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The Holy Sage Agastya – Siddha Agathiyar Part 12

The Great Sage Agathiyar, after Gracefully Explaining about the ‘Two Higher Dimensional Eye Worlds’ of the Six Higher Dimensional Eye Worlds [Shashtam Urdhava Chakshu Lokas], the Great Sage Agathiyar, then further started to Explain to all the gathered Seers and Sages of the ‘Tamil Sangam’, about the ‘Third Higher Dimensional Eye World’ [Tritya Urdhava Chakshu Loka], which is Considered as a Higher Dimensional World [Urdhava Loka] of ‘’Utmost Importance’’ for all the Gradually Evolving Vital Conscious Existences, which all are Vitally Desiring their Intended ‘Liberation’ [Mukti] from all the ‘Anchoring Bondages’ of ‘Triloka’ THREE INTERPENETRATING DENSEST WORLDS of Every EVOLUTIONARY PLANET, in EVERY EVOLUTIONARY SOLAR UNIVERSE of a MANIFESTED GALAXY, Having ‘MATRIX- PARIPANCHA’ of Visible & Invisible Lives, for THEM to Gradually Learn  ALL FUNDAMENTALS OF EMBODIED ‘SPIRIT CONSCIOUSNESS, And the ‘PERSONALITY CONSCIOUSNESS – JEEVATAMA’ Continuously Cyclically Move DOWNWARDS & UPWARDS, With Appropriate PERIODS OF REST, through these THREE WORLDS, Till their SOUL’S – ATAMAS’ ‘LIBERATION – MUKTHI’, From ALL the HOLDING BONDAGES of these THREE WORLDS Finally Occur.]– and then afterwards, Gracefully also Intend to Attain the Subsequent ‘Salvation’ [Moksha, Nirvana], to permanently stay in their ‘Radiant Light Bodies’ of ‘Whitish Blue’ Hue for the Remaining Time left in the Ongoing Cycle of Current ‘Manvantra’ [Time Frame which is Composed of ‘Mahayugas’].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that all the ‘Salvation’ [Moksha, Nirvana] Attained Human Souls [Atama] after Vitally Fusing with the Vital Consciousness of their ‘Corresponding Ray’ [Sambandhith Rashmi] Angelic Beings [Hermaphrodite ‘Devas’, Most of which Prefer to Stay in their Feminine Formulated Roles known as ‘Devis’ to thus Vitally Exist as a ‘One Unit’ of Exalted Vital Consciousness, then after their Given Periods of Cyclic Rests, can Either Choose to Vitally Ascend Further Upward on the Ascending Arc of Spiral Motion [Tandava Gathi Urdhava Mukhi Dhanusha], going forward in the Parametric Ethereal Space of Higher Dimensional Worlds [Urdhava Lokas] according the Attained Merits, which pertain to the ‘Excellence of their Exalted Consciousness’, or Stay Gradually Evolving and Ascending in the Higher 3 Levels of this 3rd Dimensional Eye World by Vitally Embodying THE SPIRITUAL CURRICULUM OF HIGHER ASCENSIONS, in their Given ‘Radiant Light Bodies’ [Jyotirmaya Svaroopa].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that These ‘Evolved Vital Conscious Existences’ Now Composed to Vitally Exist as the Radiantly ‘Fused Units’ also known as the ‘Vital Conscious Existences of True Wisdom’, which all have been termed in Sanskrit by the Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages as the ‘Bodhi Sathvas’, can Vitally Stay in the 3 Higher Levels of this 3rd Dimensional World as such in their Acquired ‘Radiant Light Bodies’, for the Remainder of Ongoing ‘Manvantra’ [Cyclic Time Composed of Many Mahayuga], Without the Need of ever Going Back in the Three Dense Worlds [Triloka], Until and Unless the Whole ‘Manvantra Cycles’ gets ‘Untimely and Abruptly Stopped’ [Akaala Sthambhana] by the Desired Will of ‘Adi Param Shiva’, due to ‘Unforeseeable Irregularities’ caused in the ‘Established Evolutionary Process’, with the ‘Dire Negligence’ of Those Hierarchical ‘Controllers’, who all are Dutifully Placed as ‘Hierarchical Evolutionary In charges’ in Various Dimensional Worlds and their Dimensional Levels, by the ‘Desired Will’ of the ‘One and Only’ Great  Creator & Experiment Generator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Entire Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the ‘Main Cause’ of Such ‘Evolutionary Irregularities’ is usually the ‘False Pride’ [Ahankara, Ghamanda], which May Automatically Occur as a BY PRODUCT of the SPIRITUAL ACHIEVEMENTS, in the Evolving Vital Consciousness [Chittha] of Many ‘Evolved Vital Existences’, due to the Gradual Attainment of Various Types of ‘Perfections’ known in Sanskrit as the ‘Siddhis’, which Automatically Get Attached as an BY PRODUCT REWARD OF INTENSE MEDITATION’S to the ‘Meditative and Contemplating Minds’ of All Vital Conscious Existence’s of the Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar, further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ Himself Established the True Basis of All Perfections [Siddhis] at the Very Start of Universe [Brahmanda], by Willfully Uttering the ‘Divine Wisdom of Perfections’ [Siddha Janana] from his Second Divine face [Saddhojata Mukha] , which GRACEFUL WISDOM Also Vitally MANIFESTED the SUBJECTIVE FIERY FREQUENCIES of ‘MAHA KAALA AGNI’ [GREAT CONTROLLING FIRE OF TIME], Radiantly Producing ALL SUPERNATURAL PERFECTIONS of ‘LAYA JNANA- VIJNANA’ [KNOWLEDGE & WISDOM OF ALL FREQUENCIES], Which LATER ON Got Known among ALL SEERS & SAGES of ALL EVOLUTIONARY PLANET’S, SOLAR UNIVERSE’S, CONSTELLATION’S, & GALAXIES’S, as the ‘ANAHATHA JYOTIRMAYA EVAM ARUDAM VIDYA’ [UNSTRUCK GEOMETRIES & NUMEROLOGY], which TONAL FREQUENCIES also Gave BIRTH to the FUNDAMENTAL BASIS OF ‘AHATHA JYOTIRMAYA EVAM ARUDAM VIDYA’ [STRUCK OR PHYSICALLY CREATED GEOMETRIES & NUMEROLOGY], Upon the DENSE DIMENSIONAL WORLDS of this GRAND EXPERIMENT Called ‘THE INFINITE UNIVERSE’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar also Gracefully Disclosed, Among the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that about this Utmost Secret Knowledge [Ati Guhyam Janana], Concerning the Automatic Attachment of Various Perfections [Siddhis], to the Meditative and Contemplating Vital Consciousness, the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ Himself Hinted in the ‘Yogajam Shivoagama’, the ‘Suksham Shivoagama’ and ‘Suprabheda Shivoagama’ respectively, which All were uttered by his Divine ‘Saddhojata Mukha’ [The Birthing Place of All Perfections, termed in Sanskrit as ‘Siddhis’], the Second Divine Face, which He Himself Gracefully Manifested through His ‘Willed Desire’ [Bhava], in the ‘Nairutya Kona’ [South West Angular Space], of Vitally Manifested Unfathomably Huge ‘Brahmanda’ [Egg Shaped Infinite Universe].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’ that if the Attainment of these Great Perfections [Siddhis], which are Only Meant to Help the Ongoing Evolution of a ‘Contemplating Vital Conscious Existence’, after their Such Attachments somehow End up Formulating the ‘False Pride’ [Ahankara, Ghamanda] in the Vital Consciousness of an Evolving Being, Entity, or in Any Other Type of Vital Conscious Existence, then it can Wrongfully Mutate the Evolving Consciousness of an Individual, as well as, Sometimes of the Entire Evolutionary Group, to which that Individual Might Belong, with Undesirable Grave Results, which May be Totally Harmful to the Rules and Regulations of the ‘Established Evolution’, which All have been Originally Mandated by the ‘Eventuated Desire Will’ of the One and Only Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda,] to Vitally Enhance the ‘One and Only’ Universal Law of ‘Will to do Good’.

 The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that All Such ‘Evolutionary Irregularities’ Might Happen in the ‘Ongoing Evolution’, due to Illegal Action-Reactions of Various Types of ‘Mutated Consciousness’ [Bhrashta Chetna], Which by Incarnating in Certain Dimensional Worlds of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], With their ‘Deranged Minds Filled with the Disease of ‘False Pride’ [Ahankara, Ghamanda], Might Willfully Try to Illegally Hijack the ‘Established Evolution’, Originally Started in the ‘Parametric Ethereal Space’ [Maha Akasha], by the One & Only Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of Universe [Brahmanda], and in All Such Cases of ‘Evolutionary Irregularities’, for Some Type of ‘Corrupt Reasons’, these ‘Hierarchical Evolutionary Controllers’, Placed in Governing Positions to Perform their Given Duties, Might Willfully also Allow it All to Happen, for their Own ‘Deceitful and Corrupt Agendas, by Willfully Going against their own Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, Who All are Dutifully Placed in Various Hierarchical Positions Only by His ‘Own Desired Will’, to Vitally Act Faithfully as the Servant ‘Co-Creators’ with ‘Certain Needed Powers but Only with Limitations, to Honestly Carry out their Intended Duty Bound Roles, in all the Dimensional Worlds of Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed to the Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that if Such an ‘Undesirable Event’ of ‘Abrupt Manvantra Stoppage’ happens in any of The Dimensional Worlds of the Universe [Brahmanda], then it has ‘Extreme Dire Consequences’ for their Star Solar Universes [Aditya Mandalas], and their Respective Planetary Universes [Greha Mandalas], which might also have unforeseeable Damaging Effects in the other Interconnected Dimensional Worlds, and the Entire Evolving Vital Consciousness Gradually Existing in their Subjective [Arupa] and Objective [Rupa] Forms in their Parametric Levels thus gets ‘Condemned’ with ‘No Further Chance’ of Any ‘Involutions’ or Evolutions’, and Directly Sent to those ‘Areas of Corrections’ termed as the ‘Torture Chambers’ by Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages for Unfathomable Period of ‘Eternities’, with Absolutely ‘No Forgiveness’ from the Most Kind and Graceful Great Father Lord of Universe, which are Worse than Worst of All the Undesirable 28 Narkas [Hells].

The Great Sage Agathiyar further added, that in this ‘Area of Corrections’, all ‘Condemned Vital Conscious Existences’ Greatly Suffer their ‘Own Undesirable Consequences’, Totally on Individual and Solitary Basis, as in this Unfathomable Huge ‘Area of Corrections’, their ‘Grouping of Any Types’ are Totally Forbidden, and thus ‘Not Allowed’, because as Per the Evolutionary Plan and Purpose of the ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, All Types of Groupings, Can Only Take Place in the ’28 Evolutionary Dimensional Worlds’, where Involution and Evolution and their Various Types of Groupings, Continuously Takes Place upon the Descending and Ascending Arcs of Evolutionary Spiral.

The Great Sage Agathiyar further Disclosed, to the Gathered Seers and Sages of ‘Tamil Sangam’, that This Most Secret ‘Area of Correction’ is ‘Totally Off Limits’ to All Vital Conscious Existence’s, which Vitally Exist having their PRESCRIBED INVOLUTION’S & EVOLUTION’S in the ‘28 Dimensional Worlds’, which Vitally Got Manifested in the Parametric Ethereal Shape [Maha Akasha] of Egg Shaped ‘Brahmanda’ [Infinite Universe] by the ‘Desired Will’ of ‘One and Only’ Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further added, that as far as this ‘Area of Correction’ is Concerned, The Great Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, without giving any Types of Duties to Anyone, thus ‘Himself Oversees’ [Sva Viddhi Nirikshan] this Most Fearful [Athi Bhayanak] ‘Area of Correction’ [Narakam Kshetra], through His Own Innumerable Vital Conscious Extensions, So that No One Can ‘Ever Escape’ its Unfathomable Boundaries, and Irrevocably Stay Bound in Torture for Eternity, even though During their Ongoing ‘Corrections’, Many Time Periods of Innumerable ‘Kalpas’ [Great Number of Eons] can Vitally ‘Manifest and Finish’ in the Manifested ‘28 Evolutionary Dimensional Worlds’.

The Great Sage Gracefully Further Explained, that the Three Dimensional Worlds commonly termed by Seers and Sages as ‘Triloka’, which consist of the First ‘3’ Higher Dimension Denser Worlds in the Ascending Order, are also Collectively termed by Seers and Sages as the ‘Dharama Khandda’, meaning the ‘Evolutionary Segment of Righteousness’, Which Vitally Exist in the Group of ‘7’ Higher Dimensional Worlds, which are Collectively known in Sanskrit as ‘Saptha Urdhava Lokas’].

[3] Third Dimensional Eye World – The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Disclosed to the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that this ‘Third Higher Dimensional Eye World’ is Formulated due to Interpenetration of the 3 Upper Ethereal Levels of the ‘Sva or Svarga Loka’, and the 4 Lower Ethereal Levels of the Next Higher Dimensional World of ‘Maha Loka’ [The Great Dimensional World of Intuitional Wisdom], thus in Totality this Third Dimensional Eye World [Tritiyam Urdhava Chakshu Loka] also have the ‘Seven Differentiated Levels of Vital Consciousness’ [4 of Maha Loka + 3 of Sva Loka = 7 Levels of Chakshu Loka], which Collectively compose this ‘Third Dimensional Eye World’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar Further Informed ‘Tamil Sangam’, that this ‘Third Dimensional Eye World’ is of ‘Utmost Importance’ for All Gradually Evolving ‘Vital Conscious Existences’ of ‘Triloka’ [Three Inter-penetrating Dimensional Worlds], because it Vitally Contains in its Parametric Space, the Radiant ‘Door of Salvation’ [Moksha Dvara], which is Vitally Utilized by All those ‘Vital Souls’ [Atama] to Enter, who after Gracefully Freeing themselves from all the ‘Anchoring Bondages’ of Triloka, which is Faithfully Accomplished by them Gradually through Attaining the Required ‘Spiritual Experiences’ according to Set Rules and Regulations of ‘The Liberation Process’, Vitally Mandated at the Very start, by the ‘Established Evolutionary Plan and Purpose’ of the Great Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’, which is meant for all Evolving Souls [Atama] to Finally attain Liberation [Mukti],  and then after achieving the Desired Liberation [Mukti] should Radiantly Proceed upon the Ascending Arc of Spiral Motion to Gracefully Enter this Radiant ‘Door of Salvation’ [Moksha Dvara].

The Great Sage Agathiyar further added, that all the Gradually Evolving Souls [Atama], who Finally Attain their ‘Liberation’ [Mukti] from the Various Bondages of ‘Triloka’ [Three Inter-penetrating Dimensional Worlds], then in their attained ‘Liberated Status’ Vitally Acquire a ‘New Energy Form’ of Radiant Light, which is ‘Whitish Blue’ in Appearance. These ‘Liberated Souls’ [Mukta Atama] in their Acquired ‘New Energy Forms’ are known as the ‘Light Beings’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar also Informed the ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the 3 Lower Levels of this ‘Third Dimensional Eye World’ [Tritya Chakshu Loka, Teesri Ankh] are Composed of ‘Rarer Ethereal Gaseous Electric Matter’, Which Formulates the Ensuing ‘Spiritual Thought Forms’ Originating in the Higher Levels of ‘Sva Loka’, which are of ‘Utmost Importance’ for Liberation of Gradually Evolving All Types of Vital Conscious Existence’s [Beings, Entities, Geometrical and Numerical, and All Other Types of Vital Conscious Existences, Etc.] to Gradually Attain the Required ‘Spiritual Experience’ through the Ongoing ‘Evolutionary Process’, Originally Mandated by the ‘Willed Desires’ [Bhava] of the ‘One and Only’ Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda]. The Vital Ethereal Matter of these 3 Lower Levels of the ‘3rd Dimensional Eye World’ is Vitally Composed and Embodied by the Highest Hierarchical orders of ‘Agni Shvethas’ [Fiery Elemental Essences of Whitish Hue], which Dutifully Operate in the Parametric Ethereal Space of ‘Triloka’ in its Higher Levels, which is also Termed as the ‘Dharma Khandda’ [Segment of Righteousness] by the Exalted Conscious ‘Seers and Sages’.

The Great Sage Agathiyar further added, that the 4 Higher Levels of this ‘Third Dimensional Eye World’ are Composed of Only ‘Ethereal Matter’ [Akasha], Which although Existing in its Most Dense Differentiated Ethereal State is Operated and Embodied by that Exalted Hierarchical order of ‘Agni Shvethas’ [The Fiery Ones of Radiant Whitish Hues], who Dutifully vitally Formulate the ‘One Unit’ of ‘Radiant Consciousness’ by Vitally ‘Fusing and Bonding’ the ‘Salvation Attained’ Vital Human Consciousness with their Corresponding ‘Deva Consciousness’ [Vital Consciousness of Angelic Beings].

The Great Sage Gracefully Further Explained, that this Hierarchical Order of Exalted Conscious ‘Agni Shvethas’ [The Fiery Ones of Radiant Whitish Hues] belonging to the ‘3rd Dimensional Eye World’, play a Great Role in the Ongoing ‘Evolutionary Process’ related to both the ‘Involution’ and ‘Evolution’, in which Ongoing Involution is taking place upon the ‘Descending Arc of Evolutionary Spiral’, as well as for the Ongoing ‘Evolution’ which is taking place upon the Ascending Arc of Evolutionary Spiral, as both have been Originally Mandated by the ‘Willed Desires’ [Bhava] of the ‘One and Only’ Creator Father Lord ‘Adi Param Shiva’ of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda].

The Great Sage Agathiyar also disclosed a ‘Secret Fact’ [Ghuya Tathya] to ‘Tamil Sangam’, that the 4 Higher Levels of this ‘Third Dimensional Eye World’ are Also a Great Working Place for All the Exalted Conscious Master’s and Adepts of ‘Intuitional Wisdom’, which Vitally belong to One of the 49 Main Groups, who Vitally Control the ‘49 Ways Differentiated Vital Conscious’ [7 Worlds x 7 Rays = 49]. These 49 Main Groups of the Great Wisdom [Maha Bodhi], are collectively known as the Exalted Conscious Dutiful Workers of the ‘Seven Rays of Intellectual Activities’ among All Exalted Conscious Seers and Sages of the Universe [Brahmanda]. These Maters and Adepts, for All their ‘Duty Bound Works’ to be Faithfully carried out in this Third Dimensional Eye World, Continuously Utilize the Services of Various Hierarchical Orders of ‘Agni Shvethas’ [Fiery Elemental Essences of Whitish Hue].

The Great Sage Agathiyar also added that the Bottom or the First Level of these 4 Higher Levels, being the Middle Level of this ‘Third Dimensional Eye World has actually that Vital Zonal Area, which Acts as the ‘Door of Salvation’ [Moksha Dvara] for all the Ascending Liberated Souls [Mukta Atama], who all after Coming out of the Binding Parametric Space of ‘Triloka’ [Three Inter-penetrating Dimensional Worlds], then Gracefully Enter this Dimensional Level to Attain their ‘Salvation Status’ [Moksha, Nirvana], after Finally leaving the Parametric Space of ‘Triloka’ [Three Denser Higher Dimensional Worlds] for Good, during the Remainder of Ongoing Current ‘Manvantra’ [Cyclic Time of Many Eons].

To Be Continued…

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