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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 6
The Great Sage Agathiyar, after Giving an Important Discourse to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, having Great Information’s and Celestial Knowledge’s about the Radiant Wisdom of the ‘Pancha Urdhava Lokas’ [5 Upper Dimensional Worlds], which Important Process of Gradual Ascensions in this Ongoing Evolution, is Currently happening as Per the Established Plan and Purpose of the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, in the Cyclic Time Frame of this Current ‘Manvantra’ [The Great Cyclic Time of Evolution, having Many ‘Maha Yuga Cycles’], which is Gradually taking place upon this Planet Earth [Prithivi Greha] of our this Solar Universe [Sor Mandala], the Great Sage Agathiyar further informed the Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these ‘Pancha Urdhava Lokas’ [5 Higher Dimensional Worlds] out of the ‘Saptha Urdhava Lokas’ [7 Upper Dimensional Worlds], were Vitally Manifested for the Performance of Various ‘Intellectual Spiritual Activities’ by the ‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, these 5 Higher Dimensional Worlds.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that These Five Upper or Higher Dimensional Worlds [Pancha Urdhava Lokas], are of Utmost Importance for the Planetary Evolution of the Entire Evolving Humanity, as well as of the Correspondingly Evolving Devas [Angelic Beings] Coexisting upon this Planet Earth [Prithvi Loka], to Individually and Collectively Vitally ‘Attain Them’, through Gradual Ascensions of Various Cycles, by Continuously Proceeding in a Forward motion, while mounted upon the ‘Ascending Arcs’ of the ‘Ongoing Spirals’ in the Parametric Ethereal Space of ‘Brahmanda’ [Infinite Universe].
[6] Tapah Loka – The Great Sage Agathiyar, After Explaining about the ‘Pancha Urdhava Lokas’ [5 Higher Dimensional Worlds], then started to explain further about the 6th Higher Dimensional World of the ‘Saptha Urdhava Lokas’ [7 Higher Dimensional Worlds], which vitally Exists just above the Parametric Space of Janana Loka [The Creation world of Formulating Vital Consciousness].
The Great Sage Agathiyar added, that this Great World of ‘Tapah Loka’, Apart from the Still Higher Next Dimensional World of ‘Satyam Loka’ [Dimensional World of Absolute Truth] is Composed of ‘Much Rarer Ethereal Density’ Out of All Other ‘Differentiated Ethereal Densities’, which Rarer Ethereal Matter Vitally Formulated all the other Dimensional Worlds Existing below it in the Parametric Ethereal Space of ‘Brahmanda’ [Egg Shaped Infinite Universe], and due to its Special Attributes of ‘Radiating Vital Consciousness’ to other Dimensional Worlds, this Upper Dimensional World [Urdhava Loka] has been Termed by the Exalted Conscious ‘Ancient Seers and Sages’ as the ‘Tapah Loka’ [Dimensional World of Spiritual Radiant Heat].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that All the ‘Guarded Formulas’, which are Vitally Implied and Utilized in All Creations of ‘Janana loka’ [The Creation World of formulated Wisdom], Actually Come Down, to Vitally Manifest Differentiated Grades of ALL CYCLIC SUBJECTIVE & OBJECTIVE CONSCIOUS EXISTENCE’S, do so through Highly ‘Guarded Channels’ known as the ‘Suddhasutras’ in Sanskrit, Only from this Higher Dimensional World of ‘Tapaha Loka’ [Dimensional World of Radiant Heat].
The Great Sage ‘Agathiyar’ further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that This Dimensional World of ‘Tapah Loka’ Holds all the ‘Original Formulated Patterns’ of Various Types of ‘Lighter Forms’ [Energy Forms of All Hierarchical Light Beings, also termed by Seers and Sages as the ‘Arupa’ Formations] and all ‘Denser Forms’ [Forms Formulated out of Subjectively and Objectively Manifested Denser Matter, also termed by Seers and Sages as the ‘Rupa’ Formations], which are Vitally required for All Vital Conscious Existences to ‘Cyclically Embody’ as their respective Subjective [Arupa] and Objective [Rupa] Forms, which all are vitally required during the ‘Entire Life Duration’ of their Vital Life Cycles, and as per their ‘Ensuing Evolutionary Needs’ of Acquiring ‘Various Types of Spiritual Experiences’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar further Informed the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that The Main Purpose of Ongoing Evolution as Set by the Desired Will of the One and Only Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ is to Gain ‘Maximum Spiritual Experience’ during the Tenure of ‘A Given Cyclic Life’, Either by Gradually Learning from other Exalted Conscious Beings and Entities of the Universe [Brahmanda], or Teaching other Evolving Beings and Entities of Universe, who are also Gradually Evolving in Various Lower States of Vital Conscious, to Vitally Acquire the Required Spiritual Experiences, vitally needed for the Spiritual Growth of their ‘Embodied Vital Consciousness’, which can Finally Liberate them from All types of Bondages, which are Prevalent in their ‘Evolutionary Dimensional Worlds’ of Vital Existence, and this Gradual ‘Learning and Teaching Process’ was originally set in Place, as per the Evolutionary Plan and Purpose of the ‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of ‘Brahmanda’ [Infinite Universe].
The Great Sage Agathiyar Gracefully further informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that During an Ongoing Evolution, after the In Between Periods of ‘Cyclic Rests, which have been Termed by the Seers and Sages as the PRALAYA [Minor Period of Rest], and the MAHA PRALAYA [Major Period of Rest], then following the Established Evolutionary Rules, after these Cyclic Periods of Rest, Based upon these Original Patterns of ‘Tapah Loka’ [Dimensional World of Radiant Heat], various Types of Lighter and Denser Forms, Including those Vitally Composed of INTRICATE ‘NUMEROLOGY’ [ARUDAM] & GEOMETRIES, are Cyclically Introduced to Vitally Exist as the ‘Hierarchical Existences’ in all the Ongoing Evolutions of ‘Various Dimensional Worlds’, and All these ‘Arupa and Rupa Forms’ are Spiritually Needed and Required as per the Set Rules and Regulations of the One & Only Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, for all the Gradually Evolving Vital Conscious Existences, to Vitally Exist in their Own Various Zonal Areas of the Sub and Branch Levels, which are Part and Parcel of their Respective Dimensional Worlds, and Gracefully Perform their GIVEN DUTIES till the Tenure of their Ongoing Evolutionary Cycles of Various Life Durations and ALL of their DUTIFUL WORKS, thus Get Completed with Attainment of Required Spiritual Experiences.
The Great Sage Agathiyar further informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’ that the Zonal Area of ‘Tapah Loka’ [Dimensional World of Radiant Heat], where these ‘Original Patterns’ and their ‘Guarded Formulas’ are Carefully Stored is a Tightly Guarded ‘Most Secret Place’ [Ghuyanter Greha], which is the Most ‘Guarded Zonal Area’ of this Higher Dimensional World of ‘Tapaha Loka’, Constantly Guarded by the ‘Most Trustable’ and ‘Valiant Soldiers’ of the Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, which is Technically an ‘Invisible’ Area, and thus Stay ‘Off Limits’, to All Other Vital Conscious Existence’s, Except those Handful ‘Chosen Few Spiritual Worshippers’ of the Great Father Lord, who are Termed as the Revered ‘Bhaktas’ of the ‘Highest Calibers’, already having their Vital Consciousness Totally ‘Merged and Dissolved’ in the ‘Radiant Greatness’ of their Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’.
The Great Sage Gracefully further Informed the gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, That About these ‘Most Trustable and Valiant Warriors’, the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ Himself Hinted in the ‘Ajitam Shivoagama’, which was uttered by his Divine ‘Saddhojata Mukha’ [The Birthing Place of All Perfections, termed in Sanskrit as ‘Siddhis’], the Second face, which He Himself Gracefully Manifested through His ‘Willed Desire’ [Bhava], in the ‘Nairutya Kona’ [South West Angular Space] of Vitally Manifested Unfathomably Huge ‘Brahmanda’ [Egg Shaped Infinite Universe].
This Vitally Radiant Dimensional world of ‘Tapah Loka’, is Basically the ‘Entitled Domain’ of All Spiritually Exalted Beings and Entities, termed Since Ancient Times by All Vedic Seers and Sages as the ‘Satvika’ [Unblemished] ‘Bhaktas’ [Devotees], whose Embodied Vital Consciousness Always Stay ‘Totally Intoned and Immersed’, in the ‘Graceful Radiance’ of their Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar further added, that This ‘Dimensional World of Unmatchable Radiance’ [Tapah Loka] in the Entire Universe, being Always Guarded by the ‘Graceful and Most Trustful and Valiant Warriors of Par Excellence’, dutifully Serving their ‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, is Considered as the ‘Most Peaceful World’ [Satchita Ananda] in the Entire Universe. This Higher Dimensional World [Urdhava Loka] of ‘Tapah Loka’ is of Utmost Importance for All ‘Satvika Bhaktas’ to Perform All Their Devotional Activities, which by Utilizing the ‘Rarer Ethereal Matter’ of this Radiant World, Vitally Cause the ‘Spiraling Frequencies of Spiritual Radiance’, to QUICKLY FORM SPIRALLING VORTEX of UNPARALLELED RADIANCE OF ‘SOOTHING WISDOM LIGHTS’ [CHIT ANANDA JNANA PRAKASHA]– which are Vitally Needed to Formulate Various Types of ‘Divine Formulas’, which are First Utilized to create Various ‘Experimental Patterns’ of Vital Life, and after Getting Needed Approval from the ‘Desire Mind Vital Consciousness’ [Bhava Manah Ichchhith Chetna] of the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, which is Perceived by all the ‘Bhaktas’ [Devotees] of this Dimensional World as the ‘’Most Peaceful and Blissful Radiance of Light’’ [Ananda Prakasha], then become the ‘Approved Patterns of Life’, which Later On gets ‘Subjectively and Objectively’ Embodied by various Vital Conscious Existence’s, as per their Ensuing Cyclic Needs, which are Vitally Required to ‘Enhance the Ongoing Evolution’ Continuously carried on in a Forward Motion, which is being Vitally Carried On through ‘The Spiral Motion’, as per the ‘Established Rules and Regulations’ Set Forth by the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, Continuously Evolving in a Forward Motion with the in between Periods of Required Rest, thus following the Spiral Motion of the Creator Father Lord thus Gets Properly Added to this GRAND EXPERIMENT OF SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION, to Gradually & Spiritually Evolve, upon the Various Dimensional levels of All Dimensional Worlds.
To Be Continued…