of Moon’ Govern through the Use of Manifested ‘DARK & LIGHT PHASE LUNAR CYCLES’ [KRISHNA EVAM SHUKLA PAKSHA SHASHI CHAKRAS], upon this Planet Earth, in which the ‘Emotions, Feelings, and Sentiments’, which All Cause the So Called Feelings of ‘Happiness and Sorrows’ [Sukh – Dukh] are thus Considered as of Most Importance by the Members of All Humanity.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the ‘Energies of Saturn’ [Shani] having the Mathematical Number ‘3’, which Vitally Controls the ‘Law and Order’ in the Ongoing Evolution upon this Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha], also Govern the three Vices of ‘Kama’ [Lust], ‘Krodha’ [Anger], and ‘Lobha’ [Greed], in which the ‘Vice of Kama’ [Lust] can have ‘Disastrous Effects’ upon the ‘Sathvaguni Beings’ of Humanity having ‘Positive Qualities, and the ‘Vice of Krodha’ [Anger] can have ‘Disastrous Effect’s upon the ‘Rajoguni Beings’ of Humanity having ‘Negative-Positive Mixed Qualities’, and the ‘Vice of Lobha’ [Greed] can have ‘Disastrous Effects’ upon the ‘Tamoguni Beings’ of Humanity having ‘Negative Qualities’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Finally Concluded among the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All those Vital Conscious Existences, who are Forced to enter the Parametric Space of this Extremely Large ‘Hellish Dimensional World’ [Naraka Loka], having its Own 28 Differentiated Levels of ‘Various Torture’s’, are Considered as the ‘Doomed Existences’ who in the End After Losing their ‘Embodied Graceful Consciousness’ [Daya Niddhi Chetna] of the Creator Father ‘Lord’ known as the ‘Soul’ [Athama], and then Existing without it Just as a ‘Doomed Existence’, then ‘Greatly Suffer’ in their ‘Wretched State’ For a ‘Very Long Time’, according to the ‘Hellish Level’ [Naraka Tala] of their Attainment.
To Be Continued…
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