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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 23

The Great Sage Agathiyar, After Gracefully Explaining about the 7 Lower Dimensional Worlds [Saptha Adho Lokas, also Called Talas] then Further Started to Explain to all the Gathered Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, about the Rest of 8 Dimensional Worlds, which are still to be Explained out of the Total 28 Dimensional Worlds, which All also Vitally Exist Manifested in the Unfathomably Huge Egg Shaped Parametric Ethereal Space [Maha Akasha] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], which All Got Manifested just by the ‘’Willed Desire’’ [Bhava] Eventuated out of the ‘Contemplating Mind’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Apart from these Before Mentioned ‘Saptha Adho Lokas [7 Lower Dimensional Worlds], there are also ‘Sashtha Adho Chakshu Lokas’ [6 Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds – Ankh Tala Kshetras] which collectively are also Considered as the Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas] in the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that Although These 6
Lower Dimensional Worlds are also Considered as the ‘Separate Lower Dimensional Worlds’ in the Universe [Brahmanda], they are Basically the Formulated ‘Dimensional Eyes’ {[‘Chakshus or Ankh’ [Eyes] ‘Talas’ [Worlds]},, which are Formed out of those Interpenetrating Adjacent Lower Dimensional Levels, which get Vitally Enclosed to Exist in their Manifested ‘Eye Shapes’ [‘Chakshu Talas’ also known as the ‘Netriya Talas’], due to the Parametric Level Space Intersections of the Next Adjacent Upper and Lower Dimensional Worlds.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that due to such Vital Interactions taken place in the Parametric Space of these Formulated 6 ‘Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds’, the ‘Ethereal Matter’ [Akashik Padartha] of the Adjacent Higher and Lower Upper Worlds, gets Vitally Intermixed due to the Interpenetration of their ‘Parametric Dimensional Boundaries’, thus making these ‘Dimensional Eye World’s Various Interpenetrated Levels’ [Talas] to Have an Independent Identity, and thus they ‘Collectively Act’ as an ‘Separate’ Lower Dimensional Eye World [Chakshu Tala] , and All of these Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds, Act as the IMPORTANT MANAGING HEADQUARTERS, of ALL CONCERNED ‘REPTILIAN HIERARCHIES’ [NAGA JATTHI ADHIPATHIS], Which ALL Widely Belong to the ADJACENT DIMENSIONAL WORLD’S, Who thus have a DEFINED & MARKED BOUNDARIES, in the MIDDLE or the 4TH SUB LEVEL, Out of the Total 7 SUB LEVELS, ‘All Areas’ [Samastha Kshetras], Dutifully Designated for Governing REPTILIAN RACES, as their IMPORTANT AREAS [VISHESHA KSHETRAS] of MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES, Which ‘CHOSEN WORKERS’ Collectively CO-EXIST. for Performance of their IMPORTANT OPERATIONS, in these DIMENSIONAL EYE WORLDS.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, also Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Just Like All of the Higher Dimensional Worlds [Urdhava Lokas] of the Universe [Brahmanda] Vitally Exist, by Each Having Further their Own 7 Differentiated Dimensional Levels, along with their Own ‘Centers of Influence’, in which ‘All Dimensional Levels’ are Vitally Required to Perform Various Types of ‘Mandated Intellectual Activities’, which are Supposed to be ‘Performed’ as Per the ‘Desired Will’ [Bhava] of the Great Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, which Accordingly Manifested the Infinite Universe, and also His Established Evolutionary Plan and Purpose, who is known to All Seers and Sages as the Most Venerated ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, the Absolute Lord of the Egg Shaped Parametric Space of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], Similarly All of the Lower Dimensional Worlds [Adho Lokas, Talas] are also Having their Own 7 Dimensional Levels, along with their Own ‘Centers of Influence’s’, which All are Also Vitally Required to Perform Various Types of ‘Mandated Intellectual Activities’, which are Supposed to be ‘Performed’ as per the ‘Desired Will’ [Bhava], and thus according to the Established Evolutionary Plan and Purpose of the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, which has to be Cyclically Carried Out through Various Sorts of ‘Intellectual Activities’, Gradually Proceeding Forward in the Egg Shaped Parametric Ethereal Space of Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Gracefully Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the ‘Main Difference’ between the Intellectual Activities of ‘All Higher Dimensional Worlds’ [Urdhava Lokas], and the Intellectual Activities of ‘All Lower Dimensional Worlds’ [Adho Lokas, Talas] is the ‘SAME’ Difference, which Vitally Exists Between the ‘SPIRIT and MATTER’, as both are the Duality Aspects [Dwaita] of the Same Undifferentiated Aspect [Adwaita] of the ‘ONE’, ‘Vital Universal Element’ [ADI TATVA], which as per the ‘Desire Willed Mind’ [Bhava] of the One and Only Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of Universe [Brahmanda], at the Very Start, First Vitally Manifests out of the ‘Niranakara’ [Formless], which is also Termed as the ‘Shunya’ [Emptiness] by Various Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages, to Vitally Exist as the ‘Formulated Ethereal Space’ [Maha Akasha], which by EMBODYING a ‘START UP OR ZERO POINT’, Commonly Referred to as the ‘PARA BINDU’ [AIN, SHUNYA], and having ‘Embedded’ in it All of the ‘Vitality Aspects’ to Manifest the ‘Entire Universe’, then First takes the Shape of an Egg Shaped Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], by Totally Filling also its Entire Vital Parametric Space [Samastha Golardh Chetna Akasha].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, then Further Gracefully Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that thus as All the Intellectual Activities, which as Per the ‘Established Evolutionary Spiral’ of the Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of Universe, Vitally Takes Place Gradually in All the ‘Higher Dimensional Worlds’ [Urdhava Lokas], and accordingly which are Meant to Vitally Enhance the ‘Spirit’ [The Rarified aspect of ‘All Matter’], and also to Advance All the Related ‘Spiritual Sciences’ [Adhyatamic Jnana-Vijnana], Similarly All the Intellectual Activities, which Vitally Takes Place Gradually in All the ‘Lower Dimensional Worlds’ [Adho Lokas], are Meant to Vitally Enhance the ‘Matter’ [The Denser aspect of ‘All Spirits’], and also to Advance All the Related ‘Material Sciences’ [Padartha Jnana-Vijnana].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed an ‘Important Fact’ [Vishesha Tathya] to the Gathered Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that from the ‘Point View’ of All Intellectual Activities, which are Considered as of ‘Material Nature’ [Padartha Prakriti], and the Subsequent Use and Deployment of Required ‘Material World Sciences’ in them, these 6 Lower Dimensional Eye Worlds [Shashtha Adho Chakshu Lokas] play the ‘Major Role’ in all Such Ongoing Intellectual Activities, which are Vitally ‘Formulated’ or Subjectively or Objectively ‘Performed’ among the Total Established Group of the Vitally Manifested 13 Lower Dimensional Worlds, thus Existing as THIRTEEN GREAT WORLDS OF UTMOST MATERIAL SCIENCES, Embodying WONDERFUL ASPECTS OF ELECTRO-MAGNETISM, Which ‘MATERIAL SCIENCES’ [PADARTHA JNANA-VIJNANA], Widely Utilize All LONG RANGE ‘FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS, and their Corresponding ‘ELEMENTAL  CONSCIOUSNESS’ [SOOKSHAM TATVA CHETNA], of MINERAL CRYSTALS, and thus Also KNOWN as the CRYSTAL TECHNOLOGIES,  in the Universe [7 Lower Worlds + 6 Lower Eye Worlds = 13 Lower Dimensional Worlds].

[1] First Lower Dimensional Eye World [Prathma Chakshu Tala] – The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that this ‘First Lower Dimensional Eye World’ is Formulated due to Interpenetration of the 3 Lowest or End Sub Levels, out of the Total 7 Sub Levels of ‘Atala’, and the First 4 Lower Sub Levels of the Adjacently Next Lower Dimensional World of ‘Vitala’, thus in Totality having its Own Seven Sub Levels [4 + 3 = 7 Sub Levels], and All Seven Sub Levels thus Vitally Jointly Embodied in their Own ‘PARAMETRIC SPACE’ [SANYUKTHAM AKASHA], Appearing as an ‘’HUMAN or REPTILIAN EYE’’ [ANKH, CHAKSHU], Dutifully Exists to Carry on ‘Material Type’ Intellectual Activities in this First Lower Dimensional Eye World of Universe.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that as far the Physical World ‘Bhu Loka’ [Assiah] of this Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha] is concerned, it is the Vital Domain of All Evolving Humanity [The Word ‘HUMANITY’ Widely DENOTES, the HIGHEST CONSCIOUS OBJECTIVELY MANIFESTED SPECIE, Upon this PLANET EARTH, Having INDIVIDUALIZED MINDS, With CO-CREATOR ABILITY Attributes, and So Far HUMANITY is Composed of ‘5 MAIN RACES’ [PANCHAM MANUSHYA JAATHI], All Having Further their SUB & BRANCH RACES, of which the VERY FIRST TWO HUMAN RACES, With THREE ACTIVE EYES, were GRACEFULLY ELEVATED, By the ‘GREAT LORD’ [MAHA DEVA], in the VERY ANCIENT TIMES [ATHI PRACHEEN KAALA], to ‘INVISIBLY EXIST’ [ARUPA VIDDHI], with their ‘HERMAPHRODITE NATURE’ [KINNAR PRAKRITI], Having A ‘DEMI GODS STATUS’ [DEVA & DANAVA UPNAAMA], Among Other HUMAN RACES, to DUTIFULLY PERFORM ‘POSITIVE’ [‘’GHANATAMIC – ‘YANG’] & ‘NEGATIVE’ [‘RINATAMIC ‘- ‘YIN’] ‘ACTIVITIES’ [KARMAS], which are RELATED to their ‘EMBEDDED NATURE CONSCIOUSNESS’ [CHETNA PRAKRITI], thus DUTIFULLY EXISTING in the ‘PHYSICAL WORLD’S LIFE MATRIX’ [BHULOKIK JEEVAN PARIPANCHA], of this EVOLUTIONARY PLANET EARTH– the Evolving Humanity, having their ‘Ongoing Cyclic Evolution’ Gradually Proceeding in this Vitally Manifested ‘Aditya Mandala’ [Solar Universe], which is Vitally Proceeding Forward through a Great Number of ‘Short and Long’ Reoccurring Cycles, which all are Primarily based upon the Cyclic Movements of Both Planets Earth [Prithvi Greha] and Moon [Chanderma Greha], Constantly Moving around the Centrally Established ‘Aditiya’ [Sun], and the Solar Sun [Aditiya] Going Forward through the Celestial Ecliptic of 12 Zodiacal Constellations [Dwadisha Rashis], and Our ‘SOLAR UNIVERSE’ [ADITYA MANDALA], Itself Being a PART OF A MUCH LARGER GROUP of MANY SOLAR UNIVERSES [ANEK ADITYA MANDALAS], thus Gracefully Existing in the ‘ORION SPIRAL ARM’ [MRIGASHIRSHA BHUJA MANDALA], of Our ‘MILKY WAY GALAXY’ [KSHEER SAGARA BRAHMANDA], Also MOVE ALONG With the ‘ENTIRE GALAXY’ [SAMASTHA BRAHMANDA MANDALA], in a FORWARD MOTION Around the ‘PARAM PARA BRAHMANDA BINDU’ [‘UTMOST START UP UNIVERSAL POINT’, ‘AIN’], Going WITHOUT Any UNWANTED COLLUSIONS, through the ‘INVISIBLE SPACE WEB FABRIC’ [ADRISHYA AKASHIK VASTRA JAAL] of the ‘INFINITE UNIVERSE’ [AKHIL ANANTHA BRAHMANDA], And ALL UNIVERSAL MERGINGS OR COLLUSIONS, Subjectively & Objectively OCCUR, in a PROPER ESTABLISHED MANNER, to Dutifully DESTROY ONGOING CYCLES, or to Dutifully ACTIVATE NEW INVOLUTION & EVOLUTION CYCLES, with an UNDERLYING PURPOSE of GRADUAL SPIRIT EVOLUTION, in this GRAND EXPERIMENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANSION, Called INFINITE UNIVERSE.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that Although All the Incarnated Members of Gradually Evolving ‘Main Human Races’, Vitally Live and Gradually Evolve upon this Planet Earth, Coexisting as the Various Members of their Subsequently Differentiated ‘Sub and Branch Races’, they All have also Among Them, Those Particular Human Beings in Great Numbers, Who while even Living and  Evolving Among them in Various Relationships, Just having the Same Features, Casts and Creeds, are Still Vitally Considered in the ‘Evolutionary Terms’ as the Humans of ‘Bhu Tala’ {[LOWER LEVEL Conscious Species, Looking for WAYS & MEANS of Matter World’s ENTICING ACCUMULATIONS, and Want to DESIREFULLY STAY STUCK, for MAXIMUM TIME DURATION’S, in the Reoccurring BIRTH & DEATH CYCLES]} rather than the Humans of ‘Bhu Loka’ {[HIGHER LEVEL Conscious Species, Looking for WAYS & MEANS of ‘LIBERATION’ [MUKTHI], from the Reoccurring BIRTH & DEATH CYCLES]}.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further added, that All the Humans of ‘Bhu Tala’ [Denser Conscious Physical World] are Vitally Considered as those, who are More ‘Materialistic Minded’, and thus ‘Full of Worldly Passions’ including the Various ‘Desire Vices’ of False Pride [Ahankara, Ghamanda], Greed [Lobha], Material World Attachments [Moha], and Lust [Kama], which when Do Not Get Easily Fulfilled through All Efforts, then they Automatically Turn Next into Anger [Krodha], Jealousy [Eersha], and Animosity [Dvesha], and Finally they All Result into a ‘One Big Mess’, Filled with a Great Variety of ‘Unhappiness and Sorrows’ [Dukha].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Finally Concluded to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that All Humans of ‘Bhu Tala’ [Denser Conscious Physical World], by Living under the Great Influence of ‘Materialistic Worldly Passions’ including the Various Types of ‘Desire Vices’, which Vitally Control their Gradually Evolving ‘Desire Minds’ [Iccha Manas] during their Everyday ‘Intellectual Activities, thus also Get Greatly Influenced by the Living Species of this First Lower Dimensional Eye World [Prathma Chakshu Tala], especially by the Invisible ‘Enchanting Beauties’, who can ‘Willfully Play’ with their ‘Disillusioned Minds’, adding ‘’More Fuel to their Worldly Passions’’, and thus stay them ‘Confused and Deluded’, till to their Very End, until their Physical Death [‘ANNAMAYA KOSHA MRITYU’, Also Called ‘RUPA SHREER MRITYU’].

To Be Continued…

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