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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 5

The Great Sage Agathiyar Continued to Further Inform the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, the Many Important Divine Attributes of this ‘Exalted Conscious’ Dimensional World of ‘Janana Loka’, Commonly termed as the ‘Brahma Loka’ by the Ancient Vedic Seers and Sages, which included the ‘Most Important Works’ for the Formulation of the Vital Consciousness of the ‘Siddhas’ [Perfection Masters] and the ‘Suras’ [Angelic Beings of Light Consciousness], which all are Supposed to Dutifully Follow the ‘Set Patterns of Evolution’ as Prescribed by the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda] and this DIMENSIONAL WORLD is Popularly Known among ‘ALL GOD CONSCIOUS BEINGS’ [SAMASTHA AVATARS], as the ‘’DIMENSIONAL WORLD OF IMPORTANT WORKS’’ [VISHESHA SHRAMMA KHANDAM].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further explained to the ‘Tamil Sagam’ [Confluence of Tamil Language Scholars], the various Intricacies of this ‘Most Important Creative Work’, which is Continuously Carried on in this Higher Dimensional World of ‘Janana Loka [Dimensional World of All Creations], fulfilling all the Vital Needs of All Ongoing Evolutionary Cycles [Kalpa, Mahamanvantras, Manvantras, Maha Yugas, Yuga, and Other in between ‘Evolutionary cycles of Rest’ known as ‘Pralayas’ Etc.] which are Carried Forward upon the Lower and Higher Arcs of the ‘Spiral Motion’ in every Dimensional World of Universe [Brahmanda], and also for all the ‘Correction Modes’, if the Ongoing Evolution ‘Falters’ due to Any ‘Unforeseeable Reason’ causing a ‘Great Damage’ to the ‘Evolutionary Plan and Purpose’ of the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’.

The Lower or the Descending Arcs of Spiral Motion are Vitally ‘Sourced and Utilized’, when the ‘Majority of Spirit Consciousness’ as per the Established Rules and Regulation of Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, during an Evolutionary Cycle of ‘Involution’, ‘Vitally Enters’ the ‘Dense Matter of Lower Dimensional Worlds’ Vitally Acquiring the Arupa [Subjective] and Rupa [Objective] Forms, and the Higher or the Ascending Arcs of Spiral Motion are ‘Sourced and Utilized’, when the ‘Majority of Spirit Consciousness’ during an Evolutionary Cycle of ‘Evolution’, ‘Vitally Evacuates’ itself from All the Bondages of the Subjectively and Objectively ‘Shaped Material Forms’, which are Formulated out of the Dense Matter, which ‘Matter’ [Padartha] is the Formative Characteristic of that Particular Dimensional World.

All those Vital Conscious Existence’s, who Embodying the Vital Consciousness Aspects of the ‘Creator Father Brahma’ who is known in Sanskrit as the ‘Karta Purusha’, are duly assigned the Most Important Duties of Formulating these ‘Vital Consciousness of Siddhas [Perfection Masters], as well as the ‘Suras’ [Angelic Beings of Light Consciousness], are of the ‘Highest Calibers’ in the Entire Universe [Brahmanda], who themselves have Gone through Great Many Evolutionary Cycles of Timeless ‘Kalpas’ [Eons], and thus themselves are Fully Aware of All the Intricacies of Ongoing Evolution, which Constantly in a ‘Counter Clockwise Spiraling Forward Motion’ follow the Set Rules and Regulations originally ‘Mandated’ by the ‘Willed Desire Mind’ of the One & Only Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that in this Esteemed Group of ‘Vital Conscious Formulators’ of ‘Brahma Loka’ [Dimensional World of All Creations, Sharamm Khandam], are those ‘Chosen Senior Members’ of Most Advanced Exalted Conscious States, who are known to Seers and Sages as the ‘Manas Putras of Adi Brahma’ [The Mind Born Sons of Creator Father, who Himself is known to Seers and Sages in His Creative Role as the ‘Adi Brahma’], who Apart from their Most Revered Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, stay ‘Totally Unknown’ to All others Members of this Dimensional World, as well as from Vital Conscious Existences of All Other Dimensional Worlds.

Their Specific Group of ‘Chosen Senior Members’ was Created by the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ Himself assigning them with the ‘Advanced Specific Duties of Secrecy’, which require the ‘Formulation of Vital Consciousness’ Vitally Needed for all the ‘Correction Modes’, if the Ongoing Evolution Falters in any of the Dimensional Worlds, due to Any ‘Unforeseeable Reason’ causing a ‘Great Damage’ [Maha Kshathi] to the Evolutionary Plan and Purpose of the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, and a Dire Need Arises to Solve such ‘Emergency Situation’.

The Great Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, while Establishing this ‘Specific Group of ‘Chosen Senior Members’, which was Formed during Unfathomable Ancient Times of Many Kalpas [Eons] Ago, took All the needed Steps to ‘Safe Guard the Secrecy of this Most Important Group’ [Athi Vishesh Dal Samuha Guhyam Bheda], who is Embodied with All the Great Tools of ‘ Exalted Vital Consciousness’, to Vitally Perform the ‘Advanced Specific Duties’, So that No One Else but the Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ Himself, can Utilize them for All Required Correction Modes, if such a Need Arises during the Ongoing Evolution.

The Intended Role of this Specific Group, is Either to Vitally Correct the ‘Faltered Damage’ done to Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’s’ Evolutionary Plan and Purpose, or to ‘Totally Stop’ it by Causing ‘Untimely Dissolution’, If All Efforts to Correct the Caused Damage ‘Utterly Fail’ in Any or in All Dimensional Worlds, because this ‘Unforeseeable Evolutionary Problem’ can Simultaneously Happen in More than One Dimensional World due to ‘Unforeseeable Reasons’, as the Ethereal Boundaries of All Subjectively and Objectively Manifested Dimensional Worlds, Vitally Penetrate the Boundaries of the Next Higher or Lower Dimensional World.

The Great Sage Agathiyar then Explained to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’ [Confluence of Tamil Language Scholars], that in the Very Beginning the Great Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ Himself Hinted about this ‘Most Important Information’ in the ‘Karanam Shivoagama’, which was Vitally Uttered in the Universe [Brahmanda] through His ‘Saddhojata Mukha’, which is the ‘Second Face’ Vitally Manifested in the ‘Nairutya Kona Maha Akasha’ [South West Angular Ethereal Space] of ‘Brahmanda’ [Infinite Universe].

The Great Sage Agathiyar also further added, that about the Evolutionary ‘Correction Mode’, which ‘if ever needed’ to Vitally ‘Correct the Damage’ done to the Great Lord’s Evolutionary Plan and Purpose, which for ‘Unforeseeable Reasons’ might take place in any of the Manifested Dimensional World’s, the Great Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ Himself Hinted Such Important Information of its ‘Ways and Means’ in the ‘Veerbhadra Rudragama’, Which was Gracefully Uttered through His ‘Vaamdeva Mukha’ also known as His ‘Third Face’, Vitally Manifested in the ‘Agni Kona Maha Akasha’ [South East Angular Ethereal Space] of Brahmanda [Infinite Universe].

The Great Sage Agathiyar further informed the Gathered Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’ about the Greatness of this Exalted Conscious Dimensional World of All Subjective and Objective Creations [Janana Loka], where the ‘Startup Formulations’ of Various Types of Vital Consciousness Continuously Takes Place in an Established Manner during the ‘CYCLIC VITAL LIFE OF BRAHMANDA’ [Unfathomably Huge Cycle of the Infinite Universe], through the Onslaughts of Various ‘Guarded Formulas’, which All were ‘Originally Set and Approved’ by the ‘Willed Desires’ [Bhava] of the One & Only Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, whose ‘Extremely Radiant Vital Consciousness’ also Actively Takes Part in an ‘Invisible Vital Manner’ in this Great Dimensional World of Creations [Brahma Loka].

The ‘Extremely Radiant Vital Consciousness’ of the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ Actively Engaging and Overseeing the Ongoing Creative Formulation Process of all Vital Consciousness was Termed as the ‘Adi Brahm’ by the Ancient Vedic Seers and Sages of the ‘Satyuga Period’ {[The Very First CYCLIC PERIOD OF TRUE CREATIONS, Vitally Manifested after the Initial Establishment of ‘VITAL CONSCIOUSNESS LIFE MATRIX’ [JEEVAN CHETNA PARIPANCHA], Upon this Refugee Planet ‘EARTH’ [DHARA, PRITHVI], of Our SOLAR UNIVERSE]}.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that All the ‘Guarded Formulas’, which are Vitally Implied and Utilized in All Creations of this World, which are Vitally Manifested as the ‘Radiant Conscious End Products of Vitality’, Formed through ‘Various Formulations of the Vital Consciousness’ having Different ‘Permutations and Combinations’ in this Dimensional World of Creations [Janana Loka], Actually Come Down through Highly ‘Guarded Channels’ known as the ‘Suddhasutras’ in Sanskrit, from the Next Higher Dimensional World of ‘Tapaha Loka’ [Dimensional World of Radiant Heat], where these ‘Guarded Formulas’ are Carefully Stored in a Tightly Guarded ‘Most Secret Place’ [Ghuyanter Greha], which is the Most ‘Guarded Zonal Area’ of this Higher Dimensional World of ‘Tapaha Loka’, which is ‘Invisible and thus Stay Off Limits’ to All Other Vital Conscious Existence’s Except those ‘Chosen Few Spiritual Worshippers’ of the Great Father Lord, who are Termed as the Revered ‘Bhaktas’ of the ‘Highest Calibers’, having their Vital Consciousness Totally ‘Merged and Dissolved’ in the ‘Radiant Greatness’ of their Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar also gracefully informed the Sages and Seers of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Communication between all the ‘Vital Conscious Existences’ of this Higher Dimensional World of ‘Janana Loka’ [Creative World of All ‘Consciousness Formulations’], is only through the ‘Anahatha Means’ [Unstruck Creation of Thought Form Energies], which duly imply the ‘Radiant Energies of Intuitional Wisdom’, which is Prevalent Everywhere in the Parametric Space of this Dimensional World, Whose All Anahatha Vital Attributes, including the Wisdom of ‘Frequency Vibrations of Telepathy’, are ‘Properly Attained’ in the Lower Dimensional World of ‘Maha Loka’ [Dimensional World of Enlightenment], before the Vital Consciousness of All the ‘Merged Units’ embodying the properly mixed ‘Devas and Human Vitalities’ are Deemed Fit to Vitally Enter this Radiant World of ‘Maha Nirvana Kshetra’, [The Area of Great Salvation], which is also termed as the ‘Sharam Khandda’ [The Dimensional Segment of Creative Works].

To Be Continued…

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