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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 15
The Great Sage Agathiyar, after Gracefully Disclosing Various Informative Facts [Tathyas] to Gathered Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, which Pertained to the ‘5 Higher Dimensional Eye Worlds’ of the Vitally Manifested Six Higher Dimensional Eye Worlds [Shashtam Urdhava Chakshu Lokas] in Universe, then Gracefully further started to Explain them, about the ‘Last or the Highest’ Dimensional Eye World, Which according to Established Evolutionary Plan and Purpose of the Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, is ‘Not Meant’ to be Attained by ‘Most’ in the Ongoing Current ‘Manvantra’ [Cyclic Time of Many Eons], Except For a Much Less Number of those ‘Chosen Few’, whose Vital Consciousness having Attained the Highest Devotional Values [Bhakthas] and Extraordinary ‘Spiritual Calibers’ are Vitally Permitted to Enter its Parametric Ethereal Space of ‘Highest Rarities’, and thus this ‘Dimensional Eye World’ [Chakshu Loka] Otherwise stays ‘Off Limits’ for All Others, who wish to ‘Vitally Attain’ it, during the ‘Current Period of Ongoing Manvantra’ [Time Period of Many Mahayugas].
[6] Sixth Dimensional Eye World – The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Gracefully Further Disclosed to all the Gathered Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Highest or the ‘Sixth Higher Dimensional Eye World’ [Shashtama Urdhava Chakshu Loka], which Vitally Exists as the ‘Crown Jewel’ in the Vitally Manifested Group of the ‘6 Higher Dimensional Eye Worlds’ [Shashtam Urdhava Chakshu Lokas], gets Vitally Formulated, due to Embodiment of Interpenetrating 3 Upper Ethereal Levels of the ‘Tapah Loka’, and the 4 Lower Ethereal Levels of the Next Highest or the Most High Dimensional World of Universe [Brahmanda], which since Very Ancient Times of the Universe, has been Known Among Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages as the ‘Satyam Loka’ [The Great Dimensional World of ‘Absolute Truth’ [Ain], to Vitally Exist as this Final and 6th Higher Dimensional Eye World of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda]. Thus this Sixth Dimensional Eye World [Shashtama Urdhava Chakshu Loka], in Totality also have the ‘Seven Differentiated Levels of Vital Consciousness’ [4 of Satyam Loka + 3 of Tapah Loka = 7 Levels of Shashtama Chakshu Loka], whose ‘Vital Ethereal Matter’ Formulated out of the Ethereal Matter of ‘Utmost’ or ‘Highest Rarity’, Collectively Compose the 7 levels of this ‘Sixth Dimensional Eye World’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, by Gracefully Disclosing the Various Secrets of ‘Utmost Importance’, then further Informed to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that upon Vitally Entering this ‘Highest Dimensional Eye World’ [Uchhtama Chakshu Loka], and then Attaining the ‘Utmost Secret Wisdom’ [Athi Ghuya Janana] of its First Three Lower Levels, which are Technically the ‘Top Three Dimensional Levels’ of the Vitally Manifested Adjacently Lower ‘Tapah Loka’ [Dimensional World of Radiant Heat], where they after Gradually Learning all the Important Secrets of the Great Illusory Force [Maha Maya] of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda] then Finally ‘Radiantly Attain’ the ‘Most Auspicious Title’ of ‘Ishvara Gyani’ [The Embodiment of Total Preserving Wisdom].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Explained to ‘Tamil Sangam’, the ‘True Meaning’ of the ‘Revered Title’ Termed as the ‘Ishvara Gyani’, this MOST EXALTED FAITHFUL DEVOTEE of The IMMORTAL LORD ‘’ISHA-ADONAI’, by existing in these 3 Levels of ‘Exalted Conscious Radiant Heat’ [Tapah], the ‘Vital Consciousness’ of those ‘Chosen Few’, by Gradually Evolving in these First Three Lower Levels of the Highest Dimensional Eye World, through ‘Absolute Devotion’ to ‘Ishvara’ [Isha, Narayana, Adonai] is then Gracefully Allowed to ‘Vitally Merge’ in the ‘Second Differentiated Consciousness’ of the One and Only Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, whose Manifested ‘Second Differentiated Consciousness Formation’ has been Vitally known since Very Ancient Times Among All Exalted Vital Conscious ‘Seers and Sages’ as the ‘Adi Ishvara’, or also Simply Termed as the ‘Ishvara’, as well as ‘Hari Vishnu’ [Isha, Narayana, Adonai].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed a ‘Great Secret Fact’ [Maha Ghuya Tathya], to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Almost All of the Avatars, and Great Prophets, Who All Cyclically Incarnate to Vitally Perform Various Types of Enlightening Roles, by Vitally Incarnating in Various Ongoing Evolutionary Cycles of the Various Dimensional Worlds, Do so, Just by the Desired Will of Great Preserving Lord ‘Ishvara’ of this Highest Dimensional Eye World [Uchhtama Urdhava Chakshu Loka]. They All Subsequently Incarnate Per their Given ‘Evolutionary Duties’ of Fixing Various Types of ‘Irregularities’ and ‘Undesired Situations’, which may Vitally Occur due to ‘Utter Negligence’, which may be Willfully or Otherwise Caused by All those Governing Authorities having ‘False Prides’ [Ahankara, Ghamanda], whom the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’, Kindly Gave Various Types of Hierarchical Titles, to Act as Co-Creators along with their ‘Preserving Duties’, to Vitally Perform them Faithfully with the Given Powers, by Vitally Acting out from their Various Centers Of Influence, which OPERATING CENTERS Vitally Exist in the Parametric Space of their Duty Bound Dimensional Worlds.
The Great Sage Agathiyar further added, that these ‘Avatars and Prophets’ Vitally Incarnate in the Various Segments of the ‘Ongoing Evolutionary Cycles’, which are Composed of Various Short and Long Durations, which also Concurrently and Simultaneously take place in various Levels of the Dimensional Worlds. These ‘Avatars and Prophets’ incarnating with Intended Duties, of ‘Curing’ Various Sorts of ‘Cyclic Irregularities’, having their Vital Conscious being ‘Already Merged’ in the Great Preserver Lord ‘Ishvara’ [Isha, Narayana, Adonai] of Universe [Brahmanda], are thus Sent Out as His Own ‘Extended Vital Conscious Embodiments’, along with the Grace of ‘Full Diplomatic Immunities’ against Any Type of Ensuing ‘Karmic Actions and Reactions’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar, then as a ‘Precautionary Note’ of ‘Great Importance’ thus Informed the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All Type of Stories, which may have been Circulating among the Evolving Entities and Beings of Various Dimensional Worlds, and thus Prevalent among the Masses, which Wrongfully Imply ‘Karma’ [Judgement of Actions and Reactions] against the ‘Avatars and Prophets of the Preserving Lord ‘Ishvara’, should be Vitally Considered by All Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages as ‘Absolutely and Totally False’, because to Mend and ‘Firmly Cure’ the ‘Irregularities of Ongoing Cycles’, Many a Times Various Types of ‘Drastic Actions’ are required to be Performed by these Sent Avatars and Prophets of the Great Lord ‘Ishvara’, which due to Illusory Effects [Maya] of the Manifested ‘Parpancha’ [Matrix], in the Eyes of the Gradually Evolving Masses of that Dimensional World, may be Foolishly [Agyana] Considered as to Fall under the ‘Jurisdictions of Karma’ [Actions-Reactions].
After Detailed explanations about the Three Lower Levels of this Highest Dimensional Eye World [Uchhtama Chakshu Loka], the Great Sage Agathiyar started to Explain about its Four Higher Levels, which are technically also a Part and Parcel of the Highest Dimensional World [Uchhtama Urdhava Loka] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], which is known among Seers and Sages since Very Ancient Times as the ‘Satyam Loka’ [Dimensional World of Absolute Truth, Saccha Khandda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these 4 Higher Levels of this Highest Dimensional Eye World [Uchhtama Chakshu Loka], are Composed of the Ethereal Matter, which is considered as of the ‘Purest and Rarest Kind’ in the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda]. These 4 Levels of this Dimensional Eye World [Chakshu Loka], Vitally Comes under the ‘Sole Jurisdiction’ of the ‘First Differentiated Vital Consciousness’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe, whose First Differentiated Vital Consciousness Vitally Manifested just by His Desired Will, has been Termed since Very Ancient Times as the ‘Maha Ishvara’ [The Great Preserver-Destroyer Lord, Aja Eka Pada Maha Kaala Rudra, El, Al].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, also Disclosed a Great Secret Fact [Maha Ghuya Tathya] to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that all these 3 Vital Conscious Differentiations of the ‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of Infinite Universe, Got Vitally Manifested through His Own Willed Desire, to Vitally Exist as [I] Maha Ishvara or Maheshvara, [2] Ishvara, and [3] Brahma, so that His Evolutionary Plan and Purpose For All ‘Involutions and Evolutions’ can Properly Proceed Forward through the Onslaughts of ‘Spiral, Cyclic, and Circular Motions, in the Manifested Parametric Ethereal Space [Maha Akasha] of the Unfathomable Huge Egg Shaped Brahmanda [Infinite Universe].
The Great Sage Agathiyar, also Disclosed an Another Great Secret Fact [Maha Ghuya Tathya] to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that all these 3 Main Vital Conscious Differentiations of the ‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, Vitally Existing in the Universe [Brahmanda] as [I] Maha Ishvara or Maheshvara, [2] Ishvara, and [3] Brahma, and Vitally Acting Out their Differentiated Conscious Roles in the Confinements of unfathomably Huge Brahmanda [Infinite Universe], Actually Got Manifested after all the Divine Uttering’s became the ‘ANAHATHA SHABADA’ [UNSTRUCK FREQUENCIES], which were Gracefully Uttered First by the Five Divine Faces [Pancha Mukha] of the ‘Adi Param Shiva’.
The Great Sage Agathiyar further added, that these Divine Utterings from the Great Lord’s Five Faces, Vitally Uttered at the Very Start of ‘Establishing Evolution’ in Universe, were Gracefully Uttered by the
‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord’s ‘Five Manifested Divine faces [Pancha Mukha], which all being of ‘Great Wisdom’, Started from His Very First Face named ‘AGHORA’ [NON DARKENED], Situated at the Very Center of the Great Parametric Ethereal Space [Maha Akasha], and thus Vitally Existing as ‘The Highest Spiraling Frequencies of Radiant Energies’ in the Unfathomable Huge Egg Shaped Infinite Universe [Brahamanda], were Actually the Basic Reason, which Originally Started the ‘Evolutionary Spiral’ to Proceed Forward in a ‘Never Ending’ Counter Clock Wise Motion.
The Great Sage Agathiyar also Gracefully Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, about this Main Vital Fact [Mukhya Tathya], that the ‘Successive Divine Utterings’ from the Great Lord’s Other Subsequent Four Faces, named [2] ‘Saddhojata Mukha’ [The Face of All Perfections, Siddhis] Manifesting in ‘Nairutya Kona’ [South West Corner], [3] ‘Vaamdeva Mukha’ [The Face of Fiery Richness] Manifesting in ‘Agni Kona’ [South East Corner], [4] ‘Ishana Mukha’ [The Originating Face of All Universal Cycles] Manifesting in ‘Ishana Kona’ [North East Corner], and [5] ‘Tathapurusha Mukha’ [The Matrix Formulating Face of All Subjective & Objective Existences] Manifesting in ‘Vayu Kona’ [North West Corner] technically started the ‘Counter Clock Cyclic Spiral’ of Unending ‘Evolution’ in the Great Ethereal Parametric Space [Maha Akasha] of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Agathiyar further informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam, that this ‘Counter Clock Cyclic Spiral’, Vitally Originated by the ‘Desired Will’ Utterings of the ‘One and Only’ Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, then also Vitally Formulated the ‘Circular Motion’, which Gradually Densified the Pure Ethereal Matter of Universe [Maha Akasha], to Vitally Manifest ‘THE INVISIBLE UNIVERSAL FABRIC WEB’ [ADRISHYA AKASHIK BRAHMANDA VASTRA JAAL], and Exist in the Parametric Space of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], as the HOLDER of ALL Subjective and Objective Formations, which came to be known among the Exalted Vital Conscious Seers and Sages, as the Upper [Urdhava] and Lower [Adho] Dimensional Worlds.
The Great Sage Agathiyar also added, that with the Continuation of the ‘Never Ending’ Counter Clockwise ‘Spiral, Cyclic, Circular Motion in Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], these Vitally Manifested Dimensional Worlds then themselves became the ‘Vital Ethereal Space Containers’, where many Similar Smaller ‘Brahmanda Mandalam’ [Galaxies], Solar Star Universes [Aditiya Mandalam], and Planetary Universes [Greha Mandalam] Vitally Manifested Gradually from their Original Nebulae States [Hiranya Garbha] of Vital Existence’s.
The Great Sage Agathiyar Finally Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these 4 Higher Levels of this Highest Dimensional Eye World [Uchhtama Chakshu Loka], are the Vital Areas where all those ‘Chosen Few’, who Gracefully Attain it after already becoming an ‘Ishvara Gyani’ in the 3 Lower Levels of this Dimension Eye World, then Faithfully Try to Gradually Learn the Ultimate Secrets of ‘Established Evolution’ through their ‘Ultimate Devotion’ [Uchhtamam Bhakti] toward the Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, as these 4 Higher Levels Vitally Comes under the ‘Sole Jurisdiction’ of the ‘First Differentiated Vital Consciousness’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe, whose ‘First Differentiated Consciousness’ has been Termed since Very Ancient Times by Seers and Sages as the ‘Maha Ishvara’ [The Great Preserver-Destroyer Lord, Aja Eka Pada Maha Kaala Rudra, El, Al]
The Great Sage Agathiyar also added, that All the ‘Chosen Ones’, Vitally Going through the Gradual Process of Learning about the ‘Secrets of Established Evolution’, which Happens Only after their Exalted Vital Consciousness Finally Merges with the Vital Consciousness of The Great Preserver – Destroyer Lord [Maha Ishvara or Maheshvara], they then become able to ‘Vitally Understand’, that in this ‘Established Evolutionary Plan and Purpose of the Great Lord’, why Various Types of Galaxies [Brahmanda Mandalam] Come to Exist, and then after their Unfathomably Large Life Cycles, they Get Destroyed as Such, by Getting Dissolved through their Subsequent Merging with Other GALAXIES [BRAHMANDA MANDALAS], or with the Swallowing Actions of ‘GREAT BLACK HOLES’ [MAHA KAALA MUKHAS], in the Parametric Ethereal Space [Akasha] of these Great Dimensional Worlds, and What Types of Relationships they Might have between themselves. And Why from Time to Time, the Merging of these Galaxies [Brahmanda Mandalam] Vitally take Place, which is also known as the ‘Grouping Together’ or The ‘Fusing Process’ of Universe [Brahmanda], among All the Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages of Universe [Brahmanda].
The Great Sage Thus Concluded among the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these 6 Higher Dimensional Eye Worlds [Shashtama Urdhava Chakshu Loka], along with the Earlier Mentioned 7 Higher Dimensional Worlds [Sapthama Urdhava Loka] Collectively Formulate a ‘Radiant Group of 13 Higher Dimensional Worlds’, which thus Vitally Exist in their ‘Higher Ethereal States of Spiritual Consciousness’, Out of the Totally Manifested 28 Dimensional Worlds.
To Be Continued…
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