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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 34

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Continued to Gracefully Disclose Many More Facts [Tathyas] of Vital Information about this Last 28th Dimensional World of Universe, which is known among the Seers and Sages as ‘The Great Hell’ [Maha Narka], and its Vital Relationship to this Objectively Manifested ‘Planet Earth’ [Prithvi Greha], which Vitally Exist Currently having its Ongoing Evolution, while ‘Continuously Proceeding Forward’ in the Parametric Space [Akasha] of this Solar Universe [Aditya Mandala], which is Also Similarly Proceeding Forward in the Great Ethereal Space [Maha Akasha] while Being Mounted upon the ‘Evolutionary Spiral’, which Vitally Belongs to that ‘Spiral Arm’ of this ‘Milky Way Galaxy’ [Ksheer Sagara Brahmanda], in which the Leading ‘Mrigashira Rashi’ [Orion Constellation] also Vitally Exists.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Informed the Tamil Sangam, that the 28 Manifested Dimensional Levels, which are known in the Universe as the ‘Correction Levels’ [Cittiravatar Talas] or the ’28 Narkama’ [28 Hells] of Various ‘Tortures’ [Citravatar], thus Exist Separately in the Universe Without having Any Types of ‘Intellectual Activities’, which are Related to the ‘Ongoing Evolution’, being Vitally Performed in Other Dimensional Worlds of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed, that Main Reason For Such ‘Severe Punishment’ of Not Having Any More Participation in the Ongoing Intellectual Activities of Universe is due to this ‘Basic Fact’ [Moola Tathya], that All those Who are ‘Condemned’ and then Sent Here from All Dimensional Worlds have ‘Willfully or Otherwise’ Lost their Given ‘Soul Consciousness’ [Athama], and thus have been ‘Plucked’ or Themselves ‘Fallen Down’ From the ‘Dimensional Branches’ of the ‘Evolutionary Tree Of Life’ [Kalpa Vriksha], which being Vitally Made of the ‘27 Dimensional World of Intellectual Activities’ Vitally Exist Manifested in the Egg Shaped Parametric Ethereal Space [Maha Akasha] of the Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that upon the Numerous ‘Dimensional Branches’ of the ‘Evolutionary Tree Of Life’ [Kalpa Vriksha], which is Vitally Manifested in the Universe [Brahmanda] by the ‘Desired Will’ [Bhava] of the ‘One and Only’ True Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, Various Types of ‘Spiritual, Material, or Mixed Types of Intellectual Activities’, which Being Related to the ‘Three Universal Qualities’ [Triguna – Sathva, Tamas, and Rajas] are Vitally Performed by the Innumerable ‘Hierarchical Vital Conscious Existences’, Who All Cyclically Perform them With the Given ‘Periods of Appropriate Rest’, while Vitally Existing in their Arupa [Invisible] or Rupa [Visible] Forms, which are Suited for their ‘Vital Conscious’ to ‘Subjectively or Objectively Embody’ For the Established ‘Evolutionary Purposes’ during their ‘Cyclic Durations’ in their Dimensional Worlds of Vital Existence.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that as Far as the Ongoing Evolution being Carried upon this Vital Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha] of this Solar Universe [Aditiya Mandala] is Concerned, the Main Reason of the ‘Loss of Soul’ [Athama] among the Evolving Humanity is due to its ‘Destruction’ [Nashnam], which happens due to the Three Main Vices of ‘Kama’ [Lust], ‘Krodha’ [Anger], and ‘Lobha’ [Greed], which are ‘Commonly Prevalent’ Among All the Manifested ‘Races, Sub Races and Branch Races’ of Evolving Humanity, who All are also Collectively Gradually Growing in the ‘Established Evolutionary Process’ meant for this ‘Planet Earth’, by Vitally Existing as a ‘Tiny Spec’ upon this Unfathomably Huge ‘Universal Tree of Life’ [Brahmanda Kalpa Vriksha].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that due to these 3 Main Universal Vices of ‘Lust, Anger, and Greed’, there are also 3 Corresponding Main Doors, by Which All ‘Doomed Vital Conscious Existences’ Fallen Down or Plucked Out From All Dimensional Worlds of ‘Intellectual Activities’, are Forced to Enter this 28th Dimensional ‘Great Hellish World’ [Maha Naraka].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Added, that Each of these 3 Doors is Considered as the ‘Great Opening’ to the Established Group of 9 Hellish Levels [Narakam Talas] Each, and thus these Three Doors Collectively Encompass the 27 Hellish Levels out of the Total 28 Manifested Hells [Narkas] [3 x 9 = 27], while the Last 28th Hellish Level known as the ‘Great Darkest Hell’ [Maha Avichi] of this 28th Dimensional World is Meant For All those ‘Vital Consciousness Existences’, who After Various Chances Duly Given to them, so they can Change their ‘Evil Ways’ during the Tenure of their ‘Cyclic Lives’, are Ultimately Deemed as the ‘ATHEISTS’ [NASTIKA], When they ‘Willfully Denying’ the Existence of the ‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord of Universe Do Not Rightfully Participate in the Ongoing ‘Established Evolutionary Spiral’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Gracefully Further Informed the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that these Doomed Atheists [Nastika] being Totally Drenched in the Vices [Negative Passions] of Illusory Force [Maya], thus Ignore the ‘Universal Truth’ by Absolutely Having ‘No Regards’ for the ‘Love’ of their Great Creator Father Lord, who ‘Vitally Manifested’ them in the First Place to Vitally Exist in the ‘Matrix of His Universe’, So they All can through the ‘Established Evolutionary Process’ Gradually Attain the Needed ‘Spiritual Experiences’ to Finally have their Liberation [Mukthi, and Subsequent Salvation [Moksha, Nirvana], and thereafter also the ‘Secret Keys of Enlightenment’ [Divya Kunjika], which when Properly Utilized to ‘Do Good’, Only then Open Up the ‘Secrets of Universe’ for them, as Per the ‘Needed Requirements’, and All those, who are Finally Deemed ‘Atheists’, then Existing in their ‘Wretched Conscious States’ are Directly Sent Here from Various Dimensional Worlds, Bypassing the Other 27 Hellish Levels [27 Narkas], to Greatly ‘Suffer’ for ‘Eternity’ [An Unfathomable Period], Without Ever Having any Sort of Reprieve.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that as Far as the Ongoing Evolution of this Planet Earth is Concerned, the ‘Energies of Saturn’ [Shani] having the Mathematical Number ‘3’ in Our Solar Universe [Aditiya Mandala], Vitally Controls the Rules and Regulations of ‘Law and Order’, Which Pertains to the Ongoing Evolution upon this Planet Earth, and they thus also Control the 3 Doors of Hell, which being Vitally Connected to the Related Dimensional Worlds of this Planet Earth, then Open up in the 27 Hells of this 28th Dimensional World.

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that in the Ongoing Evolution of this Planet Earth, the ‘Energies of Solar Sun’ [Aditiya] having the Mathematical Number ‘6’ in our Solar Universe [Aditiya Mandala] , Vitally Controls the ‘Vital Conscious Energy’ of All Manifested ‘Souls’ [Athama], who All are Meant to ‘Gradually Evolve’ in this Ongoing ‘Manvantra’ [Time Period of Many Yugas], So they All can Vitally Achieve their Required Liberations [Mukthi], and the ‘Number’ of All Human ‘Souls’ For their Evolutionary Purposes were ‘Fixed’ at the Start of ‘Manvantra’ by the Great Creator Father Lord Himself, For them to Gradually Evolve through the ‘Reincarnating Cycles’ Upon this Planet Earth [Prithvi Greha], So the Birth or Death of ‘Souls’ [Athama] Does Not Happen, and thus their Numbers Cannot Increase during the Entire Term of this ‘Manvantra’, but ‘Could Decrease’ if Some of Them ‘Get Untimely Destroyed’ due to Onslaught of these 3 Main Vices Named ‘Kama’ [Lust], ‘Krodha’ [Anger] and Lobha [Greed].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Gracefully Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that When a Human Being Incarnates upon the Physical World [Bhu Loka] of this Planet Earth, His ‘Soul’ [Athama] does Not Directly Incarnate in the Physical World [Bhu Loka], as the ‘Soul’ [Athama] Having ‘Solar Vitality’ Always Stays in the Dimensional World of ‘Sva or Svarga Loka’ Till the Time of its Liberation [Mukthi], which is the Heavenly Dimensional World Related to this Planet Earth, but only ‘A Very Tiny Vital Conscious Portion’ of Himself is Sent Out as An ‘Vital Conscious Investment’ to Gain Maximum ‘Spiritual Experiences’ during an Incarnating Cycle through the Formation of ‘Five Bodies’ [Pancha Koshas], to Vitally Exist in the Three Worlds [Trilokas], which as per the Evolutionary Requirements are Vitally Needed For its Desired Liberation [Mukthi] from All the Bondages of the Three Denser Worlds [Triloka].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further added that the ‘Final Portion’ of the ‘Tiny Investment’, which is Just a Small Part of the Evolving ‘Soul Consciousness’, After Finally Getting Embodied in the 5th or the Most Dense Body, which is commonly Referred to as the ‘Incarnated Human Form’ [Annamaya Kosha] then becomes known by the Seers and Sages as the ‘Jeevathama’ [The Soul Consciousness of the Manifested Form], and Vitally Stays Embodied For the Entire Cyclic Life Duration of Incarnated Form Till the Physical Death Occurs. But the Evolving ‘Soul’ [Athama] itself Can Get ‘Destroyed’ [Nashanam], if it Continues to have ‘Reoccurring Losses’ from His ‘Sent Out Investments’, who Vitally Existing as the ‘Jeevathama’ in a Incarnated Human Form upon this Planet Earth, then instead of Attaining the Required ‘Spiritual Experiences’ Get ‘Willfully Stuck’ in the Material and Worldly Passions, which are Related to the 3 Main Vices of ‘Kama’ [Lust], ‘Krodha’ [Anger], and ‘Lobha’ [Greed].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Further Disclosed to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that due to these 3 Main Universal Vices of ‘Lust, Anger, and Greed’, the Danger for an Evolving ‘Soul’ [Athama] always Exist to ‘Lose’ its Sent Out Investment which is Referred to as ‘Jeevathama’ after Being Embodied in a Incarnated Human Form upon this Planet Earth, and the ‘Reoccurring Losses’ can Finally Destroy it thus Making it a ‘Doomed Vital Conscious Existence’, which thus gets Fallen Down and then Plucked Out From All Dimensional Worlds of ‘Intellectual Activities’ Related to this Planet Earth, and is Forced to Enter this 28th Dimensional ‘Great Hellish World’ [Maha Naraka].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, Also Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that in the Ongoing Evolution of this Planet Earth, the ‘Energies of Moon’ [Chandrama] having the Mathematical Number ‘9’, Vitally Controls the ‘Form Formative Energy’ of the ‘Souls’ [Athama], Who All Vitally Seek their Respective Subjective and Objective Incarnations upon Planet Earth’s 3 Related and Gradually Differentiated Densely Manifested Worlds [Triloka – Bhu Loka, Bhava Loka, and Sva Lokas], as All these ‘Souls’ as per the Established Plan and Purpose of the ‘One and Only’ Great Father Lord are meant to ‘Gradually Evolve’ in this Ongoing ‘Manvantra’ [Cyclic Period of Many Yugas], to Finally Achieve their Required Liberations [Mukthi].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Finally Concluded, that These Moon Energies having their Mathematical Number ‘9’ are also used by ‘Rudra Agni’ [Yamaraja – Lord of Death] in Conjunction with the ‘Saturn Energies’ [Shani] whose Mathematical Number is ‘3’, to Form the 3 Formative Groups, Each Group having 9 Passageways, thus Existing in the three Groups of 9 Passageways each, and Collectively Existing as the 27 Passageways [3 x 9 = 27], which According to the 3 Main Vices of ‘Lust, Anger, and Greed’ Gets Connected to Each of these 3 Doorways of the 28th Dimensional Great Hellish World [Maha Narka], and thus lead the ‘Condemned Conscious Existences’ through them to their ‘Required Level’ of the 27 Hell Levels [Narakam Talas], which All Exists Manifested in this Last or the 28th Dimensional World.

To Be Continued…

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