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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 2

This Nairutya Kona face of the ‘Adi Param Shiva’ which was termed by the Great Sage Agathiyar as ‘Saddhojaat’, [‘SADDHOJAT’ Means ‘BIRTHING OF PERFECTIONS’] thus became the source of all the 10 Shivoagamas, and also the basis of the ‘10 Great Universal Knowledges’ known in Sanskrit as the ‘Das Maha Vidyas’ in the Universe.

The 10 Great Powers of these ‘Unmatched Celestial Wisdoms’ known in Sanskrit as the ‘’Das Mahavidya Shaktis’’ since those Ancient Times have always Corresponded to these basic 10 Shivoagamas, in which the number 10 according to the Most Important ‘Rudragama’ named ‘Ganitha’ [Mathematics] is the number of ‘Poorna’ meaning ‘The Totality of All Fullness’, because it Contains the ‘REKHA’ [LINE OF CREATION], Objectively denoted by Very First Number ‘1’ of this INFINITE UNIVERSE,, and the ‘SHUNYA-BINDU’ [POINT OF EMPTINESS], Objectively denoted by the ‘PARA BRAHMANDA’S’ [OUTFINITE UNIVERSE’S] Segmented Number ‘0’ [ZERO].

According to the Great Sage Agastya, popularly known in the ‘’Tamil Siddhar Sangam as the Most Respected and Venerated ‘’Siddhar Agathiyar’’, the 10 Shivoagamas of All Perfections [Siddhis] uttered by the Most Venerated Perfect Saddhojaat Face of ‘Adi Param Shiva’ staring with the First Shivoagama are named as follows:

[1] Kamika Shivoagama

[2] Yogajam Shivoagama

[3] Divyam Shivoagama

[4] Karanam Shivoagama

[5] Ajitam Shivoagama

[6] Diptam Shivoagama

[7] Suksham Shivoagama

[8] Sahastram Shivoagama

[9] Anshumana Shivoagama

[10] Suprabheda Shivoagama

These 10 Shivoagamas uttered by the Divine ‘Saddhojat Radiant Face’ [Southwest Face of All Perfections] of the ‘Adi Param Shiva’ are the Root Cause Basis of All Types of Siddhis [Material and Spiritual Supernatural Perfections], which are prevalent in All the Higher Dimensional Worlds [Urdhav Lokas] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda] which are Guarded by the ‘Celestial Garudas’ [CHERUBS or CHERUBIMS], as well as in All the Lower Dimensional Lokas [Adho Lokas also known as ‘Talas’] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], which are Guarded by the ‘Celestial Nagas’ [SERAPHS or SERAPHIMS].

The 18 Rudragamas uttered by the Divine ‘Vaamdeva Blissful face’ of the ‘Adi Param Shiva’ are the Root Cause Basis of All Types of Blissful Experiences  [All Material and Spiritual Pleasures of Ultimate Bliss] which are Direly Needed for the Blissful Experiences required by the Desire Mind Vital Conscious of the ‘One and Only Supreme Lord’ [Aikam Param Prabhu], who is embodying All the Arupa [Subjective] and Rupa [Objective] Forms of the Infinite Universe, who Willfully became from the ‘’Undivided One’’ [Adwaita] into ‘Many’ [Dwaita], Vitally manifesting Himself in the Vast Ethereal Parametric Space [Maha Akasha] of the Egg Shaped Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], to forever Vitally Exist as the many ‘Rays of Intellectual Activities’, and ‘All Types of Energy Frequencies’ Giving Birth to Innumerable ‘Geometries and Numerologies’ [JYOTIRMAYA ARUDAM] forming all Types of ‘Dimensional Containers’ [KUMBHA LOKAS] having their Own ‘Huge Zonal Radius of Influence’ [Maha Kshetram Phal Adhikara] referred to as the Celestial ‘Entities’ [Bhutani] or the ‘Formulated Dimensional Worlds’ [Nirmith Loka, Tala] and their Innumerable Hierarchies of various types of ‘Living Hosts’ [Niyantrankari Prani] referred to as the Arupa [Subjective] and Rupa [Objective] ‘Beings’ by the Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages, which Since those Very Ancient Times are Continuously prevalent in All the Higher Dimensional Worlds [Urdhav Lokas] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda] which are Guarded by the ‘Celestial Garudas’ [CHERUBS or CHERUBIMS], as well as in All the Lower Dimensional Lokas [Adho Lokas also known as ‘Talas’] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], which are Guarded by the ‘Celestial Nagas’ [SERAPHS or SERAPHIMS].

The Total number of Venerated ‘18 Tamil Shaiv Siddhanta Siddhas’ [Pefect Tamil Language Masters of Wisdom] are also based upon these 18 Rudragamas [Ashtodasha Occult Wisdoms, of Elecrtified Fiery Spiral Motion], which were Originally uttered in the Very Beginning of this ‘INFINITE UNIVERSE’ [BRAHMANDA], Many [Aneka] Quadrillions [1,000,000,000,000,000 Earth Years] of Years Ago, in the SEGMENTED ‘SHUNYA’ [EMPTINESS] of ‘PARA BRAHMANDA’ [OUTFINITE UNIVERSE], With the Start Up ‘COSMIC ETHEREAL MATTER’ [ANTARIKSHSA AKASHA PADARTHA] by the ‘’Vaamdeva Face’’ of the ‘Adi Param Shiva’, Which Much Later Less than 1 BILLION Years Ago, During the Grand Establishment of Vital Life upon this ‘REFUGEE PLANET’ [SHARANARTHI GREHA] of Our ‘SOLAR UNIVERSE’ [ADITYA MANDALA], Widely Known to us as Our ‘HOME PLANET EARTH’ [DHARA GREHA] got FIRST Gracefully Utilized a few MILLION YEARS AGO, by  the EXALTED CONSCIOUS AGAMIC SEERS & SAGES, All Hailing Originally From the Other Advanced ANCIENT UNIVERSE CIVILIZATION’S, During the Establishment of HUMANITY, Especially During the Establishment of THIRD HUMAN RACE OF SEPARATE SEXES, Upon the CONTINENTAL ISLAND OF ‘KUMARI KHANDAM’ [LEMURIA, MU], and Later On Upon ‘ANDHA KHANDAM’ [ATLANTIS] of the WEST [PASCHIMA], and also Upon ‘JAMBU DVVEPA’ [EURASIA], Whose Important Segmented Part is Our ‘BHARAT VARSHA’ [INDIA], as their Vital Consciousness Embodying their Incarnated Human Forms during their Incarnated Lives of Siddhar’s upon this Planet Earth, and thus directly Corresponded with the Ultimate Wisdom of these Most Divine 18 Rudragamas.

According to the ‘Great Sage Agastya’, popularly known among his Peers as the Most Respected and Venerated ‘’Siddhar Agathiyar’’ [Perfect Master, Who Moves All Unmoveables], the 18 Rudragamas Embodying the ‘Total Pleasurable Wisdom’ of the ‘Fiery Bliss’ [Vedic God Agni] in the Infinite Universe starting with the First Rudragama uttered by the ‘’Vaamdeva Mukha [Face] of the Great Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ are named as Follows:-

[1] Vijaya Rudragama

[2] Nishvaasa Rudragama

[3] Savayambhuva Rudragama

[4]Aagneya Rudragama

[5] Veerbhadra Rudragama

[6] Rorava Rudragama

[7] Mukuta Rudragama

[8] Viraktha Rudragama

[9] Chandreshu Rudragama

[10] Mukhabimba Rudragama

[11] Prodgeeta Rudragama

[12] Lalita Rudragama

[13] Siddhar Rudragama

[14] Santaana Rudragama

[15] Ganitha Rudragama

[16] Parameshwara Rudragama

[17] Kiranya Rudragama

[18] Vaatulya Rudragama

According to the Great Sage Agathiyar, The Embodied Wisdom of These 10 named Shivoagamas and 18 Rudragamas [10 + 18 = 28] uttered by the Divine Faces ‘’Saddhojata and Vaamdeva’’ of the ‘Adi Param Shiva’ became the Root basis of the 28 Divine Celestial Dimensional Zonal Worlds of Intellectual Activities, which were Vitally manifested at the very beginning in the Ethereal Space [Akasha] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], which ALL became  the DIMENSIONAL CONTAINERS, to HOLD the ‘SUBJECTIVE’ [ARUPA] & ‘OBJECTIVE’ [RUPA] FORMS of ALL Manifested ‘GALAXIES’ [BRAHMANDA MANDALAS], as well their Proportionally Manifested ANNULMENT CENTERS,, widely Known Among ALL EXALTED CONSCIOUS EXISTENCES as the ‘MAHA KAALA MUKHAS’ [GREAT BLACK HOLES], and the ‘MADHYAM EVAM LAGHU KAALA MUKHAS’ [MEDIUM & SMALL BLACK HOLES].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Explained to the Exalted Conscious Siddhars that out of these 28 celestial worlds of Intellectual Activities, which correspondingly exist interpenetrating each other’s Parametric Space, Constantly Moving Forward in a BALANCED PATTERN OF EVOLUTION, through the VITAL FORCES of a Universal Spiral, Cyclic, and circular motions are going through the ‘INVISIBLE WEB’ [ADRISHYA JAAL] of Parametric Ethereal Space [Maha Akasha] of the Egg Shaped Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], to Vitally enhance their ongoing Evolutions, and the ‘7 Higher Dimension Celestial Worlds’, which are known in Sanskrit as the ‘Saptha Urdhava Lokas’ which including this Physical World [Bhu Loka] of Incarnated Humanity upon this Planet Earth are thus named as follows:-

[1] Bhu Loka – The Densest Dimensional Material World of All Arupa [Invisible] and Rupa [Visible] Formations, harboring in its Parametric space of Evolutional Influence, many various types of innumerable Hierarchical Species who All while cyclically Evolving in Various Cycles of Small and Large Time Durations are Individually as well as Collectively having a ‘Vital Spec’ of the Universal Life Force manifested by the ‘ONE & ONLY Supreme Father Lord’.

[2] Bhava Loka- The Liquid Magnetic Dimensional World of All Arupa [Invisible] and Rupa [Visible] Formations, thus harboring in its Parametric space of Evolutional Influence, many various types of innumerable Hierarchical Species, who all being Embodied and Engulfed with the Negative, Positive and Neutrally [Hermaphrodites] Charged Vitalities, which are commonly termed in Sanskrit as the ‘’Bhava’’ [Sentiments, Emotions & Feelings], which are Part and Parcel of their Evolving Minds, which Thought Holding Conscious Energy is termed in Sanskrit as the ‘’Manas’’ are Individually as well as Collectively having Cyclic Involutions and Evolutions, who all are Vitally Manifested by the ‘Ongoing Evolutionary Process’ set in place by the ‘ONE & ONLY Supreme Father Lord’.

[3] Sva Loka- This Dimensional World also known as the ‘Swarga Loka’ is the Ethereal Gaseous Electric Dimensional World of All Arupa [Invisible] and Rupa [Visible] Formations, harboring in its Parametric space of Evolutional Influence, many various types of innumerable Hierarchical Species who being Embodied and Engulfed with the Negative, Positive and Neutrally [Hermaphrodites] Charged Vitalities of the Evolving ‘Spirit Ego’ or the ‘Individualized Soul Mind’ which is commonly termed in Sanskrit as the ‘’Atama’’ are Gradually Evolving to get Liberated [Mukti] from the Parametric Boundaries of the ‘Triloka’ [Three Dimensional Worlds of Various Densities which have been duly established by the Great Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ for all Evolving Souls and other Types of Vital Conscious Existences to Gradually experience through their Numerous Life Cycles, the Material and Spiritual Virtues of Vital Consciousness], so after gaining the Required Experiences they can Finally move forward in the Higher Dimensional World of the ‘Maha Loka’ [Dimensional World of Intuitional Wisdom].

The ‘Evolving Soul’ or the ‘Spirit Ego’ having a Radiant aspect of Spiritual Discrimination is thus above the Ruling Sentiments of Mind, who himself is the Governing Ruler of the ‘Pancha Gyaan Indriyas’ meaning the ‘5 Senses of Intellectuality’ as well as the ‘Pancha Karam Indriyas’ meaning the ‘5 Organs of Actions’, who vitally controls all the Action- Reactions of the Incarnated Arupa and Rupa Forms, and thus the ‘Spirit Ego’ or the ‘Soul Mind’ [Atama] working through this Dimensional World which is Commonly termed as the ‘Heavenly World or the Paradise’, is the Creator of All Thoughts and Thinking Patterns which constantly Govern the Vital lives of all Incarnated Arupa [Invisible] and Rupa [Visible] Species, who all are Individually as well as Collectively having their Own Involutions and Evolutions, under the Established Parameters of the ‘Ongoing Evolutionary Process’ set in place by the ‘One Supreme Father Lord’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar further explained to the Seers of the ‘Tamil Sangam’ that these 3 Higher Dimensional worlds are collectively termed as the Three Interpenetrating Dimensional Worlds of ‘Triloka’ in our Solar Universe [Sor Mandala], in whose Dimensions Various other Planets [Grehas] of our Solar Universe also coexist having their own Cyclic Evolutions in the ‘Great Spiral of Forward Motion’, which has been set in Ethereal Space of the Egg Shaped Infinite Universe [Brahmanda] by the Supreme Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ through his Eventuated Desire of Becoming from the ‘One’ [Adwaita] into ‘Many’ [Dwaita].

To Be Continued…

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